
Important Reforms in British Agricultural Policy ME See the complete assortment ofega Raincoats and Rubber Overshoe for Men, Women Children JACK ORANE STORE at us in hy Sco the kro Jdcub Ist 10 Gentle fficers le peo bod ere TOS TO üal.
ental nant SALOMON CHIN The Presi recer the TOSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY LONDON Important See the most progresive and co ween fled and arterial dels forms in the agricultorit ger preheasive ever had before 87 re systems, and opens cm; of Crat Britain ar scontate nuament in relation to agriculture tgn to reduce the loss caused by the Government Bull Tecla Great Britain is pre ich. Jeases astong eatte.
LoreTarliament. it pro antly industrial, it is thought pr. mnll these 38UT rothing dors copied its antess ntial that state assistanc. to but good is to bs expected. The ed that the million acre of in armers shall not reult in welcomed it only by the fr pourra land will be remove in the price of food. This mers but ty all classes of the made available for raittir. bas always been the main obec, community. Even the indu this is bing the country to uple to agricultural reform. In she workers may reap en iu ing he port a million head of cattlen past it has been found profitable fit from the new policy for a adition to We existing herds to sill industrial pro lucts abroad creasingly prosperous farming LIMON On account of physical and els and to import food from countsical community will not only to pos. coses.
matte conditions, pasture loni. where it is abundant and cheap, them with besar markets for in Britain foremost agricultural as it is hoped that the Government adustrial products, but will LOS PATENTADOS DE LICOR. TThe gra is of such high aw proposals will give agriculi them of cottant supplies of ho VIENE de la pàgina UNO quality that the animals grazing ture its proper place in the natio me produc fresh meat manifestó que actualmention upca it provid, the world finest nal economy without raising the pura milk. The increased feruitres este ble:ido en este Puer diga en el deposito de lico Fábrica Nocional de Licho tock and mutton. For years there cost of living of industrial wor of the soll should lead to the sto. que no HAY PARA LA VENT antidades de licores peng tiene en su ofina groecial hag ben a large export of stock kers.
ty improvement of pasture land The first part of the Bill Pand, in the event of an emergenros comerciantes que ya harcialmente de ron viejo y Sat emos de algunos seño cattle to all parts of the World res para el despa home to improve the qualities of forth grossin coul)
ele vedo su cueja bi ser or Se dgn hords brought under the plough ard cor te mora que ignora le of etario de Hacienda, y When Great Britain became pri rable crop of creals produeix san hecer igualmente ha hecho los envios, Ichavel notivos por los cuales nd you an industrial country, Municipio, pidiendo ei sean stickveces pedido por ellos.
griculture, apart from. Becaus: the farm workers are rebajadas lus palente, pues breeding. tended to fall into reWee. Le De: ca os que el ser o lonk vartly outnumbered by the info: o creer iusto pogar por linistro de Hacienda tome Su glect. Some years ago farmers trial population, it is sometimez venta de licores que ro pue aftered further discouragement ESTRADA na nota de la justa queja o ins thought that British farming In conseguir y no ve dn ejamos expueste.
owing to the catastrophic fail in Abarrotes y Licores weg igible quantity. This is Conversando con el empleo lo the price of cereals during the Artículos del País ko. Agriculture is still one oth le encargado del depósito er world tconomic depression.
largest industries in the couni sa cuda 1, estz caballero no Jhen Pre minary measures have aiPrecios Economics Francisco Fonseca Chihich rady been taken to help the rLA IBERIA LAWYER NOTARY Yo Iers out of their difficulties, and EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ PUBLIC attend agriculture has recovered its vitaOffice: cil to ilty sufficiently to call for a seul vides for a nation. wide cam RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ od long term polley suc ha policy Adjo ning to the City the Public Library Is embodied in the new Bni, wnich palgn to increase the fertility the soil The govsrnment Mer is considered in many quarters 35. with the farmers the most Abogados y Notarios ENGLISH SPOKEN let Lawyers Public Notaries of purchting and transporting giver SAN JOSE LIMCS FORMER JUDGE OF THE ceas lime, and atsistance will als, he SAN JOSE LIVON LIMON DISTRICT COURT law gvien in the purchase of buc cinta en Linor: Office is limon adjoins that of it slag. All farmers, large and smal! Contiguo a la Municipali of the Municipality opposite this and even allotment holders, are dau (rente al Parque. the Park pany entitled to share in these benefits. fertility re earch wil!
tomáticamente, conte Rom ba up admin LIMON nistration of the and to advis on all matters concerning LONTON Two new inedical been definitely. traced, bus the LOS ANGELES, CAL. and it.
Fábrica de Hielo discoveries which will result in British scientists have poder colp. En las oficinas the saving of thou sandila vaccine with which a substan ¡Club Automobilista del sur fins of the The second part in tires to Erit y Refrescos lives were made known in Lon tial measure of ish farmes a standard minimin experimental California se ha instalado and down recently success has been achieved ish farmers a standard minimum They deal with lafluenza ord In an effort definitely to e tomcpo, del Estado de Cali Brili price for an anticipated supply of puerperal fevers.
out blish the cause of flu before the nic, que, automáticamente Brid 000. 000 quarters. of wheat an FLU: British scientists have last outbreak experts at the Nala distancia en millas de aual. instead of the 000. 000 now definitely hunted down the tional Institute of Medical Re punto a cualquier otro de warters provided for by the Serm which has ravaged the search raced desperately 2iro del estado, y, Tombid Wheat Act of 1932 world for 500 years and caused gainst time.
por medio de iluminaci LA FLORIDA In present circumstances this nearly 500 deaths in England They lost the race. But they electice, indica la locach involves no cot, but it relieves and Wales in the last out break. discovered beyond doubt that del lugar buscado.
ths farmers of the risk of heavy PUERPERAL FEVER: new the cause is a microscopic virus En este mapa que es Fábrica de Hielo should cereal prices fan. drug, surphonomide, tested dur first isolated by Sir Patrick Laid cuatro metros de alto se Venta de Leche low an economic level. In ad ing the past year at Queen Char law, Deputy Director of the Na usado 460 foces el ctric dition the Bill provides for the lotte Hospital, has re tional Institute, and his collea pequenisimos, 100 circuit Maderas extension of exchequer grants for duced maternal mortality from gues, Dr. Andrews and Dr. Wil automáticos y 15 kilomete end dainags, particularly for the 22 to per cent.
son Smith.
de cable.
work completing the connection Not only has the flu virus Their discovery has been con las respuelos obtenida firmed by tests carried out by al presioner varios boton scientists in a laska, Porto Rica, electricos, son de tal tema Philadelphia, Melbourne and que pueden ser leídas sind Leningrad ficultad a 75 metros de di Thus equipped with definite lancia.
klowledge of the virus, the BritIsh scientists are now forging ahead to perfect the vaccine.
JOS A chion Ng.
It is not yet known if one injen BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE tion of the vaccine, wlien per Comerciante Detallista fected, would immune a subject UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK permanently or whether perio scores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria dic injections would Articulos de Ferreteria be access ofrece al público sar Electricos; todo se encuenta offers the public But the first steps toward elien este stablecimiento so los servicios de su the services of its minating flu have been taken, PECIOS DE SITUACION and the experts will be prepared for the next big out break LIMON due, according to the flu cycle in 1941, tion in well equipped matem The new EN LA. IN THE drug, sulphonomide institutions.
which has so drastically reduc Later he disclosed that al maternal mortality was re Gonemide. only revealed vealed to Parliament by Sir Er the Fathological Society of Le aest Graham Little, P. the don recently was of much sins famous physician, ler constitution than maay para toda clase de all kinds of bank He told the House that the the earlier drugs recommend servicio bancario service rendered kind of experiment which iad for pue peral fever and had been carried out could noly be advantage of being best aden.
tried under very skilled observe: stered to the mouth, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Un mapa eléctrico, dana Bet on to asist in the air British Experts Persecute Flu Germta. a mil preguntas con inter FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO.


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