
aturday September 11th. 1937 Ent olgarding The Milla Marítima Lands CRICKET LIMON TRADING COMPANY rshoe Iren ORE LIMON TRADING COMPANY uncta The Moot Trial. WILLIAMS ar Mr. Editor jected as a consequence of the Constantine Breaks English ermit me space for a few harsh and arbitrary measures League Record uds in appreciation of your which were being adopted for ny efforts in bringing the che collection of their rents.
LUMBER YARD Playing for the Nelson Club connected with the rental Yes Mr. Editor, what a stran against East Lancas hire at the Milla Maritima Lands toge world we live in. Some of Blackburn on August 4th. Leary krowledge of the public. The very people who are squca We have opened a Lumber Yard Constantine, the noted West in dcub edly. Sir, you were the ing most today and sounding dian, by hitting up a score of 192 st to call our attention to the the loudest trumpels now that where we carry in stock a complete not out, broke a twenty. four ention of unscrupulous public they are embargoed, were the year old League record. The preficers to oust from these lands very ones who, along with the assortment of all kinds of Native vious best was Llewellyn Se people who had spent their then Agent of Police, discour188 not out for Acerington 2Borsegeblood cultivating them. You aged the settlers from suppor Lumber. Special sizes to order.
gainst Bacup in 1913.
ere the first to disclose the ting your movement to securea Conreasonableness of the charges release of their burdens. Some We also have Portland Cement, RoofIt took Constantine just one hour and fifty five minutes to two colones for Bonana cul of the Merchants along the Coast almenverions and one colon for Ca said you were talking foolishness ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen make his score; his first ifty e Lipo per hectarea per month and seeking money for your own runs being got in fifty eight, mts.
tine and all other building materials.
grêpecially in view of the fact perquisites. One of the scrit and the remaining 142 in fiftyseven. In an over from Merritt, perdal, in keeping with the govern who promised to support your SEND IN YOUR ORDERS the Lancashire ho eental decree, the Fruit Com movements and to subscribe professional, ejoony can only collect from their one hundred colones toward the Constantine strokes were 6, 4, nants one colon per hectarea fund for sending the de ezat on 6, 6, 0; and in two consecutive er annum.
to San José only contributed overs from Chad fick he les ne you were also the first to FIVE COLONES; but it is noclaimed 27. In all, he hit five le avel on foot from Penshursted he has paid the government Limon Division sixes and twenty. seven fours. Cahuita, and from Cahuita to Lawyer six hundred colones In a partnership with Hardo Honkey Point, along with Mr. to lift the embargo which was greaves, which yielded 121, the Tom Sutherland. calling meetings placed on his Banana Cheques, latter only contributed 10. The Queja o instil in the minds of settlers He is at this moment in San score of the Nelson team was he injustice of such rates and, José, according to the Daily 204 declared for nine fickets.
o propose a petition to the papers of that city, complaining The Moot Trial came off at The Function didnot seem to Despite the terrible President and another to the of his foolishness to the Prepunisn.
ment Merritt received, he perhen Secretary of Finance insident. What Fools we Mortals the Costa Rica Burial Scheme be sufficiently advertised.
a Chwhich you suggested the rates be.
Hall last Tuesday night; it was what wrong Mass Peter? Get formed the notable bowling feat wickets recently adopted.
Yes Mr. Editor the righteous however, not as brilliant an afting weary in well doing? Put of taking all the nine ARY You were the first to call the thinking people of the Coas: fair as was expected. We did it on again and get hold of the for 136. He was given a collecattention of the Executive Coun appreciate your self sacrificed not see the leading Legal Lights good Lawyers around tion of 10. while Constantown; cil to the illegality of co lecting efforts in this movement and we were made to believe would we ll return in large numbers.
tine received one of 11. This Cin the back rents bearing in mind realize that hed there been no have been there, is supposed to be Constantine the fact that as a result of the Sam Nation, no Rogelio Gutiélazt scason with the Lancashire Memorial to don Cleto Gonzá rrez and no Atlantic Voice, in League.
EN lez Viquez instructions were spite of the merited efforts of given don Aurelio Castro 10 Mr. Fernando Asch, there would Lord Tennyson to Tour India.
Tel cease such collections as the not have come the relief from law only enforces the collection these heavy taxations The The announcement comes of the last year rent. You did agitation set up by the Atlanfrom Bombay that Lord Tenthis at the time when in com tic Voice is worthy of high praiSastreria Moderna nyson who is so well known in pany with Mr. Caleb Thompson se, and the Journal deserves to the West Indies, will be taking e and the late Samuel Palmer, and be more widely read by the Siquirres through the aid of don Juan public of Limon, and am hoa team of Cricketers to India to Romagosa and Lic. don Teo ping that as a result of the in Dont wait for the Big Rush Order your Suit TODAY.
ward the close of the year, and the Cricket Why keep up with Slip Shod Tailoring.
has made tas doro Picado, you obtained an terest you have, along with don interview with those officials Rogelio Gutiérrez, displayed in We make suits that retain their shapes.
arrangement for the playing of and discussed the grievances this matter your subscriptions twenty. two matches, four be3 of the settlers. You were the will rise by the thousands in PRICES MODERATE.
CALL AND SEE US. ing against representative Ele. sy firts to hold meetings in Limón appreciation of the many servens, do and place a memorial before the vices the esteemed Journal has els British Vice Consul pointing rendered sojourners in this Yorkshire Again County Champion out the inconveniences to which Province, 12 British settlers would be sub CAHUITA SUFFERER England First Class County di Cricket Championship games have just been concluded for 20 LONDON. The King, accom alarm rings, electrically illamia: this season with Yorkshire gainIMPORTANTE CONOCER IMPORTANT NOTICE panied by the Queen, recently ated box signs in the various in gthe coveted trophy.
opened an imposing new buid rooms indicate what appliances This is the 19th, time this coun ing on the Albert Eimbankment and officers are needed ty has won the Championship which provides new headquart By means of slippery stainless since the inauguration of the rite ers for the London Fire Brigade. poles that run down the whole competition in the year 1873.
The occasion was celebrated height of the building, Biremen 24 by a magnificent display in reach the appliance room: Para la picazón del Warranted to cure The which the most modern fire engines of the motor arpliances tion so that when the ngines de Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasqui Itch, Mange, and other rigating methods were demon are kept warm and can start at and fire escapes issue from the strated. trial alarm was siv any moment and traffic lights seven runways the streets sre ña, Comezones, Skin diseases.
en, motor appliances got under are controlled from the fire sta already clear of obstructions.
way in record time, and powerful fire floats on the river threw up columns of water at Cómprelo ahora mismo Don Delay in getting the rate of 000 gallons a minGRAN FERIAL GRAN FERIA!
Búsquelo en todas. a Bottle on Sale in all ute.
las Farmacias Drug Stores The new buiding, which cost en el patio de la Iglesia Católica nearly 400. 000 pounds, consist el 13, 14 y 15 de Setiembre of two steel constructed blocks, one of ten stories and the other STOP! LOOKS LISTEN! READ!
between will be TRINIDAD. Arrangements Detective Corporal King, used for weekly public There is a Big Time coming It the Season wl demonfor the future support of Mrs. was murdered when rioting brostrations. The main book conBiggest Aitraction.
Charles King, fidow of the late ke out in Gyzabad on June 19, tains executive offices, an upelLET NOISE IT AROUND have been completed.
ance room, breathing apparatus Anthony Grand Lawn Parly On the Lovely The Port of Spain Gazette room, workshops, gymnasium Caiholic Grounds was officially informed that and canteen. There is also a rivSEPTEMBER 131h 14th. 15th tprovision had been made for the er station and a fire float that (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
payment to Mrs. King of a gra can leave at a minut noties to COMERCIANTE Three Gala Nights of Big Enjoyment and Fun It tulty of one year salary, and a deal with fires in the docks por más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincla pension of 300 dollars per an and riverside warehouses.
comes like Christmas Once a Year So everybody Vende al detal, Vinos y LInum.
The site, on the sout bank of is making ready Everybody wiil be there cores extranjeros y del país, the Thames almost opposite the First Class Music, Just you follow ibe Big. Crowd abarrotes en general.
Corporal King, who was Houses of Parliament, was chos Admission: 50 and 25 cents. Children under 12 years Free MISCELANEA 44 years old when he was killeden for its strategie position, as stablecimiento esquina had seen sixteen years service in large open streets give ready cc Please Note. Dancing will be enclosed and so sepaNorte del Mercado rated from the rest of the Fair. Take the Chil the Constabulary, principally incess to the south of London and Entre 40 the Criminal Investigation De: it is close to two bridges leaddren to enjoy themselves. Big Surprise Well for them. Remember they are admitted FREE.
patment ing to the north. When the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.
London Modern Fire Brigade Aceite Verde Greon Cil Widow of Slair Policeman Pensioned of tive, with a large courtyari EDGAR YOUNG


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