
The Atlantic Vaice Immorality mwcrality in Business INDEPENDENCE DAY Matters International The cost of living has reached its exhorbitant figure not so much as a result of the scarcity of the principal articles Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic of daily consumption, as by reason of the immorality Editor English Section: NATION exhibited among traders.
As an instance the government, while investigatYear IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 18h. September 1937 No. 162 ing the matter of our local Rice supply, discovered that many farmers and merchants were stowing away appreciable quantities with a view of provoking a scarcity and bringing about increased prices; in order therefore to stop such an umprincipled act the Executive have had to be making importations and disposing of it at a rate Except for the demonstration, love for one country. After of several hundreds of the lovers to have it retailed at thirty cents per pound in lieu of the ly the students of our Public this the children proceeded to Pla of the Sport of Kings. Four Schools, the 15th of September za Yglesias where they indulged events got up by Mr. David Lee forty five and fifty cents to which it had soared in many jassed very quietly here. Accom in games of physical exercise. and his associates were run and localities. And so it is with other articles, such unscrupanied by the Military Band, the As there were about a thousand everything passed off in perfect pulous practices have been adopted that there seem to be Sildren morched to the Gebarna children in the display, the atten harmony.
a general belief there are no longer any honest persons en where the Governor met tion of our city authorities should! All pleasure seekers ended the in the inercantile line. There are of course some, though fiem and delivered an address have been forcibly called to our day festivities by attending the but a few, who display those principles by which we are in the importance of the Day. need of belter housing conditions Garden Parties held on the Catho the 16th anniversary of the Very interesting games of foot lic Lawn by the St. Anthony assured of honesty in trade. These guage their profits mancipation from the yoke of ball and baseball were indulged Sick and Burial Aid Society and by the original cost of their goods and add a legitimate mnother country sovereignty. He jin at the Stad um by the leading on that of the St. Mark Church percentage thereto to cover overhead and other charges, Iso endeavoured to impress on Clubs, and during the afternoon under the guidance of the Clergy hence their customers obtain each article at the very them the beauty of entertaining Horse Racing called the attention of the Anglican Denomination.
lowest rate commensurate with the honest requirements of the business. majority of our people seem to imagine it is impos sible to conduct business on the lines of doing to the other fellow as we would like him to do unto us. It is, however, fortunate that some of our most successful traders Having regard to the terms north of China where one hun to retire along certain Sectors recognize the principle that those who indulge in crookof the Agreement recently a lop: drei thousand Chinese are suppos but are said to be putting up a sed by the Nyon Conference, Ened to be in dange of teasca desperate risistencs despite the ed or over reaching methods only impede themselves.
gland and France will discontinue pletely entrared by th: jap nei heavy rains which have bee By making use of the Golden Rule, a business man tries the work of patrolling the coasts. The forces defending the falling duding the past thrce to do to others as he would like them to do to him and of Spain for which they wers Shanghai secto have ben forced days.
as this produces a contented customer, the trader not latterly fully responsible to the Non Intervention Committee only retains his custom but obtains that of his friends they consider the present Metr who he will naturally advise to go there. Although this Tantan pact covers the game is so obvious, it is strange so many do not or will not ground but with a wide scope see it. The majority of business failures and bankruptfor more efficiently fulfilling nieritorious thought ral Workshop on the Cuartel cies are due to these unscrupulous principles, as the the dired duties As both has emanated om the mind Premise, and solicites contribu truth of the time worn adage honesty is the best y and Germany still adhetoor our progressive Comandante, tions in the form of Books, va Policy realized when too late. striking exception their Cecision of not in any Colonel don Alturo Loria, and gazines, Tool, etc. We do hope may interfering in thi, latier ta we publish herewith his expres that none who can possibly do to this is found in Mr. Manuel Martinez who conducts trol the contracting Powers de son in regard thereto 30 that so will fail to give don Arturo a vegetable business in Siquirres and sells his goods at od to go ahead without any our many readers who are phl the aid he ask, and so help him such reasonable prices that those persons who were further reference to them. Accoralanthropically disposed may see in his efforts toward the cultu accustomed to go to Cartago to make their purchases ing to further agreement the need for their co operation ral development of a large aumwhich W88 come to yesterday to assist in making cuch an uber of our unfortunate citizens soon ceased doing so as they discovered it was more to the ships on duty in the Medite pirting idea the succes de The letter, hereunder repro.
their advantage to deal with him right there in SiquiFanean will have authority to reserves.
duced, speaks for itself: Ires. As a result, Mr. Martinez is now, apart from the gard any airplane or ship which In his desire to gonerally re Sc. Nation, Fruit Company, the largest merchant in that town.
does not carry marks or las form the unforjuntes who LIMCX Many business men may treat their customers in by which their nationality can be from inte to time, me, he pla Dear Sir: such a manner as to send them away most favourably readily identified, as pirot and ced under his care, the genial In order to provide for the to treat them accordingly Director of the Fricons of Qurcultural development of the inimpressed, yet they have done their little tricks such as ghting of the most sanguina Province, he decided to instali mates of this penal institution with holding an ounce or two where they can, or puttry nature is reported from the) a small Library as also a genel (7o page II) ing it over their wholesale dealers in their shorts or damaged accounts, or yet by paying their employees (To page 9)
An Uplifting Idea very The Coming Election UNITED FRUIT Co.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de IMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS Political Parties throughout the number of candidate ara likely bias Vaglio, Saplente.
Provinces are already rather bu to contest the vacances The The Third in the general into.
sy preparing for this canipaign following raperwill be unce:srents of our Banana men with fun connection with the Congres tani be printed, Roglio Gutierrez Propietario sional Elections to be held next The one 02 beha of the Co art don Ricardo Villafranca, Su February tesistas namag don Rafael Eduplente, and.
The names of many well known te a: Prop etario and don Dani:1 The Fourth originating from partits have been mentioned in ze ont suplente.
Guaplies with, don Ignacio Cruz, the different centres; and 51 52 The Second representing Prop etario and don Juan Roma far as our Province 15 concerned Communists with don Manuel gosa, Suple.:te.
We note that quite an unusual Mora as propietario asd don To with such widely known ard Popular citizens as the contesting candidates, we may look for Woman Institute of Domestic Arts Sciences ward to an exceedingly interest.
in campagn; w: however lope Scranton, Penn Cocai, and giving, full and can ut cu aeration to nur 113 The Woman Institute his her teacherseneng and designing.
eat dry cotirement, our vos milliary and foods and cook :ry be the homtid methol for more wil so act not to in any than eighteen vears. They have more than a quarter of a millions sc, imperl the future incsdents and graduates, located in every estate and prosince of the South ceste. ether and the Provinc American continent and in prictically very ng ihrere foreign ountry. qification: ant country. In the short period of eighteen years ih: Woman Institute has tousbed the lives of more women than any other woman school tical characteristics of in the world so will be sol citing their suff hou be fully weigheild For further particulars, apply to the franchise exercised in favou of only those who can be less WARREN MORY, Rip:esentatie to protect our interesta and Post Olice Box 1211.
st st in va. eing our afpira.
San Jose, Costa Rica LON VAPORES SALIDAS QUIRIGUA PETEN VERACUA Septicmbre 19 Septiembre 26 Octubre F. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agente, par Limón Puntarenas, Para ciros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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