
Page Saturday September 18th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Navies of HOP LEE LUNG Japan and China Dr. MEDAL Jr.
Establecimiezto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University.
New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up.
Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic contiguo a la oficina Located next to the del Cable. All America Cables Von: The Japanese and Curse nav. es compare as follow, in vessels built: Battle this Alrcraft carier 4 None Heavy cruir 12 None Light cruises 20 Detroyers 98 None Submarins 57 None El más surtido en Matina Parental Experiences Current Items an CA Always Read THE ATLANTIC VOICE Warfare Will Liberate 000 in Shanghai Jail the wei See the complete assortment of Raincoats and Rubber Overshoes The Value of the Soy Bear for Men, Women Children re ed JACK ORANE STORE COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Club Liquidated lal 200 Total tong 745. 601 25, 300 Ataolcts except two of 500 tons Shortly after it was rumoured On Saturday last the c. ch The Efficacy of a Good Mochers are In additonto th se vasvels Ja that a belligerent outbreak was Trialba brought in a consignmer on Sunday the 25th July. by this advice we were not peran has about 20 torpedo boas likely between Hondurns and Ni of 8, 000 quintals of Rice for th nearly two months ago, my lit tectly satisfied as the bolt had numerous sub. chaser: and micaragua, don Ramon Macaya, the government; and after retainin tle five year ola boy, Medrano not been seen and the doctor Administrator of our Natonal the quantity estimated to meet ne sweepers mine. layers and was playing with a small iron said it was not necessary to put an aircraft tender. She can also Airways offered his services, a our week requirements, the bu bolt exactly one inch log and him under the Ray. However draw on Manchukuo long with seven twin motor pla ance was immediately dispatche navy 36 slightly over an eighth of an Madraus came home and ap gunboats and pol restels nes and two of three motors, to to Siquirres, Turrialba and oth inch thick when it accident. peared quite lively, eating and ly slipped into his mouth as he drinking, playing and sleeping light cruisers, 14 She is building aircraft carries the President of the latter Re interior points. public. Very fortunatel war has destroyers lay on his back on his mothes as was his wont, though subjec been averted, bed. He commenced coughing in ted to a cough which appeared and submarines and is thought As on previous occasions, them much di tress, and on mother as if cauced by a stubborn cola, to be building batthips.
and hastening to him, we an Mother therefore started to feed China has 23 gunboats, mirstrice was sold td merchants at libe rate to enable them to retail it in derstood he had swallowed the him with honey and vinegar. ly old, 12 torpedo boats, 14 pa thirty cents per pound. However will bit of iron. Although much dis Then, Lo, when all doubt had trol boats and seaplane we note there are certain trade in turbed, we caused him to vomit nearly left us. at eight of the or she is building new gun in Cieneguita who sell at thirtyle, as quickly as he could an alt clock on Wednesday the 8th. ins Boats.
fice cents in open defiance of that hough we carefully aeni che tant our Medrano coughed up President regulations.
lang what he emitted we did not find the iron bolt. It was coated qua the bolt. We then gave him so with some very black substanIt up me purgatives but as up to the ce which readily came off by 23th we saw nothing of the handling.
The agriculturists of Pococi arota Welcome bit of niaterial we nos We are no eft to wonder now making such large shipment man him to the hospital. After bein where this bolt could have ce.
of grain and other product tha In this Institution eight days the creted itself to thus deceive the Shanghai. The Governing Three American prisoners, two they have, we learn, solicited thin Doctor assured us not to worry good Doctor and ourselves for Council decided it ccald no long of them women. have already Railway Company to grant there. any further as our boy was ai nigh on two months.
a special er be responsible for the Ward been released.
platform from which bein right. Although greatly relieved Teacher Road Jail, the biggest in the The jail, in the eastern district their stuff. They also ask for th they may more conveniently shije of 000000000 000. 000 666691SVOST 00966. e, world.
of the International Settlement, It prepared to turn the 7, 000 has been subjected erection of a bodega in which to much of inmates loose outside the bound the effects of the fighting the goods can be stowed whil ny al aries of the International Settle.
awaiting dispatch.
u to ment. Murderers, kidnappers, nar of al cotics traffickers, mostly Chinese, Ruse but of many other nationalities, SU Were included in the derelict throng that must be freed.
As far as is known there has and mixed with other ground ide been no special attempt to grow reals makes an excellent nous, the soy bean on the Isthmus, al It is also used in making indid of ha hough there is no reason to be tion horn buttons, and for geocaten at lleve that in some sections at chift heads. Soy bean oil is vahu least it would not do well. Costa uable in the manufacture of go!
LIMON Rica has started a little experi soap and also in certain test of it menting with the product in re les, A3 a food the bean may is to the 20000000000000 0000000 cognition of the many uses to fed with equally good results dep which it may be put.
LIMON children and livestock trem The coy or soya bean ha been a food in China for 000 years The star Herall the Althol Fábrica de Hielo It was first imported into the Joked United States in 1804, but it is Th. Limon Friendly and Litera imposs bility, so much to thele rey Refrescos only in recent years it has beTy Association has entered into gret had to decide on a liquidaJosé chion Ng.
come one of that country im.
liquidation ticn Comerciante Cetallisia portant crops. Increase in proThis Club wa; organized some We, however, understand that duction has been remarkable. In Licores, Abarross, Cristaleria, thirty years or so ago by the ef the social requirements of our 1915 but 000. 000 bushels ve Articulos de Ferreteria y fo:ts, the Rev. Raynes Waite ar manity will not be deprived c: re grown; in 1936, over 37. 000. 000 Eléctricos; todo se encuentra Smith when Rector of the St. its usefulnts) as a number of our busheis, with an estimated ed. en este establecimiento Mark Church as a rendez vous younger citizens, headed by Mr.
ditional 20. 000. 000 buhels ES for the tellectual amo:ttons Aerno Cowaed, are said to have LA FLORIDA the current year.
POECIOS DE SITUACION arrote youths of the community. It is comtined to resusitate it we The use of the soy bean we LIMON been functioning sver since; but wi our friend momo. Muci.
re graphically explained at due to various causes, peintluck for his pluck, and hope Fábrica de Hielo recent exhibit in the City of ly the change in our economiche ventun will have success: Venta de Leche Washington. It was shown that Vre, its membership fell off so futurs as there is a real need fu.
the bean may be eaten as a vebadly during the latter y 973, that sich a Centre for our Youths art Maderas getable, be used as a substitute despite the effort of a fet to Visitor for meat or coffee; ac a sauce keep it agoing th:y found it an for foods or an icing on cake, Due, no doubt, to DIE rejection by our ExecutiL Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of the solicitude cf this Compani de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Bananera for an extension of the obta concession on the Pacific sie, Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office not Nicaragua is presoring cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month maka a profit out of our disa de cada mes vantage. Certain of the piante Be so good as to comply with this request and do not In that Republic are reports DSTIV Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which be arranging to establish foss of de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take thousand hectareas in Banana the Province of Chinandega whe the rilis regarded as being quisitely adapted for this cultiva tion Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionamwiguel Oregor LIZANTO der MOI FLORIDA ICE AND FARM: Co.
for tículos Prec LA Banana Cultivatio in Nicaragua cure ted fro gra Ich con Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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