
8th. 1937 Brazil Seeks New Uses For Coffee Jr.
REFRIGERADORAS SPARTON con Dentis niversity, rofessional New Up al Clinic to the Cables ms child in the United States in cof Shooting In The CUARTEL a the consig Rice for fter tenir ted to tell ments, the be ely dispute ba and HE SPANISH GOAL con profitable.
further Pod eshte The Passing of a Former Citizen died THE ATLANTIC VOICE RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil a liquor of delicate bouquet.
largest coffee producer in the From the beans he has extracted world, has for years bee nburn caffeine oils and fatty acids and ing surplus coffee to keep it oft has made soap.
the market and so avoid depres From the bean pulp a highly FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA sing prices. From 1931 to the end resistant cellulose stock has been of June this year the country obtained and tough paper and NOCHE INVERNAL burned 47, 000, 000 bags of 132 card board have been manufacMAXIMO DE EFICACIA pounds each, or 6, 240. 000. 000 tured pounds. By the end of June, 1938, German scientists report sucA PRECIOS MODICOS this total will probably have cess in other laboratory work; La única con el Reloj Encantado Descongemounted to 65 million bags, eno they have not given details.
lador que deshiela automáticamente cada ugh, if converted into beverage, 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un trato keep every man, woman and bajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
fee for six years. At current pri ces in world markets, 65 million DIEZ MODELOS tags would bring about 650 mllion dollars.
CINCO ANOS DE GARA TIA Cannot surplus coffee be put to Odly Dame Fortune saved the Amado AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS better use than burning, which life of a sitant Officer, leaves AVELINO DE LA PENA Co. Sucs.
relatively small quanti143 ales, while on duty. tho LIMON ty of ashes for fertilizer?
Csart:l last Sulay, noon.
The Government of Brazil hopes co.
As the story goes, Sergeant Scientists of several countries Jo Alvarado, when on duty.
have carried on experiments. So siem to have omitted registerme of them believe that eventualing an arrest which had been ma ly there will be a use for every de. This was reported to the part of surplus coffee except the Comandante and he disratei Alan examination of re, those nations, it at least proin, be the more readily understood smell, provided ways are found varedo. The latter, coming to the casions, a map of Spain be macas a reason for the many suc. why there should be so much to produce the by products cheap conclusion that his non complian rebuts til be seen there are a cesses which have been obtai outside interest disp. ayed in ly enough and in sufficient quan ce with duty had been brought relailit sy notable deposits ned by the Nationalists aad it Spain internal troubles, but tity to make them commercially to the attention of his Chier by Howeve which include sron, op may also explain why the lia what it, on gaining the the Assistant Morales, sough him tain trade, tin, mereury, sulphur an Dictator rejoiced at the quest, General Franco should and all at thirtese, drawing his revolver fired lignite, bismach, taking of Santander.
declare the hands of policy and Brazilian, in laboratory retwo shots at him at close range; cance of t, and vanadium. There Rusia may not, of course, ho decree that Spain resources search, has extracted alcohol from large deposits of coai ve much interest in the value must be held for the rebuilding the coffee pulp in the outer cas they, however, fortunatey missed quality of the product of Spain minerals as she has of the country.
ing of the coffee fruit and after their mark, due no doubt to the urec it up to standard requirs quite a lot of her own, but treatment has produced fact of Alvaruko being the influence of liquor. He These minerals which Grent Britain, on the otar now under arrest charged before of inuch commercial va hand, has been much coacer the Criminal Court for discharg many of them indispen ned about her iron mining in.
odurt ins a firearm with intent to the making of arma vestments in the Bilbao sector, olicited kill.
hd munition, are believ although following on the asrant Thave much to do with the surance by General Franco that Those of the many friends and tain Frederick Heckman, rom being displayed la the these would not be interfered acquaintances of Mr.
May last Christmas night, and from Always Read seallye of the present con with in the least, shipments of Heckman, who ar: got here, will. what we have just an inform the ore are kao to be procee we are sure, very much regrited the loss SO seem to have in which well known Italy and ding to English Factories.
to hear of her death.
rected her that she began fad ny are doing everything When all these interesi3 319 As we reported some time ago ing shortly, after an despite the ste to secure the establish taken into consideratioa, it wit. Heckman husband Cap mascal attention provided, of a Fascist government gradually gave way unail the end Russia hopes for a Comcame a couple months ago at Al ic State. But though ali IMPORTANTE CONOCER IMPORTANT NOTICE bany in New Yo.
COMERCIANTE are endeavouring to impo Mrs. Heckmann was a daugh por más de 20 años gronar ideals on the Spanich ter of the late Charles Scott, Establecido en la Provincla Vende al detal, Vinos y Lieat Deals, two of them are suze oneof the Fruit Company moti cores extranjeros y del país, is of having an eye on the popular Paymastes to the broabarrotes en general.
for material side of the prothers of the decease: as walls MISCELANEA all Thus it was reported some every other memb the be stablecimiento esquina ture ago that large detach. Para la picazón del Warranted to cure reaved family, the Autie toi Norte del Mercado ain les of Italian troops were Entre 49 Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquice cxtend its most sincere con Itch, Mange, and other may to the tungsten and vacolence resura deposits in the Provin na, Comezones.
Skin diseases.
estremaura to guard them the aims of the GerAlthough this may not na voked difficulties between Cómprelo ahora mismo Don Delay in getting Búsquelo en todas a Bottle on Sale in all Ng.
las Farmacias Drug Stores LOMON CHIN CIRUJANO DENTISTA Wee. Le Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clienESTRADA New Yrk. Promoter Mike the winner of the Louis Farr go tela los más modernos tratamientos dentales CIONarrotes y Licores Jacobs announced definitely that either late in September or early tículos del País there will be no fight this year October, however Jacobs said Precios Economics between Max Schmeling and Joe there were two principal factors Louis for his reason in calling off ne.
LA IBERIA Schmeling had hoped that he gotiations. His first objection to a would be signed for a bout with match with Louis is that the lat (From page 7)
eness of the year would not draw a sufficiently, and the other objec smaller wages than they should in view of their yearly tion was that he desired Louis, turn over; however the Law of Compensation is ever who has been in almost constant work and soon such traders reap as they sowed. Thetraining this year, to avail him refore, all things being equal, the man who works nesell of a long rest.
erest to the Golden Rule becomes the most successful obtained its rapid and great popularity by have Julian Black, one of Louis cured an immense number of persons who sufand his success will be permanent. If in every line of managers, said the Champion will red from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These life, one would first consider his work rather than that be visiting London and Paris this gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from which is to be obtained from it, far better results will month.
complaints as ultimately be secured. If we were blessed with but a Schmeling was obviously disOSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, few of the Martinez type in every centre, the viciousness appointed in the latest developOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, ments but expects to fight for of the rise in the cost of living would not be so cruelly BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION the Heavyweight Championship felt by our labouring people nor the immorality of proby next June.
fiteering be so detestible to the community.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EDGAR YOUNG Bea Aceite Verde Green Oil Dr. ERWIN WEDEL World Champion to Take Long Rest Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club Immorality in Busin.


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