
The Universal Calendar over 350 a ste Chile will Build Canal Eve to HUMOR LUIS WA CHON ALLAN SIMK PENSION PASOS High Taxes BOOTH Close Clubs Best MEXICO CITY High While the League of Nationssystem, which divides the year. The odd or 365th day, in rorBased will soon eliminate most hasn been showling success as to seven months of 31 daya mal years, would be kids clubs in Mexico City, thus en arbmiter, it may do a whole tch bur months of 30 days and Year and day, and the Berlin ving tourists of their only gra tot better in a more modest field ne n:onth of 28 or 29 days, has drenntál 366th day woula Bread tainment after dark CW In this reference is made to ut declared faulty because Lep olarday le tomor Buns claiming the cabarets are lit the plant it is now Sponsoring ends to confusion in the arithme being introductd after December Biscuits Cakes fitable except on Saturday ni of revising the calendar which ie of history, economies, sociolo 31. t, and the later after die hts have applied for auto ThePope Cregory XIII instituted in y and culture 306.
People Bakery zation to close the rest of the year 1582 years The proposed universal, Box 179. Limon or week. High taxes, together ago. The idea is to produce a World Calendar as it is somet The chief merit of the propos the dry campaign apparent calendar that will establish e referr:d to calls for the 12 ed calentar in its constancy. It the reason for the increase tandoa ized and perpetual regu months div. ded into equal qunrould not change every yrat and Entei tates ha recognized in tivity in bootlegging. Earel Iation of the prevailing differan ters, with January, April July wall regula Sundays and ho the suggestel calendar a decide week passes without the di tial betwein the lunar montba ang October, having 31 days, and Hidaya conveni ntly. The Nilena: sprovement, tion and arrest of some of Asecciation of the ders, ald sciar year. Pope Gregory all the rest having 30 days sch. Educational Press messages report a Fam inspector, a policeman anda bootleggers killed in a rare the vicinity of Atlixco in State of Puebla where most the sugarcane producers op SANTIAGO, Chile. Plan te stills for the construction of a cana: through the Isthmus of ofqu!
which blocks an inner waterway near the coast in Southern Ch!
le, will be executed soon, it De Pepito GLIACIMO GUAPILI announced Dime, papa, ci la tierra es re0 RO Government engineers da vueltas. cona e and donda surveyors are now working on que no nos caemos de ella?
Cantina, Licores he site of the future canal Es debido a la ley de SiaExtranjeros y del pal which, it is said will be one of dad, Pepito.
Tienda bien surtid the most important works of its Eso dijo también el manstra Abarroles en genera kind ever attempted in South Pero. cómo se aferro a la tiemerica. The project for making rra la gente antes de que el corPrecios sin competen LOD a short cut through the narrow greso pasara esa ley?
part of the isthmus was first broached thirty years ago, but only recently, with the growing Si Ud. va a PANAMA hospedese en la interest in the Southern territo ries, was the government moved to consider it seriously.
LIMON, COSTA RICA ра The new route would obviate Importación ave a long detour.
y Imports and Exports ary ven Exportación dil of Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Khou When Commander Mortimerity of removing rust from metal. including the University of Ni.
Compra de Cacao en tion Sheppard, of the Pan American He is now preparing to experi chigan and the New York Mu.
ID Society of Tropical Research, rement with the growth of Cocoa Purchased these seum of Natural History. White grano nad turned to Gulfport, ssissippi. plants on a farm which has been on his hunting trips he goes from em on his yatch Celia, recently, he placed at his disposal at Long place to face on his 57 103 took with him among a lot of Branch on the Mississippi Gulf yateh.
other things, says the American Coast.
The plant, the jufce of which Press, three veritable plant curio Commander Sheppard says he keeps meat fresh, called by the sities. One is a plant sald to prejast happened on all three of Indians planta de la carne (mea. VIENE de la Pág.
serve fresh meat from six to the discoveries, running across plant) he first heard about, he los te e nos en el Puerto y be cight weeks: another, the juice of them in his usual work of seek says, in the Orinoco River coun.
which cures snake bite, and the ling fauna and flora specimens for try but the witch doctor stirred los para ser colocados y cor this zar a prestar el salioso serbitan third, a plant which has the qualseveral museums and colleges, the people up to opposing any.
para el que son destinados, lo as move to obtain samples. On the The Officers and RepresentaMuy de sentirse, bien dosage Mosqu to Coast of Central AmeUTICPIS UUNiy and secured the specimens he is Grand Lodge met at the Concormientos continuemos sufci, rica he heard of the plant again comprising the Union District tives of the constituent Lodge so es, que nosot:os aún des de tantos y tan valiosos or We accidentally ran up again discourses of the e Majo: Perry of the Salvation Ar Army Workers.
Mississippi Gulf Coast. The en 7:30 pm. when muua purinese boy día la vieja y siempre my a few days ago, and among tire stalk and leaves of the plant arising from receat com nualcañada cañeria.
other things he gave us the inare ground up and the resultant trons from Grand Council, EDeseamos vivamente que formation that four Army Francisco Fonseca Ch. liquid serves to kill the bacteria gland. was carried through as el señor Ingeniero Pacheco ly cirs are expected here next on the meat, yet does not alter also matters connected with the como el Ingeniero Effinger, LAWYER NOTARY Thur day on tre Colombia of the flavor or endanger it for con proposed Excursioa lo larusica rector de Obras Públicas, PUBLIC the Royal Netherland Line sumption. The plant closely re. next December.
ter seu franca Ofi dccididam Office: The Officers, tha Majse said sembles elephant ears and taro.
Adjoining to the City sve on their All Mechanic Lodges are as para conseguir con la way Souta, but of the plant credited with cur ked to co operate in this Excur ayuda de ellos, que nuestro wouls during their short Public Library stay ing snake bite he said he obser sion so as to make it the gund sueño de tantos años. here, give addreises at the Camp ved three tests, one of a man bit ENGLISH SPOKEN success it deserves. Cominimica eficiente cañeria secony as well as in one or more of ten by a bushmaster, and twations have been sent the Dis en efectiva realidad para esti the Churches. Those who can FORMER JUDGE OF THE others bitten by the fer de lance attend these services mighs find trict Lodges asking them to ar frida comunidad linonense.
LIMON DISTRICT COURT The victim of the bushmaster range meetings to accommodate Tiene la palabra. señor it to their benefit to hear the attack died, but those inoculated the Mechanic visitors who may wistro de Fomento. Interd with the fer de lance venon re make the trip.
ajúdenos, comencemos a tral covered.
by The anti rust plant, he states, was found in a Spanish Honduras Maduro Lumber Yar jungle. He was hunting speci.
Sastreria Moderna mens one day when the native FRANK MADURO who accompanied him chipped a Depósito de Maderas 162 Siquirres pod from a certain vine. He then NACIONALES PROP.
proceeded to rub the spots of rusi Dont wait for the g Rush. Order your Suit TODAY.
Frank Maduro hijo, off s mache. a with good results.
Way keep up with Slip Shod Tailoring.
All stains on metal quickly disPROP.
We make suits that retain their shapes.
a appear when the pod of the plant Maderas del país. Exis is opened and its contents rubtencia PRICES MODERATE. CALL AND SEE US.
permanente en bed over the affecting surfaces, nuestro depósito. at moderate prices Commander Sheppard averred.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Three Plant Curiosities antra Ids Mechanics la nueva Cañeri Grand Lodge Salvation Army Officers Coming experienced now trying to transplant on the ca Hall on the 15ta, instant at con el mal servicio que no lic. WILLIAMS EL ATLANTICO Best native lumbe


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