
h. 193 urday September 18th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 happenings LİMON TRADING COMPANY in and Around Siquirres matrEditorỹ thu, Six th apparent Increa Em LIMON TRADING COMPANY The Cricket Cup Competition del le wita 13 Public Plaza with the Jefatura election to satisfy the aspirations Politico, the Public Market and of the Town and Canton.
It only et a few words to review the the Catholic Chuch around the Since the new Alcalde, Señor LUMBER YARD at al situation here in Siqui Square as at Turrialba, Siquirres Guiao Morales Moya, arrived mat are at the present time may not would now, with its progressive ter legal are assuming their just atur miss, especially as the parti spirit, be proud of its achieve and decent shape, while much We have opened a Lumber Yard for object of this article is to ments, but due to the principal discipline and rectitude are being buildings out the lack of buildings public being located implanted, resusitating as it were where we carry in stock a complete a only Yor the accommodation down alongside the Railway the old temple of reason and orassortment of all kinds of Native erchants and artesans bit for Tracks, the place is simply hope der.
te residences also. This speless and one is left to the tender It may be well to warn West Lumber. Special sizes to order.
who at the eloquently for the short mercies of the few sharks called Indians, are occupiers of some redners of the founders of house owners who have their old portions of the lands recently re We also have Portland Cement, Roofirres of say twenty yearsretten buildings in this locality turned to the government by the port Fancy in this township which Due to the almost disintegra United Fruit Company, not to al ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenhun nally comprised fifty hecta tion of its members, this Muni low themselves to be fooled and tine and all other building materials.
a mi and to which forty have sin Icipal Board is in a chaotic state, stafada, by Shyster Lawyers or sco la Pen added, there is not a de and were it not for the fact that other persons for the most part SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ere il room to be procured and the regular term of change will led by unscrupulous Negroes, into bezts on it comes to business places take place in December next, one the belief that such Lawyers can even a shack can be got. Had would have to request the Mi Procure them contracts from the town been built up at the nisterio to call an extraordinary government as tenants. certain one of these Lawyers has been Limon Division to Cimarrones on several occaCHOD mammommasomo EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ sions and has collected large sums UAPL from the people there to get them such contracts. Why cant our peo RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ ple believe a reliable citizen, one cores of their own, who has given am At last we had the opportuno splendidly, the former getting pa con wickets for 20 runs and the ple proof of his reliability rather ty of once more watching a Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Fublic Notaries Sune than allowing themeselves to be test in the good old game. The latter for 17 SAN JOSE. LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON taken in by these shyster law Pathfinders met the Construstion The result of this game genen Oficina en Limon Blazers Ve the Pathfinders leading Office in Limon adjoins that yers. It is certainly good that this last Sunday. The Trail peter Lawyer has been severely troun wert first to the Bat but could three points and that from tha Contiguo a la Municipali of the Municipality opposite Surtidora tomorrow, which dad (frente al Parque)
ced for certain rascally actions not withstand the trudling of the Park.
and is now struck off the rolls Bertie Lewis, whose well tuned certainty, will place them for as a Notary and so called Law length had them o seized with: Excelsior has two with two yer. There is, however, another fear that they lost six of their matches to play one against the trickster who hails from San Jo bist wickets for the very Indig Wanderers and the other with sé, called here by two good fornificant score of siven runs. the Motive Power. If she wins page 2. as time goes by order is there. nothings to try his hand on some Bertie was simply unplayable to both, there will be a tie, and Cup ave decided to instal a umali by more easily maintained and of the weaker brains in the town. even Brown and Srnith; an! lietain Sutton should obtain a win ary on the premises. Thig im Velinquents are by this method He took na batch of 23 ignorant clo ed his display with thereby Superior Captaincy, unless of perty vement, already in operation afforded an opportunity to earn negroes by telling them he was cord of wickets for 29 runa course, he elect; to bowl different countries, consi a little to provide not only for sent by the government to see in Gabriel Gordon rul Na Shusid the Excelsior lose to of great benefit for the spi their personal requirements but to their grievances and to pro Brown made a determined effort either, or Rain Intervenes, the of delinquents in some cases, also for those of cure them their contracts, etc. to stop the rot; and they succeea Pathfinders will then be the thout doubt, the larger pro their families. All of this could For this work he charged four ed, for the pair carried the sco Champions of the Season.
tion of delinquents are made Le accomplished if we could ins hundred colones which the peo ro from runs for wickets tr We cannot help mentioning the sed from those who unfortunate tal a general shop in the institu ple secured by subscription and 57 for Brown contribution intense interest of the Construshad no schooling. Instruction tion, not necessary thoroughiy paid him, and up to this not a being. 20 The final came when lion Queen, es she is know, res men from certain dangers, equipped but, at least provided thing has been done for these 77 had been reached and Cordon though Presidentess. Caro is more Entrols their instincts and with some tools for carpentry poor unfortunates, while here in was bowled after playing a mag arsectionate. She could be seen ds them along the path of work, shoemaking ete.
my office information, obtained nificent inning with 30 to his cre pacing up and down in front of ht and perfection.
To organize this system and from the and Minister of Fomento dit. Captain Dixon had the o the Cuartel añeri to improve service, respectful and Agriculture, is being freely nour of being the not out gesticalating with with her hands winever amista One of the means of insuring ly solicit the collaboration may offered. have no less than ten 10 ke was made as though sha Noor best results in insütution is men of good will, whte mom letters in my possession from th The Construction now faced would have put the erring sro this nature is the periodic or be dispo:contribute tobut Official which may be inspected the howling of young Smith and through the College Gate. Her sonstant occupation of the men ward making my modest, to be a mured Sedex to are confined therein, cach untirlie, effort along the lines by all and sundry. These letters Cunningham and could only me enthusiam is advise that occupiers should wait ter 33, Captain Peid getting its a pity so mimore of our wo bian degaged in his respective sphere indicated a success.
until Congress fixes the rates toond Harrison 11. Smith and men folk do not exhibit the inte Please help to INSTAL THE be charged, when the government Cunningham ortainly bowied) rest Caro does in these games LERARY AND GENERAL would then be in a position to SHOT BY SENDING TO THIS grant contracts for the occupied Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX INSTITUTION BOOK MAGA parcels. This trickster from San ZINE, OR SOME PIECE OF TOOL José went ve far as to tell the ABOGADO FOR WHICH WISH TO THANK car innoc znts that not one of the YOU IN ADVANCE.
pet tions addressed to the Minis acheco y NOTARIO P! SLICO Scranton, Fenn.
ter had reached that Orficial fhoger YOURS VERY TRULY hands although in his letter here!
licas Oficina: Altos Paswith he informs me all solicitudes (The University that teaches you by correspondence)
ARTURO LORIA had been received except the cual Ingianna three mentioned. Now, who is the Nothing can keep a man from being a success who refuses to be any.
Comandante de Piaza Direc thing else! Ambition plus training is an unbeatable combination. If you tor of Penal institution liar and swindler?
want to be a success, and if lack of training is one of your handicaps, International Corr. Schools is a golden and beckoning, you A, PETGRAVE Siquirres, Sept. 1937 CHOOSE YOUR CAREER IÁn Uplifting Idea.
osituaj reform one June Esco sold que empe International Correspondence Schools atese uestro SO hone ktor hotel Excursion to Jamaica by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics er var TRO Architect Highway Engineer San José, de Setiembre de 1937 Concrete Contruction Chemistry Structural Engineer Pharmacy Señor Petgrave Electric Engineer Navigation Siquirres Telegraph Engineer Agriculture Mechanical Engineer Surveying and Mapping Todas las sol citudes de las per Boiler maker Bridge Engineer sonas indicadas en su carta del Civil Engineer Automobile Work The French Lige SS. COLOMBE leaves Limon Thursday del presente, fueron recibidas Diessel engines Business Management 16th December arriving 4: Colon the following day. On the 18th.
en su oportunidad y están en trathe SS COSTA RICA of th: Noyal Netherlands Line leaves Co.
Refrigeration Radio Jon for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston Decembe 20th mitación, excepto la de Sarah Railroad Section Foreman Accountancy The S, SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KISGSTON of the re Eliza Davis. Theofelus Phillips Spanish. French Grade and High School Subjs.
tum trip January 4th Brown y Nehemianh Josepha Mac Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the Stenography and Typing Cartooning Donald que no han sido presenCliristmas and New Year Holidays with their families and friends tadas.
in the Isle of Springs and ol witnessing the drawing for the 2, 000 For further information: Warren Mory, Representavive Jamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 22 December De Ud. atento servidor, Bookings for Ist 2nd 3rd. Class and neck Start prepari tio is RIC. PACHECO LARA Box 1211 San Jose, Costa Rica for thus Exceptional Opportunity and await further information Secretario de Estado en el adidele. Biblioteca National Miguel Obregotzizarlo del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y lwentud Costa Rica umbe rices Soledad


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