
LX resident LIC.
nt LIC. Cleto onzalez quez DOS The Atlantic Voice THE MILLA MARITIMA THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN EUROPA LANDS MINISTER OF HACIENDA ADVOCATES CUR THREE GREAT PROBLEMS Don Cleto is Dead. this Tine interment toch piace ses was the news which flying a terday morning and, in keeping round the city shortly before with the express was oruit the noon hour of Thur. day, pro Lecutive, the ceremonies duced the profoundest sensation connection therewith were givon all sides and among all clas en the fullest circial honours ses, for aithough it was known Tae cortege leit the family rethat the health of this illus sidencet at o clock fo: the Na trious son of our beloved countional Palace Weitere tre Body Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic try had been causing the grea laid in state in the Congres Editor English Section: NATION test anxiety during many week tall until waen, aiter the Prepat, very few persons of the sident of the Republic le Preci general pubic No. 103 have dent of the Congress and Year IV seem to We Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 25th September 1937 thought he was so near the close President of the Supreme Court on his earthly career. that une had delivered addresses on tne Ihre which had for more than life and worth of the decea. es hair a century been dedicated to the procession conunued to the the best interests of its native Cathedral for the solenn Rites Withing the past few days the solini called His Seas. By just.
land and fellow creatures, was of the Church which were most political aspect of Europe has one determined stand taken by appronvaing its allotted span, impressively carried through, twice changed the Lion the warlike outlook has hence the shock experienced His Grace the Archbishop offi We have from time to time Immediately Italy refused to therefore been changed entirely when the sad information was clating advising our people on the difSome days ago there appeared made known ferent issues connected with this partid pate in the patrolling of the Mediterranean so as to end a caricature in which Mussolini Lic. don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez At the conclusion of the Rell important question as well as on the reign of Piracy whoch has was seen playing with the Lion passed away at 11. 30 a. gious Ceremonies, further ad that of the lands returned to the been prevailing there England tail as a skipping rope, and all Thursday, and with his going dresses were delivered by repre government by the United Fruit Costa Rica has lost one or her sentatives of the Legal Frater Company, but it is apparent our and France adopted the plan of the Old Lion could do was to turn isolation with such determina his head occasionally and gaze most eminent sons, one too, who nity, the National Charity Board efforts are not apprec ated by at on them. He is however today an thought nearing his 20 year, and the Municipality or San the majority of settlers or bettion that it looked like war was still dispersing of his ta Jose, whereafter the cortege pro ter results would be effected.
any moment. Mussolini was de gry hence all fun ceases and evelents to the public. Don Cleto ceeded to the General aetery This now serves as a notifiea pending on Hitler to back him up ryone is finding his true positiga.
died as he had lived peace where the remain were deposition to all occupiers of the Mi in his opposition to England and Britain has handed out the infully, quietly, and with the comed in their last resting place la Maritima lands to come in France, but Germany told him formation that she is not prepar3. forting knowledge that he took amid a salvo of twenty one and sign your contracts for the suicide to attempt to confrontas she is in a position to show straight that it would be plain ed to stand any more fooling and with him the goodwill of every guns.
extension of lands you may have citizen of the nation.
England, for as never before was the world she can maintain her planted in different products, she so prepared for war as she former prestige against all comand to pay the rental for it for now is. The situat on therefore ers as Mistress of the Seas the current year. If this be not underwent a second change by even the Mediterranean or as done by the month of Oecember Italy having to swallow her vo. Mussolini describes it los mares next, you will be fined and lose mit and accept participation in nuestros is evilfint there all your rights such cult va the patrolling of that which Mus will be no European War. 19 tion: What with the intense preThere is no way of escaping The rental for Bananas cultiva paredness of Great Britain for We are induced by the vevince So froin the time of and no one will sympathize with tions in production is one colon offensive and defensive activities, racity of the statements con his representing our affairs you if you allow this to happen per hectarens per month and that and the co operation of Uncle lained in an article pubished Congress we recognized as you have been warned suz for Lucao, Coconuts, Potreros San on the Committee of the in the Spanish section of our hat our hopes, our espira ficiently fitly cents League of Nations, it is apparent last week issue to translate tions and confidence in him that the Dictators, however icolit for the benefit of our En as a True Limonense were hardy they may be, must call a ish reading public, so that well founded. When also we pause and think well how they they may more forcibly real noted that, as a consequence should proceed.
lize the truth thereof. The of the proficiency and apli The Spanish struggle sul article runs ihus.
ude in matters tinancial ex The political campaign for hear of five for one seat, and being most strenously pursued As stated in a previous is hibited by hiri during his the election of Deputies to serve among them we note the name along the Asturias front where sue, when don Francisco de years of Legislative service. caring the second hall of this ozour inend don Fogelio Cutiethe nationalists are making every Paula Gutiérrez was nominale was acknow edged as Regime, 1938 to 1940, is war rrez, the Director of this Joureffort to seize the important ted to the exalted position of the run for the position of ming up considerably all over nal.
town of Gijon, and so, it is said, Secretary of Finance of the Secretary of Finance and the country, no less than tou Congressionally, the name Gu bring the fitghting in this section Republic, we regarded him as Comerce, we realized in him Candidates being nominated in tierrez carries weight and con to a close. The republicans are indeed the Ministro Limo a real champion of the int one of the irovaces to fill three tidenee. Don Rogelio is a hard also reported to have initiated nense. While it is true don rest of this providence. We vacancies. In this Province, we worker; he knera all the nece ther offensive along the Aragon Paco, as he is affectionately were sure that so soon as ities of the Province, having front in the hope of cutting the known, was not born in Lihe was confirmed in the dig during his Journalistic career insurgent line of communicamon, he nevertheless spant nified position, he would com tuck his nose in every nook and tion, no definite results are howThe best of his boyhood days mence, on his own initiative. Tu page ever yet been obtained here, his financial interests to study and analize are implanted here ond he problems as none other wohas always demonstrated his uld be able to do and we are The United States of America great sympathy for th Do Page 11 has protested against the aer al attack on the city of Nanking by the Japanesa. She classified the raid on this civil communi.
ty as being contrary to all the laws of humanity and placing SERVICIO DE VAPORES the lives of representatives and subjects of the great North AmerSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK ican nation in imminente concon escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA ger. At the Committee meeting LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS of the League of Nations she was For Style Character represented by Leland Harrison EUROPEOS AMERICANOS and Goed Taste ier Diplomati Representative Switzerland; tot terbVAPORES SALIDAS cain ng for four years from any Interver) Leagus airs PETEN If you want the experience of Sept. 26 she uguin demonstrates her diswearing a real start outf. t, position to co operate with the VERAGUA Octubre come along to twenty three other member QUIRIGUA Octubre 10 who now compose this Body It is left to be seen what influence this co operation ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
It is left to be seen what influence this co operation. LIMON Agente. pari Limón y Puntarenas.
have on World Peace. Of course she will not yet. disclose her Ladies say he is adept at Para utos informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United exact position, but her presne making Coats, Costumes.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica must increase the influence Breeches, Etc.
the League in the matter of Pea TELEFONO 3156 ce.
THE VOGUE Ladies Gents Tailoring ICNN ROGERS ol Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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