
CURRENT ITEMS y Maderas Banco Nacional de Costa Rica LOST Along Streets of Limon SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Cairo. Seeking the comple forth be Ethiopians instead of The great transcontinental, their best first class coaches to control of the church et igptians, Railroad tracks run through Ma The children had a most euio thiopia, Italy has announced Italy has confiscated the Arch tin straight and unswerving. sable time with songs. ecit. that the Archbishop of Abyssi bishop vast estates in Ethiopia across the broad flat Sandy tions, etc.
nia must be confirmed in his po and will instead pay him a sti LIMON plains of Heil Junction two Cn Monday night a Concertsition by Rome after the usual pend. The Patriarch and the perfectly equal rails lald with was held in ald of the tunas re appointment by the Egyptia. Archbishop, at present in Cairo out a naw. mooth and shin quired for these year. y muling Patriarch. The majority of the when informed of the Italian de Fábrica de Hielo ing. marvellous product of and it was certainly a success, bishops of Ethiopia will hence cision related to comment.
nature they seemed to the child On Wednesday afterno, the y Refrescos dof the Matinn Baptist Sun weather changed with heavy day School who celebrated their showers falling throughou: the anaual outing on Sunday the night; the following day was 11th, instant in the interests of however clear and sunny.
the children we tools along We not that the United Fruit MEXICO CITY Leon Trot. including Marshal Mikhail Tukgoodly selection of passengers Company drag lines, mame sky from his Mexican exile pre hachevsky, were convicted of and we wish to express our sin by efficient engineers, are helt. dicts the Sino. Japanese con treason and shot.
cere gratitude to the officiala ing the whole forest wiba canais, flict would hasten a military That beheading of the army LA FLORIDA of the Raliway Company who and that the natives seam very catastrophe and social revolu gave Japanese militarists a free made our journey a most com happy in their tidy ranches a tion In Japan and that Soviatj hand. he declared.
for able one by placing at the long the frontier.
Russia would eventually go to Fábrica de Hielo Mr. Trotchy called Japan the di casal of the children che of Correspondent. the aid of the Chinese.
reveakest link in the capitalist Venta de Leche The Asiatic campaign, he said cham with a military. finanin a statement on the Far Bat cial superstructure reating on a ern crisis, had been made pos zeml feudal agrarian barbarsible by the Soviet trials atism.
ca account of more pressing pos District which eight high army officers.
duties requiring his presence in the Capital, President Cortes, has In view of the heavy amount is had to further postpone his trip of smuggling it is believed to the Pacific side to inspect the being carried on by way of our Banana Zone and investigate mat Southern frontier, the Inspector terr on the spot in connection General of Hacienda is said to with the government proposal be arranging to materially into construct a wharf in the Que crease the vigilance of the Fiscal Guards in the district wying bet.
ween Sixaola and Old Harbour BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE (Puerto Viejo. UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Sinee the publication of the recent changes in our Internatio.
ofrece al público Bunch of Keys belonging derstand a further reduction has nal Air Mail tariff rates, we unoffers the public los servicios de su the services of its to Motor Car No. 180 taken place by the lowering of the minimum letter weight from Anyone finding same and fifteen to five grammes. This is returning to Motorman supposed to have the effect of EN LA Rodrigo Canet at ihe Flo reducing the cost of letters to. IN THE one third of the present charrida Ice and Farm Office ges.
will be suitably rewarded para toda clase de all kinds of bank servicio bancario service rendered Sastreria Moderna The contract permit both Siquirres Schmeling and Louis to engage in bouts bet veen now and next Doat wait for the Big Rush. Order your Suit TODAY.
NEW YORK, 24. Max Sch. No difficulty is expected in ar June and give the Challenger Why keep up with Slip Shod Tailoring.
meling, the former heavyweight ranging Louis part of the con complete protection in the event We neke suits that retain their shapes.
champion, signed a contract for traet since he has a contract Louis should lose hi, title, I!
a title fight with Joe Louis to be with Jacobs under which PRICES MODERATE. CALL AND SEE US.
the Louis is beaten, his congueror is held next June. The exact date latter has virtually the entire bound to defend the title a and place will be settled later by control of his fistic affairs, gainst Schmeling.
the principals and the promot The bout will take place some Likewise, Suhmelings activier, Mike Jacobs.
where in the United States and ties are limited to those which Schmeiing put his name on details wilj be arranged later are not likely to impair his staUnfortunate accident oc. had been suffering from an asth the contract only after he had June of 1938 is the tibe definitely tus as a challenger. If he fights curred in the Yards of the Nor matic ailment.
conferred with Mike Jacobs and set so far for the match. anywhere outside of Germany, thern Railway last Monday by As Tom Evans was shortly ai Attorneys representing both sithe bout must be prcmoted by which a labourer, Manuel Rodri. ter the occurrence taken under des for about five hours at the Jacobs and under no condition guez, whose duty it was to clean arrest to the Jail, it was gen end of which he agreed to acwill Schmeling be permitted to the cars into which general car erally thought this was due to cept twenty percent of the net meet Tommy Farr, Braddoek, COMERCIANTE Bob Pastor, Max Baer or Buddy go would be loaded from the the accident, but it soon develop receipts as his share of the purpor más de 20 años Eaer Customs House for San Jose and ed that it was in connection with se. He originally demanded thirEstablecido en la Provincia other Interior points lost his life. his participation some months ty percent but agreed to compro Vende al detal, Vinos y LiThe contract stipulates that he may fight only under Is appears that while Tom Bow previously in a gambling deal. mise because he is primarily incores extronjeros y del pais, abarrotes en general.
cobs promotion until SeptembTy and his Assistant Switchman, His detention being found to have terested in getting a chance to MISCELANEA er 30, 1939 if he wins the title.
Tom Evans, were making the been a mistake was of short du regain the title he lost to Jack stablecimiento esquina Schmeling is jubliant as he usual switchings to spots the cars ration as the money involved had Sharkey five years ago. He has also been eager to get another Norte del Mercado has achieved his principal objec in their required places, they been already paid.
shot at Louis whom he knocked Entre 40 tive in obtaining a chance to found it necessary to remove The investigation into the cause out last year.
regain the championship certain stationary ones, against of the accidentis pending.
one of which Rodriguez was seen by Chalo Mendez, another emNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back plovee, to be leaning. As soon de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
as the impact caused by the coup ling took place, Rodriguez Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office thrown to the ground and before cina dentro de los primeros 10 días Mendez, who ran to his aid, could before the 10th of the month get him clear of the moving cars de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not one of his arms was crushed. He Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which was taken to the hospital and de tener que cortar su servicis.
we would much regret to take Although given immediate atten the collapsed that same night, due it is said to his ad.
vanced age and the fact that he Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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