
937 me AN INVESTIGATION lo MANY STOWAWAYS LAND HERE in Dr. ERWIN WEDEL Comedy, Drama, ete. Everyone EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ IN AID OF WORTHY CAUSE will be thrilled, pleased and tho.
roughly satisfied.
The Editor purchasing a ticket for our ConKindly grant sufficient cert which carries an attractive DA RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ Stan Dixon space to call the attention of the programme of Dancing, Singing, Isport Promoter Panthtinder general public to our forthcomRY Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Fublic Notaries ing concert entitled On The Top of the Town. which will be stagSAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON ed at the Arrasty Theatre on Oficina en Linion: Office in Limon adjoins that Friday the 8th of October at 91 Contiguo a la Municipali of the Municipality opposite under the auspices of thej By the Daily Papers we see to the Fiscal that those who bad dad (frente al Parque. the Park.
Panthfinders Amateur Entertai that the President, in harmony been embargoed should be set ners and directed by Messrs. with his Secretary of State in the free of all dawsuits, these very Goulbourne and Brewster. Dispatch of Finance, and Com. government Lawyers are chargAs the Concert is being held merce. Mr. Francisco de Paula ing large sums to carry out the to assist the funds for the new Gutierrez, has designated Mr. work which the government ar Ray Machine required for the Jorge Aragon, the Administrator ranged should be done on its ac number of stowaways arriv paboard the ship so here they San Juan de Dios Hospital of San of the Department of Direct Tacount.
ed here by the Colombia are yet. Some are said to have Jose, the Pathfinders Sport Club xation, to come here and inves Mr. Aragon came down on on her last week trip from Ja gone as far as Penshurst in the hereby appeals to the public to tigate the complaints made Tuesday to have the complaints maica, The Tellowst, supposedly hope of eventually reaching Pa help the worthy cause. Each one through Mr. Fernando Asch, by verified, and we await results twelve in number, are said to namanian soil, but being entire who attends the Concert will di the tenants of the Mila Maritima which we hope we will have in have been inveigled, by members ly ignorant of the trail they bad rectly assisti in the saving of lands that inasmuch as the Ex time to inform our readers of a party of Panamanian Excur to get back as best they could many lives. It is generally said ecutive had pardoned all back next week issue. sionists who were visiting that The Police soon heard of their that the members of the Colour rents and had given instructions Island, to seek remunerative em presence and in a short while ed community of Costa Rica hard e ployment in these countries, they were all safely locked in ly, if ever, contribute to the fihence they made rats of them Lieutervent Colonel Loria Col. nancial support of the Charity selves. On the arrival of the ship lege to await the pleasure of our and Educational Boards, but here they mixed themselves a Chief Executive and the return of when overtaken by affliction mong the Excursionists and as the Colombia so as to be they appeal for help: therefore, CIRUJANO DENTISTA these were in transit passengers sent to the place from whence seize this opportunity of shewour Port Authorities had of cous, they came.
ing your interest in this much se no reason to examine their Such foolish acts, by the in deserving and charitable cause. Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club papers. They were however soon discretion of youth, can only tend the entire Republic recognizes discovered by the Ship Officers to make more stringent the laws the necessity for this Machine Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clienand as these knew they would be of discrimination in matters of and is wholeheartedly donating tela los más modernos tratamientos dentales unable to land the youths in Pa immigration; as it is not unlikely to the fund; do your share by namanian territory in view of that in future no one will be al.
the very restrictive Immigration lowed to have shore leave withLaws there, they seem to have out their papers being first ca.
encouraged the fellows to leave refully scrutinized. Nothing much thirities will await the return of the ship along with a batch of may arise from one or two such the ship on which these youths (From Page 7)
our interests. Let us not, thereExcursionists who had been in rats being pushed on to us, but arrived or will endeavour to have corner especially where trouble for. e, at this juncture, allow our vited ashore. Off they came with to have no less than one dozen them taken away by the first seemed brewing. Through is whims and caprices our idiosyn the thought no doubt that they of these ne er. do. wells land boat of the same Line to arrive Weekly voice. ce has got crasies and dislikes to outweigh were being handed the chance od on us at one time must resuit here.
many reforms tending to waeour obligation to the State and of finding their Eldorado. They in the Customs Authorities im famous dancer is said to be betterment of the Province, the our Province. Rather let us put were soon disillusioned, and at posing greater restrictions with among the batch of stowaways: refore if he can so protect our aside all frivolities and prejudibecame a matter of St Peter and respect to in transit passengers he would probably be a great interests jomalistically. thereces and select the man whom the reputed pair of game Cocks sisiting our city.
acquisition to a Cabaret proprie can be no reason why he could we conscientiously know they just could not get black It is left to be seen if the Autor Or would not do better if appoint serve the best interests of 21 ed our Representative in Con concerned. Let us try another gies. He is fearless, energetic truehearted Limonense, and don and a conscientious worker, and Rogelio Gutierrez is such a one.
we are sure he would uphold His family traditions warrant Vea See the integrity of the name and the trial and he CANNOT, WILL fame of his brother, don Paco NOT FAIL US.
las CAMAS in his representations of our beThe latest loved Province.
We hardly think Limon can SIMMONS styles in Francisco Fonseca Ch.
find a better man to advocate her deficiencies. In the choice de último esLAWYER NOTARY SIMMONS of a representative, we should PUBLIC put away our personal like and tilo que nos Office: bed just dislikes which are apt, at times, Adjoining to the City to shother our finer feelings of acaban de Public Library honesty toward the principles arrived communally involved, and sub ENGLISH SPOKEN llegar stitute stigmatic expressions against the character, preparedFORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON DISTRICT COURT ness and adaptability of the one who may be best suited to serve Our Political Repre.
will AVELINO DE LA PEÑA Cía, Sucs.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY LUMBER YARD THE APPROACHING THE EXCURSION TO JAMAICA ELECTIONS As the has been much intri, tour that it DOES GO, and that iguing by parties interested in the ratos are Deck Passengers Following on the information some oth:r excursion and there 17. 00: Third Clas; with medis given in our last issue, we ga isa rumows that the Mechanics and bed included. 26: Second ther that a movement is under Excursion will not be going to cla. 37; Firt Class. 19.
way with the object of securing Jamaica in December, we tak: Children under two years will the re election of don Juan Ro. this opportunity to inform all be carrie) free. Those from two nigosa as our Legislative Re those who may desire to make the to pix years for one fourth the presentative.
rate; those from six to twelve This move is, we understand, for another term, rather than for one half, and all aver twelve having the support of a large replace him by one who from years for the full fare.
number of our influential citi lack of experience of proper All the above rates are for the zens, who are of the opinion that knowledge may be unable to suf Round Trip. For all information in view of don Juanito consis ficiently safeguard our interests apply.
tent and meritorious, services to in the various matters of importhe Province, every effort should Itance now under consideration in SC NATION be made to bave him returned different directions: Secy. of District PO Box 137 We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS LIMON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division U Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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