
Arrest of Supposed Obeahman THE CAPTURE OF THE TODOPODEROSO Was EL ATLANTICO rous character among the igno bot Boromia mandhertws nothing LUIS WA CHONG Programa de los festejos.
WEDDING BELLS ALLAN SIME As much investigations are bein conducted we hope to be able to give some more information un early Issue man who answers to the killing side. He wanders along or their neighbours progroo name of Nelson was arrested at the Railway Lines seeking those 01 being arrested, Nalon Tenshurut and ent on here and tom he can entrap aad fleece said to have had with ve Our Comandante Promoted tra cargo of Practising the of their hard caraca eah, by ral phial: wat medicina ind Correspondent whose It is with the greatest sati Black Art by which he recel arranging to cure the sick who much concoction of wood ban himself Eyes wrt the follow fact we note the promotion vees moneys under fake preten are always suffering from the les and other sturs for white thing of the Todopoderoso Nelson, which has come to our much hd contamination of ghosts or to legendars, doctrines of ban On Saturday night lost Brother mired and genial Comandante 01 It said that the man is a kill by the use of Cheah or Back are famous. He is also said to powerful, better known as Nel Police, don Arturo Loria. Accord member of the Pocomia Cult Art those who are denounced to have had in his possession is son, was brought in on the sing to the Official Gazette or the and has taken to its healing oilaim a: impediments in the way ceipt for moneys purporting to trella Pullman and escorted to 17th instant he has been pronave been paid into the office the Cuartel under arrest by the moted from the grade Comanor some Court as a line for prae Guards of Penshurst on a charge dante Mayor to that of LieuteMaduro Lumber Yard tising the Art on some previous of practising Obeah. lie nant Colonel occasion, as alco a book in searched and found with a reIn tendering our most sncere which there are many nam. ceipt dated 27 th March 1937 FRANK MADURO Jr.
congratulations to Lieutenant Co Depósito de Maderas e against which certain lor covering a multa of fiftly cololonel Loria for this recognition NACIONALES PROP.
ge uns ranging from 200 to 403 nes for practising same. He also colones, are noted supposedly as had a grip in which there was secorded his services by his Frank Maduro hijo, Chief Executive, we are confi the payments received for the some medicine powder and some PROP.
jobs on which he has been en funny kinds of oil.
dent we voice the feelings of all Best native lumber gaged from time to time, The in our community.
Maderas del país. ExisBrother Powerful ela me he is tencia man was denounced as a dangepermanente en nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices rant ones of our community Davis He and for that reason he was ar says he si a child of God, a hea.
GUACIMO GUAPILES ler ard a Evangelist Preacher OCantina, licores Viene de la pag Extranjeros y del país.
nia costarricense residente Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON en del Consul Gral. don luen Da Panand Tienda blen surtida vila, frecida por la colori cos. a 30 Programa es very pretty little wedding Tarriderse residente en Panamá: pocial que trasmitirá la estación ABOGADO Abarrotes en general took place in the Cathedral asistira também como Invita Radio. Teatro Estrella de Pa few evening3 ago when Miss Mur Precios sin competencia dos de honor don Carlos Mnama en honor de las Repuy NOTARIO POLICO ceia Cooper and Mr. Jam tar de la Osse: coronel don Mobilcas Centroamericanas. La co nuel Pino, Comanian e Prime lonia costarricense contribuirá Oficina: Altos PasJefe de la Policía Nacional y se con los siguientes. naneros: fiora de Pino; don Enrique 10. Himno Nacional de Pa cual logianna Sos. Jefa del Departamento de nama cantado por la colonia.
Inmigración y señora de Soso; 20. Palabras de ofrecimiento don Luis San Simon y go LIMON. COSTA RICA Canto a la Libertad. ex Consul Gral. de Costa Rica poesia de José Abertazzi, recite ted and the very calcoo e o Importación scorita Blanca Rosa Venegos: taia por el niño Alfredo Fon the train on nien ne lua accus y Imports and Experts don Caspar Eloy Suarez, don seca.
tomed to travel arches Dy De Romeo Parraviciri, don Ricardo 40. Quiero Ver canción Rural Guard, but nothing of a Exportación de la Esprielle, don Abraham por Jorge Zeledón, Fernando y seeming dangerous nature has Benedelti y don Carlos So Alvar Masis.
Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit been taken le Bosch.
5º. Recuerdo Histórico por Miércoles 15 el profesor don Juan Dávila.
If the intelligent residents of Compra de Cacao en d. La bandera de Costa 69. He Guardado. canción every district would denounce, grano Cocoa Purchased Rica será izada en la sede de Zeledón. Segreda. Mosis.
io Legación al toque de clarines 70 Himno a la Bandera de as the good people of Penarascais ya los acordes del Himno Na mi Patria. poesía de Rogelio urat have done, these when they are seen around, ker were joined in the holy cional cantado por miembros de So ela, recitada por Luis Rodrí.
teir scope of operations would bonds by the Rev. Fr. John.
la colonia costarricense.
80. Puerto Nuevo canción, become so limited that 11 a 12 El Ministro de they At the Conclusion of the cere would soon see the Zeledón.
Costa Rica recibirá en li Legaadvantage mony all repaired to St. Jago Mi. Llewellyn Brock and ción a los ellos funcionarios 90 Recitación.
of getting out and doing hone. Park, the home of the Bride wife, and Mrs. Luther Henry del Gobierno de Panamá y Zo10. Adios mi Choporria. manual labour by which they father on the Westfalia Road, na del Canal, Cuerpo Diploma canción con acompañamiento de could earn respectable and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Fran.
liveli where a most enjoyable evening dito y amigos personales.
guitarras, señora de Fonseca y soods rather cis beg by this inedium to exthan continue was spent by over 75 guests. a p. El RepresentanZeledón.
such nefarious acts as must Dancing was kept up till day press their deepest gratitude to 11. Palabras de agradeci eventually land them in te Diplomático de Costa Rica Doctors Salisbury and Gamboa recibirá en su cesa a la colo miento por el Sr. Ministro de hands of the police.
for their untiring and self saCosta Rica Instead, however, of helcrificing efforts to save the life 12. Himno Nacional de Cosof their deceased relative ta Rica cantado por los miem these low down characters the ping the autiorities to capture 30OTH, bros de la colonia costarricense.
Julia Garcia Rowe p. La bandera nacional majority cloak and shield them Best costarricense será arriada en la from the officers of the law, and Wee. Le and are satisfied nothing more Legación de Costa Rica a los when called upon to give declaDased acordes del Himno: a continua rations of that which have reach could have been done to overBerlin ESTRADA ción Himno Nacional de Panamá. ed their knowledge regarding come the difficulties.
Bread a p. Concierto de gathe rascally deceptions of these Abarrotes y Licores They also desire to express to la ejecutado por la Banda Re rogues they refuse. The e men Buns Artículos del País the Matron and Nurses their sin.
publicana en el Parque de San. are well known in every comcere appreciation of their kind Biscuits Cakes la Ana.
Precios Económicy munity and as they never work and sympathetic attentions which The. People Bakery a 11 Función de gala they are truly Vagrants. Some LA IBERIA will always remain fresh in their en honor del Minisiro de Costa have been coal burners in ana Box 179. Limon memories Rica y de la colonia costarri around this vicinity, but just as cense, en el Teatro Excelsior. soon as they could import a book or two from Dr. Lawrence, Smith or some other dealer which they are unable, most of the time, to even read or properl, interpret, they commenced Todo hebi arte de nuestro país que sienta verdadero their missionary work of provicariño por él, está obligado a comprar unicamente la by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics ding the ladies of every district with the Luck needed to hold their male friends. men who have to labour hard to find the money by which these pretendque es la que produce la renta para el sostenimiento The French Line COLUMBE leaves. Limon Thursday ers are fed and clothed. If every del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asio Chapul Toth. December arriving at Colon the following day. On the 18th district would like Penshurst the COSTA RICA Cih: Royal Netherlands Line leaves Cohelp the Officers of Law and lon for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston December 20th Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON the reOrder, this type of rascality que padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mismos tum trip January 4th.
would soon cease, and our peoExcursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the ple led to live purer lives.
Christmas and New Yeu Hoday with their families and friends are arforded protection. If these, in official circles. Therefore go in the Isle of Springs and of winessing the drawing for the 22, 000 Unfortunately, there are some un also, were reported they would to it now dear readers; do not Jamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 27 December.
scrupulous officers along the soon disappear as the Adminis say its none of your busines3. Bookings for ist. 2nd 3rd Class and Deck. Stan preparations Lines who received from these trative Officers of the present Assist your Law Officers, and for this Exceptional Opportunity and wait further information Marauders fees ranging from Regime will never encourage eleanse your district of these five to ten colones by which they such traffickers and pillagers dirty, rascally marauders!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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