
Jamaica Town to Have Good Water supply The Atlantic Vaice 91 The International Problems GU a ANOTHER TERRIBLE TRAGEDY the Spanish Sections of nicipality with what, wer additio sous Esues we have refered nal quantity of water they may he application whion the require free of charge. An anhem Railway Company had nual payment of one Colon is to the Municipal Bud to be made by the Company du permission to constraban ring the period of the conces.
e new Water Supply Sys tion in recognition of the rights for their exclusive use. We of the Municipality.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic mention, for the better la As soon as the transfer of Editor English Section: NATION nation of readers of this sec Los Tres Churros is made, the Saat the matter was defi Municipal Baord will have the system removed to Jamaica hy app. oved at the meeting Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 2nd. October 1937 No. 16 he Board on the 21st. ultimo. Town for the installation of a he Company has been gran regular house to house supply ted the concession for a period This will certainly be of great ifty years, and is given the benefit to this large and growing it of taking the required section of our community and Bar ality of water from the Rio should, apart from me ting The arrangements for the pa ted, front against their ano at a point situate en long felt want, preve an impor continuing mutual the Nationalists are their advance toward their reste Fands of the Beare en West tant factor in bettering health trolling of the Mediterranean by enemy.
where a reservoir will be conditions. It will do away with the naval units of England, Frai: series of violent engagements tive objective; to termvato the ted and the water brought the necessity of residents conti ce and Italy being finally and sa have been taking place to the conflict in this section of the Re the city by use of eigut inchnuing to accumulate their sup tsifactorly settled attention has Northwest or Madrid with the go public dag. other reservoirs are to ply of the precious liquid in con again been directed to the wernment party making claim ts From a source said to be alloferected on the Company ſtainers or the mo:t varied and Spanish struggle which the go having successfully repulsed a thorized, it has been reportes to the North of the Shops at times ropugnant description.
vernments of the two former Po the attacks. The pat week that Italy has declared her deter eceive and distribute the wa It will also enable the existing wery seen more determined than struggle in the North of Astur. as mination of not as itnig at domestie convenienc which ever should be brought to an early have not made any appreciadie suggested tri party conference on un return for this concession, can hardly be called sanitary, close. They invited Italy to meet changes, although it would appear less Germany is also invited Company has agreed to ceae to be replaced by the more mo them in a tri party conférence to from the more recent advices that the Municipality the entire dern and healthier types. discuss the question of the with tem called Los Tres Chodrawal oi her voluiters, but stat now being used by them; The Atlantic Voiccongra ing that if this was rejected, the actual transfer will be made tulates, both the Municipality Franco Spanish frontisr would be soon as the new system has and the Company for these ar thrown opin and the Valencia go en brought into operation. rangements which mark anot vernment party permitted to have has been the scene o an awiul Francisco Olaso, a young son of Once again the Pacific region, mas Rees, Fruit Receiver MT e Company will also, in case her step in the progress of our all the assistance they desired an emergency supply the Mu Citys Sanitation.
Prior to the delivery of the joint accident by which four persons a farmer, and the two men em note of inv. tation, Duce sotifscconected with the Banana tra ployed on the launch. All wree de have lout their lives.
thrown into the sea, and to Briti that Ita y would not a while going from one port to Mr. Rees saved after he had pat eni such a ccnferer. ce ac he tought another, one of the smaller tled with the waters for a long the question should only be anuli launches in use by the United number of hours. Mr. Fces is ed by te Committsin charge o Fruit Company got wrecked 23 from this Province and finec in an article reproduced in El rifles, tanks and machine guns, the Non Intervention pact, The the rezult of the turbulent seas the po. ition of a Receiver ol Jario from the New York Heraldare operating in the South east invitation was nevertheless se at bune, it is reported that the ern part of the Empire and have with a verbal warning that if occasioned by the existing stor fruit for many years.
my weather The Atlantic Voice extends tire garrison and Italian inh cut the communications with the ly persisted in her refusaj Th, occupants of the launch its sincere condolence to the ants of Makale had been wiped North. Other advices indicat hould not later on blame other were Mr. Cover, Superintendet sorrowing families. by Ethiopian Tribesmen: Ma that the entire Province of Tigre for what may transmire. Hense of the Parrita district, Mr. Tole was the centre of violentis in open warfare, that the Ita crisis sem again threatening ghting during the war and was lian populations of such tevns the autcome of this civil war.
ly captured by the Italianz in as Adowa and Askum has also Japonca ytinues her de truc bvember 1935, this therefore been ann hilated and all means ve bombardment of China mos be the revenge of the of communication between Addis important cltin with the conse besmen.
Ababa and Esmara, the principal quent hravy loss of lives. She at It will be remembered that tro Ureña, the Corporation Further and later advices datea town of Italian Eritrea, Sauerei ed before the meeting of the La some time ago we advised the Lawyer, has referred the ruatter le 29th. September declare that These activities have been de gue of Nations that so long as purchase of the well known and to the First Court of Appeals he London papers have rece red nied bythe Italian authorities she considered it necesary she valuable farm Tenorio in the for decision.
ispatches from their correspon but foreign observers declare con would continue the bonbardmate Guanacaste district, by the Rel The proceedings are being wat ents in French Somalilani which aitions to be critical particuiarly and that she did not apprect fugee Economic Corporation ched with great interest as the on port that 50, 000 fully armed in the Desy, District to the Neru. the attents being made by oth of the United States composed pur base of the prop. it was hopinas, well equipped with of the country.
Powers to interfere in the con mainly, it is said, of German carried through by totes flict. More than 200 thousand core Jews. It now transpires that Lie Castro Ureña under authority of munists of Chinese nationality ar don Alfredo Sanchez, Chief of the Provisional Inscription gas reported to have joined the car the Public Registry, has refused ted by the predecessor of Mr.
tral government army with the to have the document inscribed, Sanchez.
views of presentinf a strong, uni as he considers the colonization The farm has been booghe of Jews in this country a das Tor the appreciable sum of gerous matter. Lic don Luis Cas. 41. 600 dollars.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES ong 4aliars Being Massacred in Ethiopia Eh INSCRIPTION REFUSED om to UNITED FRUIT Co. Duce Visits Herr Hitler Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA LIMON TRADING COMPANY 02 LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS LUMBER YARD (bil 21 VAPORES SALIDAS TO VERAGUA QUIRIGUA PETEN Octubre Octubre 10 Octubre 17 As an outcome of Mussolini visit to Herr Hitler in Berlin so me days ago, there are four important subjects on which these two great ctafors are reported to be agreed That respect for Fascim and the Natonal Se isme Germany must be internationaliy, Idemanded. That equality of treatment to Italy and Germany must be observed by all Powers. That International Justice must be meted out to all smaller nations. That there tout be a Union ot all the great Powers of EuroPin common defence against Communigm.
It is said that ter will be returning this vist at an early date.
We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
Agente: para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para ctros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TEI EFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussolini

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