
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 2nd.
Our Coffee in Italy CURRENT ITEMS Ghoulish Bequem EDGAR YOU FROM MATIN Costa Rica Coffee is apparently no longer appreciated in Italy: Our 1937 Income members of the Medical Profe 1, 000 sacks are reported to be tomb located in the cemetery months to see if their ean Jon as El Día de los Médicas. lying unplaced in Genova.
attached to the Parish Church at mains are still intact. Tho The Estimates of the current in memory of doctor Santiago may probably be due to Abyssinian Sutton, England, is stated to have has been strictly adhered year revenue were fixed at thir Ramón Cajasl. fand the installa importations.
been opened during last month ty two million colone, but thny tion of the new Ray machine for the 144th time.
stem likely to be much neater in the San Juan Hospital, San Veterinary Services The tomb contains the remains thirty six millions. During the Jard, for the curs of Ca. cer Veterinary Surgeon, nam of seven members of a eight month January to August Nicht of Rusian nationality has who lived at a time when it is family the income from importations and The Pan American Roadway been imported and contracted by believed the fear of ghouls was COMERCIANTE exportations reached the por más de 20 allo huge the National School of Agricultu most intense: so in order, appa Establecido en la Provil sum of 14, 775, 911. 11 coloneg as Congres has bein asked by re rently, to protect their bodies Vende al detal, Vinus oh againt 12, 327 327. 64 colons for the Executive Council to provide the Publis Debt from being disturbed by these de cores extranjeros y del to the corresponding period of 1938, the sum of 700, 000 colones Mr. Juan Rafael Arias, Tramoniacal marauders, they left a abarrotes en general thus already showing an increase défray the cost of constructing MISCELANEA sideat of Cnogres, and Mr. Ju Trust Fund under which the of of nearly two and a half Intions the first otratch of the Pan Amelio Peña, Manager of the Natioficials of the Church are required stablecimiento esquin rican Highway in th on lart year earnings.
country Norte del Mercado Entre to cover a distance of forty klic nal Bank, have been asked to con to open the tomb every twelve fer with Pre. iac. it Cortes any The Ray Machine mitro from Cartago ito santa Maria de Dota. The United Sta) his Secretary ow Finance, Mr. Pa co Gutierrez, for the purpos of 11 to The 12th of October, former les government has agrted mulating a new proposition fur the Die ly Columbus Day but more recen provide free of charge all settlement of the Country FO tly El Día de la Raza. will tools, machinery, com. cat, asphalt reign Debts.
Would be Passenger Leg Crusher honceforward be known among and technical supervision. Ра Barana Companies Cargo On Friday the 24th. Ultimo, a hurry and called for a thong The Rio Jiménez Plantation de passenger, while attempting to 14 Miles, the Agent declind an athe Penshurit Banaia Comd board the regular train when in attend to him as the training ny have been accused of payang motion, missed his step and was then in motion, so rushing on their suppliers lower prices than thrown under the wheels of the he endeavoured to get those contracted for with the Cacoach with the result that his leg with the result as mention in Bananera. It in also alleged that was crushed.
ve. He was taken to the mientos Hidrográficos, Medida de fincas, they deduct more than the two After being in the village all Hospital where the leg hade per cent decrced by law for ne the day the man, a native, went amputated, and his battered pop pitalization of Banana worker into the station in a desperate given attention in Flect of Planes sel We shall soon be having nd fleet of Cuban and Dominica of Planes hovering over us in god will flight to the Americas. Per mission has been granted for the Me hago cargo de dichos trabajos por contrato transit over national territory. Antes de José Fernández o comisión Antiguo local de la Fábrica de Refrescos de Casanov The Price of Rice re Due to the importation of this DONDE ENCONTRARA SURTIDO COMPLETO commodity by the government, to MADERAS, PRECIOS SIN COMPETENCIA cal crops have slumpe 24 (Miembro de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Costa Rica)
Aserradero propio en Toro Amarillo LIMON colones per quintal, yet we see 5) me merchants around us seiling Apartado 523 SAN JOSE. Teléfonos 2929 3201 at forty cents par pound, Trabajos de Ingeniería, Peritazgos, Denuncios, Presupuestos, Nivelaciones, Levanta60 Trazado de tranvías, Caminos, Cañerías, Construcciones, Compra y venta de Propiedades, Copias heliográficas, Minas.
NUEVO DEPOSITO DE MADERA GAMEZ y XIRINACH on Ingeniero RAFAEL ROIG NEXICO TOURIST TRADE SOAR JEALOUSY YIELDS ANOTHER VICTIM amorous Our Cacao Trade For the eight months ending August, We shipped from this MEXICO CITY. Despite the, tional relations there is Port no les tran 57. 099 sacks of strike wave and financial diffi doubt in the mind of any cultiez the tourist inflity from here.
the Golden Grain.
the United States daily breaks Tradesmen are able to forg alltime records.
the gasoline strike and the cod horrible ease of wounding neck of her one time paramour. Floury Investigation occurred last Sunday evening in the unfortunate fellow was hur Several merchants have calle)
Carefree, gay travelers spending sequent difficulty of getting the vicin ty of the Baseball Plaza. ried in the ambulance to the Hos on the President to investigate money right and left are mak is in selling Mexican wares Ing Mexico forget the slump in the tourists, who take Ruby Clarke, a girl of youthful pllal, but not before the street the weight of the flour being curr years, residing in Jamaica Town, hud been washed with his blood, brought into the country at this its regular trade and other dir home duty free. The culties.
outeries that United State, cu saw her lover, a man named and judging from the quantity he time. They claim that recently Records published by the Me panies are tryin to do busind Whitman, seemingly engaging the lost, it will be somewhat of a a sacks arrive short of ten poun xican Automobile attentions of another miracle if his life can be saved. while the small sacks, which show that 4, 398 automobiles bear enthusiastic words of countie Ascociation in Mexico are submerged b, girl, so she quietly approached The girl tried to excape but narily carry 49 pounds, now con ing an average of three persons returning tourists.
them and quickly drawing a ra was captured the following mora tain 17. Bakers, retailer and coisu entered the country in July, This capital is now ke Wa zor, which she had concealed, in ing and now awaits the orders mery, suffer of course from the breaking the nearest record tyington in Easter Week, wita a Seted an awful wound on the of the Criminal Judge.
shortages 000. On top of this, each ar cost more license atez pecescto. 065. 89. 06. 16. ORG. 9601 69. ne: riving train and ship dischargea varicu; parts of the United St la horde of new visitors.
tes than Mexican plaques. Re In the first seven months of taurants are jammed and 1937 as many motor cars entered oming accommodations are Mexico as in the entire year of dificult to obtain that even the 1936, and expenditures of tour home of the former dictator, las ventajas que le ofrece a Ud. ists are expected to excced by neral Plutarco Elias Cailes, h: at least 25 per cent the 15. 000. been turned into a tourist hom señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien 000 dollars they spent here last The tourists have nothing year.
lose here and money to spend conocido plan de That these tourists are having so they dea with the Mexican a decided political effect, both on a different footing than on Mexico itself and on interna worried foreign business men.
frol SON MUCHAS di COOPERATIVA Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos o envíenos su CACAOA. WILLIAMS Sastrería Moderna Siquirres Dont wait for the Big Rush. Order your Suit TODAY.
Why keep up with Slip Shod Tailoring.
We make suits that retain their shapes.
0200. 1000recoes. DOC DO. 100. 000.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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