
us me GAMBRINUS eiro Thora hered NTE DU ee Govt; Strips Along he Railway Lines Prosly Thus Honour to Whom Honour is Due del EA COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY no Peti.
had אגיס obnes.
LOTERIA NACIONAL we The Editor however had such a one in Mr Fiquids been much activity by the Minister of Hacienda as Permit me sufficient space in Nation who asked no reward. Let readole Dio, and tha surround to when these rentals after the our fearless Journai to broadcatur, nevertheless by this suggest:d is in connection with rate of one cont per square me sugg. ction to the sectis a gift lend him encouragement to claimed from the oceu tre should be paid, and considesa cual tans in unis zo. le.
coatinue his represantations on lots on the strips oring that this rate is burdensorue Now that the vexed question our behalf whenever tray may Hved to the government to most of the occupiers who are has been amicably saettled and we be necessary.
Ving out of the Costa labourem employed on adjoia can pursue our nope for an ir With the hope that so onc pad by that great Orya ing or nerby Tantations, We LIMON dep zident livelihoou um our will second this my modest she or Cooper Keith The would again advise that a agricultural activities very tion be got up ani presented to fear ana trembling, let us ct ed support, am withoution and others give it the requir Police has been atqong the people getting the Secretary of Finance pay get the source by wnich this con Fábrica de Hielo dedind in to the Minister of ing that a more reasonable rats ction was brougnt about; let us EUGENE ROPER y Refrescos brannd Agricuiture the men be adopted. It is true that ons show our appreciation In a mato rubin of the lots occupied by cent per metr may appear serial manner or th, azul servi Liverpool Spur et solidting a continuance to the casual ob Server but it micancy. For this ces Douaselfishly renatred.
service nevertheless amounts to one hun Ed. Note.
It has always been a custom the is the sum of eight ecle drid colones per hectarea pas with our Race to lightly regard e this should be given month and ag We know it is not the virtues and mrits of a poc We certainly thank Mr. Roper terceeping with the Cesire of the intention of the government to son of Colour while magnifyrir for his very kind appreciation of Executive and hi; Cabiustly exploit our labouring po LA FLORIDA Sal ting within the rage et pulace we are sure if proper te the deeds of the members of the the service rendered. It is other Races no matter how tri dom we see such an acknowledg gent obligation as on presetation were made the uxeru vial. The time haz, howevery co ment coming from among Fábrica de Hielo nd in protection of the va Council would gladly consent ad people, hence when they are se Venta de Leche les of say from two to for each residential holding. It init that ustice is the only means in mpire we have got to recognize aind esteem them with whertby udivouals and naticns ling3 es, according toteh extent therefore to the advantage of are elevat. Those of us y Maderas of pride and a determination who ding would not be amiss the occupants to get together and Bo large an amount asend a delegation to San Jose to can app ya txe great worth presonward.
interview the Executiva of independence a d land proprie Council torship are graterul to Mr re is yet no declaration in this direction Hasta para evitar que haya más gente sin trabajo DI tions the Editor of the Eugii debemos comprar Section of the Atletic Voice who never ceased hammering o EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ the door of human justice, as at the Eator in Chief for big rear En planillas de obreros y empleados DRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ ies Editorials, unti: the shacic ca del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuyen were removed from our fet ani We are now free so long as Miles de colones cada mes ogados y Notarios Lawyers Public Notaries comply with our oblatica to the government LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL Now that the time of har Oficina en Limon Office in Limon adjoins that vest is at bater when ajl may y ayude a evitar que haya longuo a la Municipali of the Municipality opposite meet thelr obligation without más crisis y necesidades.
dd (frente al Parque. the Park.
embarra ment, it would be a good thing if sittiers, especially those es of the Milla Maritima, would subcribe to a Purse as a Christinas Commissioned Offi present for the Editor of the En We beg to make a correction regarding the prices glish section of this Journal in to Sin mentioned in our last issue.
cers Called In ken of our appreciation of the By reason of a misconception of the information cervices so unselfishly rendered.
handed in locally, an error occurred in the calculations No matter how jus our caune and to which our attention has been called from the with the great disadvantage Wundersteed that the Bri tingent Forces.
Head Office of the Shipping Company.
which faced us, if we had each The fallowing are the correct Prices for the Round ce Consul here has recei It is expected that several ot engag:d a Lawyer we would ructions to send to their these will be leaving immediate ve had to agree to pay substan Trip :Deck we homes all Non Com ly. This seem a very significant tiaj feeg before they would even 23. 00; 3rd. Class 34. 00; 2nd. Class ed officers of the Con move. 50. 00 and 1st. Class. 75. 00.
have entered on our defence. We Intending passengers will please be guided by the above quotations and as the European Tourist Season BOOTH will have already started at the time of the Excursion, RADIO all are asked to make early Bookings, space being limitha ed. All information to be had from Best Baked NATION 00 Berlin Xox 137.
Bread Calidad garantizada Por la Buns Biscuits Cakes Fábrica de Radios más grande del Mundo The. People Bakery Box 179. Limon VENDEN RADIOS DE BATERIA CIRUJANO DENTISTA Depósito permanente de accesorios Always Read Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club IN JOSE THE EXCURSION TO JAMAICA atli PHILCO 1957 Dr. ERWIN WEDEL Depósito permanente en la Tienda HOLLYWOOD The Atlantic Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clientela los más modernos tratamientos dentales Voice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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