
SOMETHING ABOUT AFRICA THE AND THE CARAGUAN WATERW Beche roce a SALOMON kers Lud in a Central America Favours Faso on REC.
ALLAN SIME. Ra 2095 PREMIO Nombrada Presidente Honoraria de la Cruz Roja Car mutual protection from political Central American countries are Ali who are interest:d in Arling our arrival.
ca will be delighted to know We wire thusiartically General Anastasio Somoza, pe United States would provide the lation between a it is to dark a couatry as we haceived by them. We find this sident of our neighbouring Repü from 2, 500, 000 to 000. 000 do on the American cose.
ve been made to believe. Aletter in advanced town with mdern blic on the North, is report tollars required to render the San General la awaiting received from one who has recen, vullings among them the Hospi have an importat vinou. cemint Juan River navigable to large ve Nicaragua of the tly gone there shows or proves tal, the best we have yet seen during an interview he accorded rels. Plans for this project are a he sent to Washingta pe the contrary. It reads in part. 10: also the Constabulary Station, newspapement come was a ready prepared, and President Sc view President Roose ruta left Liverpool on th 3rd three times that of Kingston, Ja on the question of the relationship noza and his Cabinet de re tha: porpo, ed concessions of May on the Elder Dempster Limaica. The buildings of the Eld of his government with the Usi the matter should be immediata aggestions for the na and arrived at Madeira, cational Department are magnited States, as alo the plans belas ly considered and approved by thevelopment of Nicaragico Imall Island owned by Portugal licent. The cini mas not so good developed to further theeconomie American Congress off the African Coast. We did The natives are highly learned and commercial advanctment of net spend much tome here and some are Doctors, Lawyers ard Nicaragua The United States government saw only two black persons. Our expert accountants possing havs so far declined to complete next part of call was Freetowa, walth. More to follow. President Somoza according to arrangements for a sea level ca ED NOTE: This Sierra Leon. It is a fairly good information published report states taat al BOYONS Wee. Lea Nicaragua on the town and holds out for improve comes from Mr Adrian Wynter his government proposes to con grord that the out ay would be mant. Leaving fire oule next who after working in the mercanclude a new treaty with th: Unt excessive around ESTRAD Idee 700. 000. 000 stoy was at Monrovia, Liberia te line of the Unit:d Fruit Co.
ted States under which it would dollars. Tre modified scheune, ac Abarrotes y Licda From what we saw it is a back at Cairo, Liverpool, Limon and be possible for the latter to trans cording to President Scmon Artículos del Pa ward place with little or no effort Siquirres, went to Jamaica war port troops and material would however open up a new wa Precios Eco for incprovement, due we are told 1932 and left that Island on the across Nicaragua should such terway to commerce, would be of to mal administration and an un 14th April last for Accra, or.
step ever be necessary. There potential value to the United Sta LA IBERIOS willinges of the natives to work the Cold Coast, Africa, to work was also the proposal that the tea and would promote closer re ca Leaving this place arrived with Mrs. Tomlinson formerly of Corc at Aécra, our destination. There San Jose and known to many rico is no pier here and passengers a: Miss Leila Jamiis. Her sister are taken ashore cances which the wife of Doctor Shackleto.
lay of some distance from the also resides at Accra. These fok SAN SALVADOR By deci By FRANK KLUCH beach and are carried the conduct immenre commercial tranding to render its resigaalien houlders of the batnen to Sardsactions and the fri nds of to the League of Nations. Eineral Franco would. endanger in these countries is.
amid great shoutings. Here we Wynter will be glad to know he Salvador has given another the position of dictatorships of run. endorgered.
met our friends who were await is doing well.
demonstration of the increasing the Fascist tipe here.
The officials of the tendency of Dictators about the One naturally expects the Uni Anterican governmen world to stand together. Forted States, because of geogra Good Neighbor polic cfficial explanations aside. there phic position and tradition, to it means «hands off is snall doubt that Bi Sa va be ciplomatically predominant led Siales made no dor foilowed the lead of Ger amorg the Caribbean nations, gesture at the time many and lialy in this matter. bul she does not seem to be. dictators decided to LIMOX, COSTA RICA Importación and another member of the shopkeepers to Buy Japanese constitucional terms y Imports and Experts Central American Dictators Lea and her stores are being stocked Washington, in fact, gue, took the sane step ear with cut price Japanese mer long way toward abd Exportación lier in May. 1936. to be specific chand. se. Within the past few the dictators. As in Both nations also recognized weeks Costa Rica has made a however, there seem Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit General Francisco Franco ear tentative deal with Japan to get on the dictators part ly in the Spanish civil war. Japanese aid for growing collon cale.
at Compra de Cacao en Here in Central America. by a crop never before produced Cocoa Purchased official admission, the dictators in Costa Rica.
grano of Gnatemala, El Salvador and All this manoeuvring by nonHonduras, as well as the qua Americen nations may have no si dictator of Nicaragua, are long range international effects, presenting a united front for but the fact remains that all the enemies. The first three also in the region of the Panama Ca IVIENE de la Pag. UN taginesa la señora doña Mina Collado de Sáenz are cooperating closely with nal. The opinion is widely exthe dictators of Europe.
pressed that the United States traordinaria tendri get The For whatever it may be worth cannot remain completely indif da.
ist to them. Mussolini and Hitler ferent to foreign inroads in this Tampoco hay que solo La muy apreciable dama cera doña Mina Collado de lacnz. have labored hard through their territory.
se de que, al comprar mpi la sociedad cartagines, seño ha sido objeto de naa merecida envoys togel sympathetic coopeTraveling through these coun simo de la loteria hacd th distinción al nombrarsel ration in this part of the World tries and talking to the people. so! unente se abre mathe sicenta Honoraria de la Cruz Rol They both appear to believe one is struck by the fact that ventana a la suerte. fugge ja Cartaginesa, entidad recien thal fascism has a better chan the Good Neighbor policy has cuelo hasta por una imp temente fundada en la ciudad ce of surviving if ruling elements not yel. at least, eliminated the de las brumas in other parts of the world lend, long cherished commoi resent sino que también se had (VIENE de la página UNO En ediciones anteriores no he support.
ment against the United States, al sostenimiento de la geam It is possible to be even more abatied by years of imperia de asistencia pública. mos ocupado de las magnificas rreos y Telégrafos que está en Drop labores de la Cruz Roja, y aho specific about the degree of co sn. On ihe basework of facts quel; mañana por mi.
ment pisimas condiciones.
peration between at least one cited, it is perhaps, not too fan cire, cada vez que se Cr ra, al llevar a concomienio ae of these Central American die tastic to say that our position lotería nacional.
Mucho agradecemos al señor nuestros lectores sie noani the Director de Obras Públicas es miento, felicitamos la directi Mussolini. brief time ago lators and a Burope colleagua POR interesantes inforn aciones, que va por el acierto do, y di Generel Jorge Ubico of Guateaunque no estamos autorizados citamos también may sincerai mala ordered his controlled nev para publicar, lo hacemos por as mente a la señora la Saenz por spapers to publish editorials timar as de verdadero interés par el nombramiento con que se ia advocating a formal alliance ket, ra el público distinguido tan meredamente, between Guatemala and Italy Every country has its nationius by harassing the gub on European affairs. Aides poinna hymn together with lows of the law and yet re the ted out that for Guatemala to for its use and the procedure from creating a disturb that play an active part in European to be followed when its inspi The procedure was affairs publicly bordered on the ring music is heard. The cus. During the rest period titio to the ridiculous, and the editorials iom generally requires all audi the police allempled were suppressed.
tors to arise and uncover their the pickets forced them cer Nevertheless, the idea persists ds except po ice. The mili to attention and stand tho by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics in Guatemala that a private tary o other persons in uni for as long as Iwenty, understanding on this maller form who stend at altention. at a time by playing Go exists between the Central Air is nothing ur usual, moreover, the King on harmonicas merican dictator and the Italian to find penalties imposed for manner the hated bobbi dictator failure to observe the regula anything but a good fi The French Line COLUMBS leaves Linton Thursday El Salvador is more in the tions in a proper manner. obtained no rest, while 16th December arrivini Coloa the following day. On the 18th.
Hitler sphere of influence. Ger It is nothing rare, either. to kers were taking it easy the COSTA RICA of h: noval Netherlands Line leaves Co. man Irade figures are sky roc see strikes accompanied by di This case might esta lun for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston December 20th.
IC keting in this country, and des sorders of such magnitude that precedent.
The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KISGSTON of the re pite the efforts of obe United it is necessary to call out the tough is about to bed. tum trip January 4th.
Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the States diplomatic representati police and sometimes, the ini vichm. all the latter wi Christmas and New Year Holidays with their families and friends ves. American goods are scar litia. In Ontario picketing is to do is to pull out a in the Isle of Springs and of witnessitg the drawing for the 2, 000 cely holding their own. allowed during a strik, u the organ and play the when Jamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 97 December Full official approval is given pickets must keep moving on anthem. Then Bookings for Ist. 2nd. Srd. Class and Deck. Start preparations in these parts to the German and at the same time preserve stood al attention long for this Ecceptional Opportunity and await further information and Italian roles in Spain. It is order. During a recent strike to weary his mighty a widely said that a defeat of Ge in a hai factory one of the tables can be turned up men proved himself to be a ge. by finishing him with de Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
La cañería de. new use for national anthe mo Excursion to Jamaica on ove

    Civil WarFascismFranceFrancisco FrancoHitlerItalyMussoliniSpainSpanish Civil WarUnited Front

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