
E ilure of Arrangements to Settle Foreign Debts THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE re mary was biting te popune No Irregularities in Milla Maritima Collections ION y Life and is well known to our 3. gress to thonecessary final acthe Costa Rica Minice to azr. ement provided that no ather has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hava hington, don Ricardo Cis The term of the arrangement loans could be obtained ulit ing cured an immense number of persons who sufen al in Financiel Agent of Seeche, was instrueted as tus are based on the revenue of the these had been fully satisfied.
fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These Le country and provides that when When these expiations bai ican Coblie, to make now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from satisfactory our income does not exced thirteen given Deputy ic.
such complaints as ulting ngements with the foreign Craty three million colones vistesa per Jiminez said he shuderd to hear Sa high payments should be made in for payments wheutevceeds and altogethr inacceptable the regarding the scale after cent of te gross is to be relérvette reading of suc, an indignant COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA. can BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION em New York Bankers, don Ricar thirty four millions, seventen po, not set apart a third of her reve proceeded to England whote cont mat be set aside; waen nue to satisfy the le debts when Nicaricussed the matter with other, not beyond thirty live million, mi and itors. On returning to Ane sighteen per cent; when not nywhe. there was so much paludis be further, treated with the re than thirty six naineteen per mo and tuberculosis to be erezi Ikers and eventually submitted cent, and on all higher totalsche cated from among us Lic Juan pur Executive Councij the rate shall be after twenty por Rafael Aria; the President 03 telegem cm he had been able to cart Mr. Jorge Aragon, Chief of the been lodged in the Banco de Cos.
Congress, gave his en phatic Auda. Thes: were specialy Depart ta Rice to the credit of the go It was pointed out by th Minis No to the proportion. He said of the Direct Taxation TRAD, dered by the artister of Fiter of Finance that even fir cent he was sometime ago told by the ment, who was sent down to inves, vernnent.
Commerce, don Paco of our present income was beinsVice Prerriant of the National tigate the complaint put in by After descting the rentals due del Pas rrez, and placed before Codvoted to payments on account City Bank that for any country Mr. Ach on beha of the for the current y:ar the balances Set of the Internal Debts while furto wager ffteen per ent of Her farmers finds there has been no it ny, will be returned the Eco ther sun were being allocate revenue toward the payment of irregularities committed by histlers or placed to their credit for IBERIOS a chion Ng.
toward th French Loan and the debt, was to verge her on to subordinates, as all the fees colles account of 1938 if they so desire.
National City Bank and that the Comerciante Detallista warà bankruptcy. The worst ten for saising the embagoes had re was the large sum of of it was, he continued that we cores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, 6, 556, 088. 81 colones interest were told the credits of the Re LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
pald a the result of the granting publie must not be used for the of th Moratorium. When there space of forty four years whichi MADURO LUMBER YARD LUCY este establecimiento fore a these were taken under was the time required for the pry consideration, he figured iting off of our present debts.
Dealers in native lumber and produce RECIOS DE SITUACION would need around thirty por cent 215 The project was unanimously es is South of Post Offic.
LIMON of the gross Revenue of the Re thrown out, and the Secretary tablic to meet these obligations of State asked to make COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
nie 506 20. arrangements for presetation to polio fore the Bankers. Thers were rug Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO.
oll getions of payment; after the a Al sur del correo Apartado 215 ro te or ten per cent as well Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
others for fifteen per cent, while 10 Deputy Manusi Mora expressed the opdalon that our Representative at Washington had revealed in a 20 pacity or a lack of goodwill on the defence of the country a 30 terests al The matter ha therefore been Mr. Diego Povedano Shipped, wers of Alajuela and Paraiso returned to the Executive Council 3, 000 stems of Bananas to England other shipments win, it is expect at and it is expected that the Minis on the 14th September to a Comed, be made ar tem of Finance will be entrar pany represented here by The Brokers Association of Ca the ralight ning ollit of Gilberto Saborio.
nada are also supposed to be con the impo:tant que lien The fruit was obtained from cluding arrangements for shipindependent noncontracted groi ments from this country.
un asciatricos. todo se encuentra new as See the complete assortment of Raincoats and Rubber Overshoes for Men, Women Children JACK ORANE STORE Banana Shipments by Independent Farmers LIMON The Cricket Competition Dr. MEDAL Jr.
a INDIANS SET PACE IN POPULATION GROWTH From The West Indies Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX There was the usual contention tain will resort to all kinds of ist Sunday, The Board of Con tricks and contentions; he will rol did not send but an Official barefacedly wilfully raise the ABOGADO Cirujano Dentista Amerieano American Surgeon Dentist De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, mpire so the Wanderers conten most objectionable objections to y NOTARIO PUBLICO New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, agd the match could not proceed. unreasonably delay the game the Captain of the opposing team while the very limited time for Ofrece sus servicios pro offers his Professional fuggested they select their own play passes, much to the disgust Oficina: Altos Pasfesionales en su moderna Services in his New, Upmpires, but Lord Harris, who of the spectators who may have Clinica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinie.
had not got together as strong adone the game and its players the cual Ingianna contiguo a la oficina Located next to the Jeam as he desired, refused the honour of attending. There are del Cable. All America Cables Sroposition, hence the abandon tactics which Captain who nent of the game.
knows what he is about may emCricket has certainly become ploy, but certainly not the cride he laughing stock among Our practices being now so much exSporting people: All other games hibited by an uncultured Cap Football, Baseball Basket Bait tain and his men and which cause Minimum Wage Law has jed by the Legislators o Ithe Ber go ahead with the greatest zeal the game to be 50 ridiculed a WASHINGTON. American been placed in force in the Ba muda Islands, the Northernmost among the players; but with cric mong our sporting men.
Indians are now the la stes, grov gama Islands, British West In group ofthe numerous Islands ly ket, the players act as if there is ing pojulation group in the Udies, under which unskilled la ing off the coast of the United te big wager behind each game. The Board ought to come in nited States, John Collier, Com bour, when employed on construc States in the Atlantic Ocean, hen There is no longer a display of and stop these gambling propen missioner of Indian Affairs re tion work, must be paid after the ce it is said that the efforts being that healthy gentlemanly compe sities by instructing the Umpirescently told a House committee minimum rate of four shillings made by the present Governor to tition which once characterized to give tim rulings wherever im The Indian population, which per day. This rate is said to be secure permission to important the game for the pleasure and es, proper practices are put in play now numbers approximately an increase of one shilling over automobile for his official use cercise it affords.
It should also be seen that the 350. 000, is setting a faster. pace the existing seale.
will be as unsuccessful as were On observing he has but a slim games start on time so as to obthan either the whites or the those of his predecessor. France of winning a match, a Cap viate all these unplensant tricks. Negroes, with parebloods Increa Motor vehicles are not favoursing at the rate or more than 500. per cent a year.
About 282. 000 Indians are 91 ward of the Federal Government under the Indian ReorgaIl tren de pasajeros de Limon a San José se detiene ea nization Act, the Alaska amend Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan al ment and the Oklahoma amend morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para ment. The Indian population inque sea atendido a la llegada El precio es 2. 50 El Res cludes about 250 tribes, varying taurant queda a la derecha de le Estación. Cantina. Ci widely in numbers. Many or garros, y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
the tribes have already adopted constitutions and other tribes Sullivan El más surtido en Matina are expected to incorporate uncharters der constituitons and Lod acarasococos ORGOelsnussebbasi pododo. now pencing Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica. Restaurante. Siquirres HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes


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