
Bishop Blog Monestel Dies suddenly The Atlantic Voice What Are Rays and Radium in Medicine the. Forth Teen Fars and had ainu th affeetien an oud wall of all, is Devord to the interests of the people of the Alle ntic aid to have risen at his accust.
Editor English Section: NATION Caned hour and to have celebrated his city Main bis private Year IV Chapel without chewing any inLimón, Costa Rca, Slarday Ockber 1957 dsposis on hand. Later he left his sidence afon th ther dignitaries of the Churc to assist in the Official inauration of the newly constructed so much being said cigy, not unlike that of a sing on it. The Ray globe, the Almacen de Depósito, while these to discoverieth mica Lach has its individual es buccu. ce of the Ray liyat there he took ill and shortly af. science especially at this tim, in many cases their us; are placed about two fect above ter he was taken back to his in Costa Rica whea every caeterchangeable. They also have the current of approximately sidence he breathed his last as is being asked to sub. enthe to many applications outside of 50. 000 voits passes through he la re uit of a Cardiae Attack.
the cost of inaugurating ne oi medicine: for example She. tube for fraction of a ECi Monseñor Monestel was a na. these malaines in the San Jose minous dial of a water contains cond and an impression is mntie It is with the profoundestro. tive of San José where he was Hospital along with a suitcan infinitisimally smal portion on the plate. Ray has a den ret we notify our numerous read born on the 13th. July 1868. He stock of the costly radium Glof radium mixed with other anite rule; the heavier the subits of the grief wh chi the Ca. studied for the priesthood in Ro le primary use in the case of stances which cause it to gowstance the less the Xray light tolic Church of the country on me and was ordained there on Cancer, it may not be ani to in the dark. Hea y fly wheels viil go through it. The plate is e more experiences as a conse the 10th. december 1891.
reproduce some of the informa are inspected by Rays to de developed the same as is a ca (uence of the altogether unex The ATLANTIC VOICE tention given of them in the Ametect dangerous flaws, and ees, mera plate and as a result there jected death of another of herders its most heartfelt condolenrican Medical Association Jour in certain forms of life, are is a black background all around tis fingui hed sons the Right ce to the relatives of the depart nal Hygelia. for September ed without opening the contain the hand whereit did not proLev. Antonio del Carmen Mo cd Prelate to the Clergy and the Rays are described as aers. Rays have two distinct tect the plate from the ray. The net. Bishop of Alajuela, who general Catholic Community in form of energy not unlike or applications in medicine as they re is a dark shadow of the died there yesterday during the this the hour of the sorrow and dinary light and Radiun a whil, are used both in diagnosis and flesh itself, but the bones an Serenoon almost suddenly.
irreparable loss.
ish metal which gives off each in treatment. As a diagnostic be clearly seen as their heavier aid they enable the zihysician to weight has produced a lighier look inside the patient to End Shadow. The ring is outline out about broken bones or nearly white, because almost ro presence of disease. Rays can ray light was able to pay theo not be seen by the unaided eye. ugh it and darken the plate.
Vernon, the This inability is overcome Washington. delegation of full plans have not been comple bably Miss Mabel in With this example in mind it is the Peoples Mandate To Endted, but that about five women director of the People Mandate one of two ways which are both easy to understand how the bodel important. shadow picture nes can be examined in every War will leave the United Sta will form the delegation, which Committee and Señora Ana tes on Oct. 31 or Nov. 1, to visit is expected to arrive back in the Lulgar de Burke, the Latin Am may be taken. No camera is us part of the body.
ed. a photographie plate, all the Latin American republics, United States about the seventherican Chairman of the commitfrom wrapped so that ortlasty. ght Without special measures, ho The headquarters of the Com of December tee, will leave by plane mittee for the Western Hemis Mrs. Burton Musser, Mrs. Miami and continue by air tour cannot affect it, is placed on a wever, ray examinations of phere of the Mandate said that Frost, Miss Egarrette, pro to all the Latin American repub body to be examined is placed The stomach for example is no flat surface; the part of the certain organs would be futile.
lics to request all the goverments on the covered plate. Let it se which have not ratified the pea(TO PAGS 9)
ce treaties signed at Buenos Ai supposed it is a hand wila res to hasten their ratification. spokesman for the mandate said that only four republics In view of the many con ing of a Transformers in the viplaints reaching us from time cinity of the Peña concrete have ratified the treaties. The to time regarding the very irre building on the Westfalia Road, United States, Ecuador, NicaraConditions again badly Notwithstanding reme dy gua and the Dominican Repub star. ned between our Sister Remination to do nothing that may her ceter.
Fular, poor and ineffective serwhich would not only vice given the residents in the all the defects complained of publics. Nicaragua and Hond be considered an act of aggres.
but enable a number of addition Cieneguita District by the Conras as a consequence of al lights to be located throughpañia Electrica, a representative out the district.
thesión and against the interests of Francisco Fonseca Ch. belligerent attitude which the Peace, Nicaragua has, in view of o fthe ATLANTIC VOICE seized These improvement will, we latter is said to be still adopting the threats being made agsins the opportunity afforded him a are told, take place during the LAWYER NOTARY and according to the opinion gi her, acquired a large quantity of few days ago to enquire of the latter part of the present month, PUBLIC ven the press by foreign obser modern arms and ammunition Management what was Office: being and we gladly pass the informa vers, there seem every possibili including war tanks and field done to bring about a more satis tion on to those of our readers Adjoining to the City ty of the dreaded outbreak oecu gauns. The government is also as factory state of things, when he who have been anxiously awaitPublic Library ring at any moment, unless Honsisting the repatriation of her was assured that arrancements ing them.
duras can be influenced to chan numerous had been concluded for the plac ENGLISH SPOKEN nationals who are se her present activities. seinpuон әлеər on pojoj suә FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON DISTRICT COURT Peace Groupe to Canr These Canntries ta Electric Co. Arrange for Improved Service The Neighbouring Dispute are HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE The Compania Bananera UNITED FRUIT Co. PATRICIA and Her Electric RPG Service SERVICIO DE VAPORES By the official Gazzette of Wed Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón nesday last it is noted that the Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Compañia Bananera will at the con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA end of six months from that para EUROPA: date cease to supp. y the general LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS public of our city with electricity for either power or lights: EUROPEOS AMERICANOS this service will be taken over and continued by the Compa VAPORES SALIDAS nia Electrica according to the OCTUBRE 13 arrangements wihch have alreu QUIRIGUA dy beer agreed on.
Octubre 10 We udersiand that this le PETEN.
Octubre 17 cision on the part of the Bananana Company has been occa VERAGUA OCTUBRE 23 OCTUBRE 24 sioned by reacon of the fict that the present piant i, rather ments, but that the income being got from the servi ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
ce would not warrait the Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
required heavy outlay, she will therefore after that period AGENCIA COSTA RICA Para otros informes dirijasta las oficinas de la United only continue to generate sur Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ficient energy from a smalles Teléfono 2086 Avenida Central plant for her own paiti TELEFONO 3156 needs.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. CORDILLERA ALVAR HAPAG LLOYD


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