
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 9th. 1937 SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le The Children Court ALLAN SIME ESTRADA Abarrotes y Licores Artículos del País Precios Econóinics LA IBERIA The late President Eliot of grossly defective and handicapHarvard University was fond o ped infants, every child at birth, making inscriptions, some of so far as its brain is consemed.
which famd their way to the is potentially a normal creature, walls of public buildings. In one and that so far as its mental of these succinct writings he attainments and its character said that the security and eleva are concerned, the child pretion of the family are the prize destination will depend chiefly objects of civilization, and the ul upon the parents ability or wil limate ends of all indust:y andlingness to make the best ca work. This might be inscribed ture offering Society as its on the lintel of the new court share of respoasibility to house which it is propond to that when children are deprive erect at Manhatten, for of these offerings in the home, Court the benefit LIMON, COSTA RICA Importación y Imports and Experts Exportación Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased see THE DANGER OF TOO MUCH SALT embrace the three divisions, the the available social agencies in CURRENT BRIEFS Children Court, the Family removing the blighting inlaaIt is being proven that the ex Court and the Probate Bureau ces from their lives and assist cesgive use of ordinary Salt in of these the most esential to the The Director general of Public been operating for about tort.
ing parents, the church, the works, Mr. Etinger, gave aa a night.
duces prematur, Old Age in both security and elevation of the fa school and other agencies in menknd and dogs. Indians, who mily is the Children Court. developing in them quality here that he had been it. resurance during his recen visit Our Chief Executive, Tic. Leon do not use Salt. are said to pre caring for those who are set, which we cali character serve a greater amount of vita in families. solitary ceipt of instructions to bave the Cortes, has been decorated by In this program of nelpful new Water Works for our city King Victor of Italy as a night lity than the other Races adicted number.
ness, humiliation is to have 30 put under construction.
of the orden of the Italian to its excessive use.
It is encouraging to hear pr. part. and the Children Co Crown campaign against its use is Bernard Sachs, in his Keep is so to help those in trouble being waged in New York, Your Child Normal. say that to make their adjustment that At the close of la month The country revenue fo: the barringthe small number of no stigma ma yattach to the september) the Banco Nacional year 1937 38 is estimated to yleld association with Il Fewer than shewed a balance of cash in forty million colones with the one third of those receiving its gainst the resistence being di government expenses placed at ministrations have ben brought colones.
24 503. 962. 75 colones.
REVELACIONES INTERESANTES por Le Foto to the court for formal hearing.
From present experience the The Printers of San José aro Presiding Justice, states in the threatening to bring about per Lie, don Ricardo Jimenez ha: report for 1936, fast published, nerai strike in sympathy with emphatically declined nominait is safe to conclude that the those who are holding u. tion a3 a candidate to repres idea is sound and beneficial gainst teh resistence being di sent Cartago at the coming Con both to the children and to spayed by the owners of the Al Igressional elections. He ha ask their families.
sina Printery, where a strike na jed his friends not to nominato him for he will not sit if elect ed. He states that after the MOS FOR SALE quito had secured its wings and An exquisite house of four apartments at the First Aviaflown out of the pool of dirty tion Ground. With ali accommodations for a family. Water water it never goe, back.
supply in Kitchen and Bath filted wifh Tanks. Chicken EL PRIMER EMPLEO DE Coop capable of keeping 80 Chickens. Stables for aniFor the privilege of operating MAE CLARKE mals, with Bodega and large shed for storing Bananas and the Manganese deposits found FUE EL DE VENDER feed. pig Grawl and Crazing Daddock for Milch Cows. in this country, European capiCHORIZOS ALEMANES.
ALL GOING CHEAP, CHEAP talists have offered the Nation al Mining Corporation the sum Arrangements with Mr. Nation. Box 137. Linon of 200. 000 dollar for their rights American and other Capitalists VICTOR VARCONI have also got experts investigatNO SE MAREO NUNCA EN VIAJES QUE HIZO, POR ing this and our sulphur depoMAR, se MARES EN sits.
LINDON. George McMabor First of all want to vindi. ned to pay five thousand colonwho cau cd an assassination scare cate myself. MeMahon told the es for the damage caused to the in July, 1936, when he threw press. am going to writ: the property of don Tomas Fernan1 dez, known as El Molino, during pistol as the then King Edwara Duke of Windsor. He knows the Quesada disturbance in 1932, VIII passed him in a procession on never meant any barm.
Constitution Hill, has been rele. was prevented from seading, when the loyal trcops of don OSCAR APFEL Cleto occupied the building and ased from prison.
him a humble note on the occaES UNO DE LOS Que gates osion of his marriage to Mrs Wa caused the rioting ones to fire He was met at the SALVO MAE CLARKE MEJOR MITAN AL into it FRANCES HABLANDO DE LA FURIA DE Wandsworth Prison by his wils, illis Warfield Simpson but as he INGLÉS, NO SABE UN CABALLO DECIR SIQUIERA OUI DESBOCADO DURANTE who slipped a ring on his finger had been so harshly dealt with Despite the declaration of the EL RODAJE DE LEGIONES DEL SAHALA.
and said, Now we are married it was not for me to compiain.
Nicaraguan government definagain.
When they refused to let me pot ing the exportation of Cattle as the letter tried to smuggle it a crime punishable under the out but failed.
laws of that country, 1278 teers Now am going to ScoJaud and one cow were imported into to bide in some lonely spot with Costa Rica during the month of my wife.
September IM MC MAHON SEI FREE JACK HOLT Banco Nacional de Costa Rica THE EXCURSION TO JAMAICA BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK We beg to make a correction regarding the prices mentioned in our last issue.
ofrece al público By reason of a misconception of the information offers the public los servicios de su handed in locally, an error occurred in the calculations the services of its and to which our attention has been called from the Head Office of the Shipping Company.
The fallowing are the correct Prices for the Round SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Trip :Deck 23. 00; 3rd. Class 34. 00; 2nd. Class. EN LA IN THE 50, 00 and 1st. Class 75. 00.
Intending passengers will please be guided by the CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON above quotations and as the European Tourist Season will have already started at the time of the Excursion, all are asked to make early Bookings, space being limit para toda clase de all kinds of bank ed. All information to be had from servicio bancario service rendered NATION Xox 137.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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