
ERE WORDS th. 1937 ME fficult to see what ac wal of the international forces was accomplished by fighting on either side in che de of Nation Councilj civil war and was content to in its handling of the stop at that.
Situation. It praised the Whatever hopes that the Nonthe Non. Interven. Intervention Committee, or that mittee and depiored the part of it represented by Enof defenseless cities, gland and France, hod in the ully refrained from tak, way of inducing a withdrawal of on the major issues as the foreingn combatants, would right in Spain. The appear to have been cilmmed by Government representhe action of the Spanish Gov.
the meeting worked ernment in bombing the Ger obtain a condemnation man pocket battleship Deutsch panish Fascists policies land, Germany is pretty sure matter was neatly side to use the attack as ground sur The Council, in its re reprisals when and where possi did hope that the Non ble. The situation has been on y tion Committee would aggravated by what some to procure the withdra term an error of judgmens RON COCORI sports posit ased EFS out 107 THE VOGUE para tomar un trago que satisfaga de verdad Tac Leca a night talles Ladies Gents Tailoring For Style Character and Good Taste.
fo: tbe to yield laced at If you want the experience of wearing a real smart outfit, come along to What are Rays and.
ICHN ROGERS gests Seweragefor Jamaica Town a omina tet (From Page 7)
of rays and radium in many, tarium made in the last genering Con heavier than the abdominal forms of cancer is wonderful, ation, and more is still expected LIMON wall, and therefore, by the rule large proportion o the cancers of them.
minato previously oted it could not be on the surface of the body are elect seen. To overcome this difficui cured never to return, as well Ladies say he is adept at Every man and woman should e los ty the patient is given a taste as a fair proportion of those cilhelj, the government to instail in making Coats, Costumes, Sand less, harmless, heavy powder in the internal parts, considering the de Dioz HospitalSan Breeches, Etc.
dirty milk, which causes the entire the gravity of the disease. The Jose, the Xrays and Radium ra organ to become clearly visibie. earlier the case be treated the chine for Thus with certain aids to vae more probable is sucess; stub Cancer the eradication of and ray. the Lung, the Kidneys, other uncara Sle ating the Bladder for gall stones and born cases ringworms and sores and unhealthy cells so re band any part of the apdomen can be skin diseases are also readily quently met with today.
rapiclearly seen and examined. cured by it.
We note the Pathfinders Club tion Editor a second time and, of course, re rays and Radium have assuWilhelm Conrad Roetsen dis of this city stages 22 ensum pit me the use of this meduee the ultimate cost of the med an importance in the treat covered the ray in 1895, and tertainment at the Arrasty Then Izhts to expres, the grert and scheme. It would also facilitate ment of disease that is just al. it has proven to be one of the tre to assist the fund being ac alists appreciation Gf every re and expedite the inauguration arming, greatest developments in the cumulated for this purpose. for the decisions recentiy of the system, as householders, Much that has been said of history of medicine. These are giorious thought of Mr. Stanley epo by our City Authorities in a financial position to do so, the expensiveness of radium is two of the most valuable addi Dixon and his Associates A!
proving our important sur could be permitted, 30 soon as true. Originally it was said that tions to the doctor Armamen should attend the function and. Jamaica Town.
the water had been laid on their half a million worth couid be in those who cannot, should sublam: however, our knowledge premises to make their connee held on a dime. It is used small closed glass tubes, enclos scribe the price of a ticket.
on works contemplated stions instead of waiting to Other Clubs and Organizations ed in a silver container. glass thed to the information re much later period following on tube as large around as the lead Died at Port Limon should not be selfish but rathby the ATLANTIC VOICE the completion of the water ser of an ordinary pencil and a quar Miss. Esther Rickets er follow suit and do something Tie ich nothing has been said vice installation.
ter of an inch in length will of the kind in the interests of 52ewerage Installation, sei Witht he closing of each ophold 000 dollars worth for Rasuffering humanity.
Boois opportunity to suggest the existing pit conveniences dium. The drop in price today is on September 27th. 1937, Aged The 12th of the present moath and nlargement of the Muntel our sanitary conditioa3 will be due to increased production in 51 years, leaving a lorge circle of friends and relatives to mourn has been fixed for the installa 20 Tre theme for the inclusion of greatly improved, so let us hope fluenced by new mines in more nost important branch in for their early and complete eli easily accessible parts of tion of this machine in the Hoathe their irreparable loss.
pital, but it should be borne in anitary developments. And mination. als o trust. Mr Bearth.
he will be several months be tor, that your much mind that the costly Radiun estemned Rays and Radium are destruc Time takes away the age of grief.
he Railway Company wat and zealous Director, Mr. Roge tive in effect. The body is made for memories turn back every leaf has to be bought from me to time so all should help. Tlie Sstem can be handed over, lio Gutiérrez will consider my up of minute celis; even the ab Thou art gonrr but not forgotten Health Department of Till life fades and memory departs.
Massahud further suggest that this humble suggestions of sufficient normal tissues, such as tumours, chusets, A, states it is isition be, in the meanti worth to giveth em recognition are aggregation of cells. disea.
definitely considered and in his Spanish Section so as to sed cell can be easily affected by known that Cancer, when treatSadly missed by Children, oved so that when the wat bring them more forcibly to tae the use of Rays and Radium Brother and Cousins.
ed early before metastases have occurred, has been cured. 90 ains are being laid those of attention of the Authorities con The healthy cells will not be much affected by the same quan jewerage can also be plac cerned.
per cent in the uterus, 30 per cent in the Breasts and mouths, This would obviate the ne Thanks for publication, antity of Rays that destroy unAn Old Resident, of digging up the streets healthy ones, the energy will and 95 per cent in the skin.
pass right through overlaying tissue almost as though it were LIMON MERCANTILE Co. not there. If these facts are kept in mind it simplides un MADURO LUMBER YARD derstanding the how and the Dealers in native lumber and produce why in treatments by rays Cirujano Dentista Americano 215 and Radlums, diseased cells can American Surgeon Dentist South of Post Office De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, be picked out and killed without New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, destroying the healthy ones.
COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON. This is a great advantage over Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional surgery which, with its paste. fesionales en su moderna Services in his New UpDepósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO and caustics, remove certain Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
Al sur del correo Apartado 215 good cells as well as the diseas contiguo a la oficina Located next to the Venta de maderas Compra de productos. ed ones.
del Cable. All America Cables The success of the appiſcatlon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarFranceGermanySpain

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