
ME Our. Fraternal and Benevolent Societies Engineering Engagemen dead he Pro Jeans ppor mpu biven Jenir hich Siquirres The Centre of Transportation From time to time We htar otpally hurrying mereor it should brine red for the many complaints regarding the bel close dependents but nukrelief of th. sick and distrane.
bortcomings of some or these So very seant efforts to keep them Valuations: Dancur cements: Est mates: entro cieties around us, Many of the alive as they clam it is bitter Such is the UNFRIENDLY ID complaints are, however, of princs to bury their members valry which goes ou among So.
Levels: Hydrographic Measurements: Survitics trifling nature being principut and their reatives than to nursa ceit es claiming fraternal leaels.
Projections for Tramways. Roads.
miskconfections as to the inter them and keep them alive. Noth We have from time to time, eapretations of the laws governing tag, these assert, comes back to deavorod to foster an amalga Water Works, Buildings: Heliographic tre such Societieg by the majority of Society by the sickness of a mation of interests amung our those who associate with them me member, but when a death occurs Friendly and Fraternal AssosiaTracings: Mining rely from a speculative point of about fifty per cent of the per tions but without results, am un view and for the pecuniary gains Capita Taxation goes into the til unfriendly, uncharitable, unProperties Bought and Sold.
which are obtained at some time Treasury of th eSociety. If there brotherly, hostile Rivalries are eli or the other rather than for the be, for instance, a following Gminated by a union of friendly inAny of the above undertaken on Cont huronitarian services which one way 400 active members, at the terests, no Society will have servor Commission.
can render the other.
death of one, a tax of a colon ised the true sentiments for whica Although these Societies profees placed on each, but the relatives it was instituted, the relief of dig Rafael Roig the same propensities. Bentvo of thr: doceased do not receive tress and suffering.
lence, Charity, Fraternal Love the entire collection, they are gi Win some of our able thinkers Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Ric there neverthelesy exists a hostede ven merely a half, the balance and influential rychologiste not competition among them, hene being retained to defray the cost see the thought and come forP. Box 523. San Jose. Telephones 2929, the afflictions befalling one seom of feasting and providing a gco ward with a Scheme of Unito afford another much rejoic time at stated periods, instead of cation. ings. There are some forty of thes, Societies in operation here; ling on the Banana trains, but yet at the funeral of a mentor because of its convenience. And there will be seen just the scanty now that Mr. Johnson has acom Lic. DANIEL ZELED Kew of the particular Society to mended to his Chief the conveBy An Observed which the deceased belonged nience of a Pulman Car an Siquirre has becom ea great This service is growing more Banana trains to avo id all the Thig is indeed sad. Just a crt.
ABOGADO night or so ago we witnessed the passenger service centre. We no popular each day as it is a boon Rats that usually puzzled De te with admiration that in to those who work in Monte John 30 much, the y NOTARIO PIBLI funeral of a fairly tra reiting promitent dition to the regular passenger Verde, Indiana, Cairo or the 210 public must compliment him for anember itaunch member of the Cathol. trains, all Banana trains take Frio Branch. We learn thet this his thoughfulness, and the com Faith and a faithful times of along a passenger coach or two new departure is the result of pany must realize they have got Oficina: Altos ye cle one of our Benevolent Socker which are generally well patio the initiative of Mr. Johnson the a Traffic Inspector who tninas cual Ingianna mi nized.
Rall vay Company Traffic In of their business interests.
there wag an attendance, how spector, better known among his Le ever, of just a handful of the coloured admirers as Mr. John mercbers of the particular Susfety with noticeable absence of tie If this be true, we say well done ne José Achion Ng.
male members of even thig Socie and hats off to Mr. John. Comerciante Detallista ty, to say nothing of the others The gentleman who bore the corp Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, ED. NOTE. This service is se were not members but harit Articulos de Ferretería y not confined to Siquirres; it is do so there being such a lack of Eléctricos, todo se encuentra also in use on the Estrella those be onging to the different en este establecimiento.
Branch as well as from Cimon Benevolent Associations whoz: Tie It is certainly a great PRECIOS DE SITUACION conveNuestra soc edad se aprestalliam Allen, don Oscar siness it is to Nurse the Sick nience to business people. It has para celebrar el dia de la Raza, Alberto Hunt Chaverti, do and Bury their Dead.
LIMON not been done because of the con un suntuoso baile en la Pérez Rubín, don Gregorio But why all this callousness?
fondness of people for travelnoche del 11 de los corrientes, y don Olio Molina.
que tendrá verificativo en los Some of the friendly Societies Se han dignado hacep salones del Hotel Roma.
claim that the Lodges, do not cargo de recibidoras las Para esta fiesta ha sido contra guidas damas doña In wield a sufficiently wide scop: toi tada la marimba Escasu. que Rojas. doña Gilda de Mc plieve the sufferings of the nea; harálas delicias del arte con sus doña Lila de Pérez, doña dependents of members, and by selecciones, según el programa garita de Arrez, señorita the ae fish modes they adorc dc RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ al efecto.
garita Cortés y señorita not serve humanitarian purposes En los círculos sociales existe Molina.
as they ought. With this kind of enorme entusiasmo por este Felicitamos desde ahol propaganda many of the members Abogados y Notarios baile de gala, debido al hecho Comité organizador de tan de que estarán presentes dis pática fiesta.
of long established Lodges are SAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON tinguidos elementos de la Capital CORRESPO Iddnapped.
Oficina en Limón: y de las ciudades de Cartago.
The Lodges, on th eother hand, Office in Limon adjoins that Limón, Heredia, Alajuela y claim that these newly foundco Contiguo a la Municipali of the Municipalty opposite Grecia.
Foi Societies interest themselves prin. dad (frente al Parque. Como debe the Park.
El Comité organizador esta)
Gran Baile Social para celebrar la Fil in This service de la Raza en Turrialba será ameniz se por la Marimba Escasú EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Lawyers Fublic Notaries integrado por los distinguidos cribirse Méxi EDGAR YOUNG Tragedy at the Yunis Farm BOOTH Chacón, Dr. don Gonzalo Vargas Aguilar, Director del Hospital WiBest Baked Berlin Bread Buns Biscuits Cakes The People Bakery Box 179. Limon México, guim el docto parecer de los bros de la comisión lesignad ra opinar sobre la correcta nera de escribir la palabra xico. en el seno de la Sor Mexicana de Geografity distica, México debe ser e con a pesar de que los démicos correspondientes a Española, siempre han escrit Esta decision de la con fu dada a conocer en la reunión de la Sociedad de grat ta y Estadistica.
See the complete assortment of Raincoats and Rubber Overshoes COMERCIANTE Strange thiaga do happen at who seemed a bit reluctant abou: por más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia times. While three men were, last going to his work (what tha Vende al detal, Vinos y LI Tuesday morning, on their way good you worrying sc much, whea corea extronjeros y del país, to work at the form of Mr. Yu tonight you will get plenty of abarrotes en general. nis on the Westfalia Road, they Rum and Coffee at Miss Esteet a MISCELANEA were all in a pleasant mood and Ninth Night. This referred to stablecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado.
chaffed each other merrily. One Miss Esther Rickets who hal reEntre 49 is stated to have retarke to cent y died.
another known, as Commal Everything went along cheeri.
ly, but before the forenoon passed,. 500 poor Commah, otherwise known 28 Comandante, was kno kod down by a tree he was falling for the purpose of cutting it up for firewood, and he had to be practically dug from under the heavy branches; he sustained such serious injuries that by the time he was taken to a place of safety he died. Commah therefore had the misfortune of supplying his comrades with the Coffee and Rum.
The unfortunate man was from LIMON St. Kitts and his name way Ja Migos beda del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del LUMBER DEPOSIT SAITA for Men, Women Children JACK ORANE STORE at Next to LA PROVEEDORA New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Measurements less than feet at 25 per foot este Rica


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