
resident of Control Board Explains Before The Law Courts ratai ACCIUCHT at Zent llibe that he had been toid cessary time was LUIS WA CHONG was Dr. Virgilio Chaverri don Armando Rodriguez LIMON TRADING COMPANY THE GUABITO RACES were Mr Editor First and foremost, my healtn. Tuesday and Wednesday last tal; the embargoes decreed aI was informed today by (22) was transferred from Li were rather busy days for the against his farms, live stock and lend, not one o: the Ananias mon so could not devote the new Courts in consequence of the cash will consequently by canRailway Cases which were und celled.
that my reason for resigalog am perfectly aware tha: er consideration. There were in The man Nelson who was pla On a day last week when, with he Presidency of the Board of ditors have the right to critie se attendance, Mr. Quiros and conced under arrest by the Police other persons, Control was due to a letter ap those holding posiJions of autho Rafael Eduarte of the Coinpania Agent of Bonifacio for practis his son Eric and learing in your valued colinarity, and if such criticisms are az also several young Lawyers ing Obeah has been liberated Mr. Ezekiel Brown was preparyriticising the Board over some nature they are most beneficial. from San Jose who were having under the Habeas Corpus Acting to go to his farm, he took hatter. Let me take this first Again assuring you that have enquiries made into the causes there being no law on our Codes up his gun and in endeavouring opportunity of denying same not waned in any way to card of the deaths and injuries to which makes witchcraft or het extract a loaded shell with mphatically as it is devoid of Cricket, chicerria a punishable offence. the use of a ramred, traffickers and pedestrians 2an explo Cull truth Sincerely yours, long the Railway lines.
sion occurred and the old man My reasons for resigning were Lic. Fonseca Chamier was se badly injured that he ziven the Board in a letter writ Aubrey Spyre. busy watching the case of Mrs.
died from the effects en In the month of June and Ewing of Liverpool who lost her Mr. Brown death has been which also now give you. Limon, Sept. 27th.
husband under the wheels of GUACIMO GUAPLES mourned by all the residents of an engine driven by Engineer 0the Zent District, where he reMorgan.
Cantina, Licores sided for many years and Lic. Hector Beeche was elatExtranjeros y del país.
much respected ed with his victory, in first instance, when his client, a travel Tienda bien surtida The ATLANTIC VOICE sym.
ling Agent for the Limon TraAbarrotes en general pathises sincerely with the soCIRUJANO y DENTISTA ding Company, is said to have Precios sin competencia rrowing fargily in the loss of so got thrown over the Matina Brid good a husband and father.
seguirá atendiendo a su numerosa clientela ge and his wife proceeded foz en la oficina de the injuries sustained by her husband and gained in a demand for 82. 000 colones.
Although the Engineer conBAJOS DEL HOTEL PARK cerned nthis accident claims his engine never touched the man; that he jumped the Bridge LUMBER YARD himself by reason of his fright, he was fined three hundred and twenty colones or in default 160 We have opened a Lumber Yard day. Of course he has appealed and so too has the defendant For the convenience of our Race Fans who will where we carry in stock a complete Company et across the Trail at all costs to witness the usually Further investigations assortment of all kinds of Native clean sport indulged in by the Guabito Racing Comalso made into the accident in mittee, we publish the follownig Schedule of Races to the Yard by which the man RoLumber. Special sizes to order.
te run over the Blair Park Track on the tho instant.
driguez lost his life and regard This Schedule has just reached us through the kindWe also have Portland Cement, Roofing the death, by shooting, of ness of that indefatigable Sportsman, Mr. Littleton of the man Brown at Zent.
ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenGuacimo who has sent over two horses to take part in In the suit of the Cia Surtithe events.
tine and all other building materials.
dora against Reece for alFIRST Race. UNTRIED Open to horses never leged shortages in his stock in having run in any race meet.
the Commissary Hardware DeSEND IN YOUR ORDERS 1st. 25. 00, 2nd. 10. 00, 3rd. 00, Fee 00.
partment and in connection SECOND RACE. MAIDEN. Open to horses with which all his property and never having won a race or this track, ascertainable cash had been en 1st. 30. 00, 2nd. 10. 00, 3rd. 00. Fee 00.
bargoed, Lic. don Francisco Fon Limon Division THIRD RACE FARM HORSE Open to UFCO seca Chamier defended the acClass horses of the Panaina Division. Winners of first cused and obtained his acquitand second races barred, 1st. 40. 00, 2nd. 20. 00, 3rd. 00. Fee 00.
FOURTH RACE OPEN Open to all horses.
1st. 60. 00, 2nd. 25. 00, 3rd. 00, Fee 00 Some weeks ago we carried, nezuela came into Port, when six FIFTH RACE HACK item regarding a batch of of them were sent away on her, Open to all bona fide stowaways Panama Division pack horses and foremen riding ani who arrived here the seventh, who did not give mals barring B Class horses and winners of any of from Jamaica on board one of himself up in time fro the nethe above races.
the ships of the Royal Netherland cessary arrangements to have 1st. 30. 00, 2nd. 10. 00, 3rd. 00, Fee 00.
Line on which a number of Ps been made will go on the next LIMON SIXTH RACE FARM HORSE. Open to all ramanian. Excursionists were on boat of the same Line to arrive Class UFCO Horses of the Panama Division barring their way home from that Island. here.
winners of the above races and those barred in the Fábrica de Hielo Seven of these youngmen de.
Srd. ráce.
livered themselves to the police Of course on arriving in Kings 1st. 40. 00, 2nd. 15. 00, 3rd. 00, Fee 00. y Refrescos praying that the be repatriated ton, Jamaica, these youths will SEVENTH RACE INDEPENDENT. Open to as they discovered they had ma be harded the police any horse owned by a banana contractor of this Divide a serious mistake in leaving to be tried by the Courts for the sion barring winners of above races.
their home under such con ittle unlawful vacation in which 1st. 30. 00, 2nd. 10. 00, 3rd. 00, Fee 00.
aitions. These were kept in the they indulged to the detriment EIGHTH RACE OPEN Open to all horses.
Cuartel lere until the Ve of the shipping company 1st. 75. 00, 2nd, 25. 00, 3rd. 10. 00, Fee 00.
Anl Races furlongs Minimum weight 110 pounds. No Race will be run with less than starters.
The Racing name of any horse must not be changed. All entries must be in the hands of the Racing SecreFábrica de Hielo On Sunday September 26th More than 200 persons were tary not later than 11. 00 a. Satudray, October 2nd.
nine candidates were baptized present at the ceremony, many 1937. The Racing Committee Reserves the Right to Venta de Leche by Elder Frank Fletcher or the coming from Guaeimo Cairo.
classify any horse and to accept or Reject any Entry. Seventh Day Adventist denomi Siquirres, Pacuarito and 28 Mу Maderas nation as a result of the evan les. Limon was also representNo scratch will be Official until approved by the Chief gelistic service he had Steward and the Judges.
holding at 28 MHes.
Elder Crager, Superintendent of the Central Amerlcan Mission, preached at the riv Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso er side and also at the Church We beg to call your allention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: in Rio Hondo were the Lord of receipt which reads.
Sacrament was administered af Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ter the Baptism Ceremony.
The labours oder Fletcher cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month are mueh appreciated as his ef de cada mes forts have been a moral and Be so good as to comply with this request and do not spiritual uplift throwkhat the Le mamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which community.
de tener que corlar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
We wish Bilder Fletomer continued success in Jamaida where he is gone to reside dryer many years in foreign Misioa Fields.
Special Correspors lent.
LA FLORIDA Baptism at Rio Hondo been ed.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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