
The New Banana Disease The Atlantic Vaice Our Cattle Industry unt ابادا For some time now this infec re, have not appiled themselves on till snewn ime. on. e moze acuely toward the inves ensnut paliva. vestigation into and eradication of rinasy, Wiva tu aia or Lue lus Drewelcomed guest in Our Devoted to the interests of the perple of the Atlantic leie. Le paruncitor Luc Banana fields. Passibly the atNut wmpany, has been fight titude of wait and hope is being Editor English Section: NATION ng it. It na, nowever, spread auopted in oruer to see wnat o other parts as we are le tue bruit Company will do, but Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 16 October 1937 No. 166 ned na been ob erved on 20 Wuen it is consuered that the 117 ne of tue fa. ms duwn the india Company is principally only a na ba. ca and on one a Guam purchaser of truit in nee days es. It were. oie seem to be la. it should be seen how muen 10 a var nou on our chuva is to the interests of the Lxecu tions, uve to vigorou iy move in the Ween this strange Diviction matter. The very great majority From time to time the point of a quick turnover, the depletion of aña first appeared in Pen. nur it of our Banana pruaucer, ata butches was reported to the Governor of tienals, who have invested their Atla. ic Voice has advocabut it is fraught with many stock in that country is fear ex Lue rivvince wno quickly passed capital in the industay, so ron 11 te: tne fomentation of this setbacks apart from the ed by the Chiel Excutive hen the information on to the Minis unus cisease be allowed to take industry as being a most ne psive outlay for plantings ce he has placed a ban on terio de Agricultura and two airm hcla it wil speil ruin for cessary item in the economic ainings, tramways, animalsexportations. During the ni Minspectors were sent to investi them. Tne government will al. life of the country and va etc. There are the frequent ne months of the presea jate the disease, and report it so be a heavy loser as the loss rious suggestions have been losses from windstorms as year we have imported from auze and the means by woich of mions or stems would repre made to the Capitalists as well as the Panama and Hon just across the border the Et Culu be cured. Up to this sent so much less on which to well as to the government duras diseases; then there huge number of 14, 456 steers hese Lxperts have made no re pay the Export Tax. ne Direct for fostering cattle rearing on is always the dreded rejec for our consumption, and har commodations on incir tin. Taxation Department would al: a more extensive sc le ddings, so far as is known to us, so unter as her rentals from that which we now have. It giving out of the lands than tions and finally the early ve sent out of the country for As this purpose no less than e hence the government has not the Mila Maritima and other is true that this industry soon as the latter happens 173, 472 dollars which at the taken any stand in the matter lallos would be seriously afwe bäuer tuat Wakat is Doung fected when they are devastated needs a heavy initial outlay the cultivation must be aban present rate of exchange ape done at Pen hurst is to cut down by the pague. Apart from all and produces a slow casr tur doned after being in produs proximates a million colones short Is it any wonder that our at the true, in the affected areas this, the economic stability of nover, but it is a sure invest tion for probably too 15 docs not appeal to us that the country would be shattered ment. There is very little ex period to rein urse the trade balances are so SO Surable and that President this a one will affect a cure; in if the government keeps quiet pense for maintenance, which large initial outlay, and fact we are inclined to regard and allows our second principal ought easily to be borne by produce a permanent loss Somoza should refuse to allows it as a means for spreading the industry to be destroyed by a the products milk, butter of so much capital, whereas he importations to costinue?
dleave further for the tools, plague which could be e. adica and cheese, while the regular with Cattle rearing if the Our goverment ought to apused in distroying the affected ca si takın in hand at its incep sade of steers would repay the right class of grass were gra preciate the lesson of thrift trees will be the same ones to ticn now.
laris obtained from the Nadually established it would and self dependence set us by be used in the healthy sections What will the government do tional Bank and its fou provide the means of a con our neighbouring administra of the farm without being first with the tens of thou ands of ten years specification for tinual and regular income. tion, and it is our hope that dimerud. In Hondura, whethe working men who would be the establishment of the indus We have been inorting mo the emburgo will serve a great re the pest is said to have oti thrown out of work as a concetry. Thereafter the business re thai fifty per cent of our punore in the minds of our Einated; powerful pumps are quence of the ravages of wil remain as a sure proft meats from our Sister Repu Executive.
used for spraying the trees disease? What will become of The planting of Banana is blic Nicaragua. In fact our The Nation Bank profeswhile the roots are chemically our landlords with tenants inca developeoses to be willing to loan mo treated. In fact, it is stated that pable of paying their rental: good business from the standiriyortations have airp. anes are used for the spra and our inerchants with none to such a menitude that To Page 11 ying oi plantations of large a. to buy in their store. It 15 reas with the view of killing therefore very much to the inthe insects which attack the terest of the Executive wat on leaves of the trees and deposit ce secuie expert opinions icom their larvae on them.
1: certainly very peculiar may be stamped out quickly rat that the Executive, by means her than await fie ruin of our Messrs. Tate and i, le Following on the interestment, our exporations for of their Secretary of Agricultu country second st muust. the noted Sugar Refirers im intormation we carry cl the nine months of the preof England, have, it is not sewhere in this issue regard sert year total 4, 165, 140 ed, acquired the old and ing Jamaica Banana rade stems as against 3, 114, 368 for well known Anthony Shar we are glad we are in a posi the same period of 1936 Jie Sugar Cane Estates in tidi to inform our reades and of the qunatity chipped the Parish of Westmorelaid, that our output for the cu this year 3, 586. 615 stems we Jamaica, and will be tra: sºrrent year has also produced re produced in this Zone.
LUMBER YARD ferring their Central from an appreciable increase over These figures dislose that the Belle Isle Estate to that of last year.
this year business is so far that of Frome.
We have opened a Lumber Yard According to the llaving also arruirer! the secured figures ci e third more th:n that we f:om the Govern did in 1936 with three more where we carry in stock a complete Amity Hall and Moneymusk ment Statistical Depart. risonths yet to go.
Factories in the Parish of assortment of all kinds of Native Clared on, and that of Dirnard Lodge in St Cathari Lumber. Special sizes to order. ne. this firm of Britished will control more We also have Portland Cement, Roofthan 37. 000 acres of care cultiing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenvation in Jamaica. They ha ve, in addition, declared SERVICIO DE VAPORES tine and all other building materials. their willingness to acknow ledere contracts with the SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK small cultivators for the pui con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA chase of their crops. All the Slaars manufactured at the ale different Centrals will be LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Limon Division chirned to the Refineries in EUROPEOS AMERICANOS Marina Venuſ England As a reeu of these tran VAPORES SALIDAS sortions, a great deal of in terest is being displayed by cane planters and worlars. PETEN.
Octubre 17 PANAMA Sept.
Snoon is reduct whien According populace no doubt will be ass VERAGUA OCTUBRE 24 to information forwarded from fiel provides em lovment for al Ja na ca by the Hon. A The nervspaper field is sur the Civil. Mechanical and most every line of trade QUIRIGUA Octubre 31 Sraith, c. of Kingston, a rounded by many pitfalls and new daily new paper will soon the survival of the fittest, huis Electrical Engineer, the Che make its debut in that Island good everywhere.
mist. the Mason, the CarIte name is Toe Daily Search The inhabitants of Jama ca penter. the Cooper, the ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
17h1 which, it is said will de. no doubt will receive this Blacksmith. the WheelAgentes pars Limon Puntarenas.
vete Its energies to bring about entity in the newspaper fie. wright as well as the labour better conditions in that colo oplnilatically and rull look for er, his wife and children, Para otros informes drijase a la oficinas de la United ns.
ward to its fulfilment ut he the information has Geen Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica 11 the Searchlight will be p:en. ses it proposes to put over most welcomed. in conseable to accomplish all that Iti in due course of time.
quence, by all classes in the TEI EFONO 3156 promies to perform, then the Island.
AN IMPETUS Our Banana Output Shew abroad as to how the di ease for Suger Production Appreciable Increase LIMON TRADING COMPANY UNITED FRUIT Co.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY rammer Another Searchlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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