
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 16th. 1937 LIVING IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF DIVINE SUPPLY ALLAN SI ME a CURRENT ITEMS arm our We are all apt to look at things nious through our Tetting go. wisely. In some way or other from materialistic point of If we are endeavouring to live a God leads us into a more bount LIMON, COSTA RICA view, even when we seek that life of faith in God, we must not eous and care free life through Importación state of Divine understanding in cling to the money that comes to our trust in Him.
Imports and Exports which is contained complete libus, because if we do we put In the same way, although we?
eration from all material lim ta our trust in Mammon instead of give far more Treely, and act Exportación tions. If our circumstances are in God. The secret of the life of more generously, and cease to difficult and our means restricted faith is to recognize at all times cling to things, yet we find our Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit we are apt to think that what we that our supply comes wholly selves so blest that we never reCompra de Cacao en need is more money, a bigger in and solely from God, and that gret parting with our substance.
come, a ride in salary, ete. This it is limitless. It is impossible to We find that the blessing of Jegrano Cocoa Purchased is a mistake. If we had more do th if we eling to our money, hovah is upon us, and that God money without the Divine bles IF WE ARE HARD IN OUR moves in a mysterious way His sing. our difficulties would not DEALINGS WITH OTHERS, or wonders to perform. The blessing be less, while our cures would if we do not live in a generous or recompense does not always!
increase. What is needed is for consciousness.
come back in the form of mateus to seek more of God, instead Many are the temptations that rial things, but in blessings of of seeking more money. Seek ye come to us to put our trust in far greater preciousness in love, We have secured the Norwe works from the Banana Riwc.
first the Kingdom of God, and people and things instead of in in harmony, joy, peace, and other gian market for our Coffee do Much of the eight Inch piping all these things shall be added. God. We may assure ourselves things wh ch all the wealth of wish we cou. find another for by which the water is to be Lay not up for yourselves treas that it is all right regarding such the Indies could not buy. our. Cacao brought to the city has already ures on earth. Be not anxious an dsuch payments because cer Finally experience has proved Leca connected up. Elagineer about money, food, clothes, rent tain monies are due to us. But to me that to live entirely depen Brown of bragline fame is in and so on. Your Father knows these sources of supply may faldent upon God, completely selfcharge of the work and he that ye have need of these things. us utterly; and then because we surrendered, and living in the The Executive decided that certainly rushing it.
After several years somewhat have not put our whole trust in Consciousness of Divine Good the first forty kilometers of cur varied and strenuous experience God, but have trusted instead in and Plenty is to bring into fulfil section of the great lodiwas efliving the life of faith as re the 32 flesh (mate ialment the promises of both the which is to connect the United The disease known as Lat yaras temporal supply the convic means) our life may become Old Testament and the New. In States with Panama sbould be Rot has taken charge of the tion has been borne upon us that more difficult in quence the former we are told that if we constructed from Cartago into coconut grove on the Valverde God does not want us to live God is the only Source which put our trust wholly in Jehovah Dota, but we notice that the district of Santa Maria de lands at Cieneguita The heart the pocrly, or in a poverty stricken never fails, and never can fail. instead of in the arm of flesh leat usually rots out and the manner. It has been shown time All other sources, so called, mai we are like a tree planted by the that twenty kilometers be also sious there wont be a coconut 14 Alajuela people are demanding tree dies. If the disease is conta after tim ethat it is not God fail, and will fail the one who is, waters, which never withers, or given them in the San Carlos desire that we should live mean seeking the liberty of the Sors ceases to bear fruit, and which tree left alive in Cieneguita in District.
ly, but that it should be a blessed of God if only to prove to hin jis unconscious of times of droa few months. This is another and bountiful life, not lacking in that his Divine Source is the only ugt. While in the New matter for the School of Agricul Testature to investigate.
any good and perfect thing. Source, and also that it is inex ment our Lord tells us that if we Landowners are becoming Paradoxically it is equally true haustible. In fact, God is the only will but seek the Kingdom of more reconciled to the payment that we should not be either was Source. There is no other source. God, all the things that we need for taxes on lands; an impuesto teful cr extravagant. It is pos What appear to be sources are for our temporal life shall be which was bitterly opposed at Following on certain recent sible to live in a consciousness only channels. II, therefore, we added.
one time. The Department of happenings, the government is of Divine bounty and plenty, and put trust in channels in It is a great experience proving Direct Taxation reports getting. adopting measures to avoid the be wise in expenditure, Parado stead of in our Source, we are these things to be true. It is a in cthis year round about entry of Jews in the Repubile.
xienly, again, we must never try bound to be disappointed sooner great joy to know that others are two million colones, a sum much to get more than our money or later.
proving them to be true, also, in excess of previous payments. The President of the Repu worth, but rather seek always to In order, then, to live in the be has caused it to be distinegive more than we receive. consciousness of Divine supply These are our experiences daily: The Cia. Bananera is rushing tly understood his government The care free life in which we we have not only to live we live by intensity of our faith the construction of her water will not countenance any strilive happily and bountifully, with generously, and act the part fee! in the goodness of God to us. We cut anxiety or nching, is a life ing and conducting ourselves at have no income, no business, no of liberality and generous giv all times as those who nave be salary, yet our wants are supFOR SALE ing. We never miss what we give, hind them the illimitable escur plied.
An exquisite house of four apartments at the First Aviabut our life becomes richer and ces of God, but we have also to tion Ground. With cli accommodations for a family. Water treer and easier and more harmo acknowledge God at all times as supply in Kitchen and Bath filled wifh Tanks. Chicken our one and only Source, BOOTH Coop capable of keeping 80 Chickens. Stables for ani.
The important thing is to live mals, with Bodega and large shed for storing Bananas and in this Divine Consciou ness at ſzed. pig Grawl and Crazing Paddock for Milch Cows.
Best all times instead of saying we ALL GOING CHEAP, CHEAP Wee. Le must have more money, etc. God Baked is able to do great things ou Berlin Arrangements with Mr. Nation. Box 137. Linon ESTRADA apart from money, if we abide in Brzad the consciousness that the InfiniBuns Abarrotes y Licores kes such as happened here some te is supplying all our needi Mo Biscuits Cakes RAILWAY ACCIDENT time ago.
Artículos del Pais ney seems to go farther scme Precios Econónic)
things may come to us without The People Bakery AT JUAN VIÑAS LA IBERIA our having to buy them, or we are Box 179. Limon iled to lay out our money more During the afternoon oi Due to the unpleasantness bet Friday of last week, while En ween Honduras and Nicaragua, ginear Sagado was taking a launch arrived at the Colora the Weed Burning Machine do Bar with over one hundred conda ed be engine No. 28 Nicaraguans who had been for ced out of Honduras.
up toward Juan Viñas, the machine got off the track at 74 12 miles and almost cap sized. Dame Fortu. e was ho Fresident Cortes will not per BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE wever in fat our of Shortie mit labourers to migrate from for just two links chead is the Coffee districts to other UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK the spot well 11. own as the areas in search of work, as this de pest precipice along the will cause a scarcity of labour railroad where he and his Cor: for the gathering of the inco.
ofrece al público offers the public sort would have certainly had ming crop.
los servicios de su the services of its roll of over 1, 000 met es into the Reventazon river.
While negotiating the cur The remaining seventeen of ves, the top heavy condition of the burner was not, the 40 foct banana cars ordered apEN LA 2me time ago by the Northern parently, reckonod with. IN THE ir Raiiway Co have arrived, 50 keeping with th speed at We now have thirty. five of which the convoy might ha these cars which are from ve been going in order to Gerran Railway Manufacturing mount the very steep grade Fimi at Essen.
para toda clase de all kinds of bank in that section. As a result Although ten feet longer than of the accident, the regular our other cars they are light, servicio bancario service rendered service to and from San strongly made and scientifically ose was somewhat delayed ventilated.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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