
he attention of our read KNUTSFORD PARK the In consequence of the infor. lly affect the Treasury of Comerciante Detallista is called to the Excur where real sporting events Dration given the tenants on Vaiverde pro perties; because it Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, organized by the Me such as were never before the lands of the Valverde Esta the people have been finding it Artículos de Ferreteria y inics Order for Jamaica witnessed wit be seen. At te by the Agent, Mr. Juan Luis difficult to pay their five and Eléctricos; todo se encuentra the 14th. December next. the close of the Day Sport, Canos, of an immediate increa ter colones rates, how will it be en este establecimiento.
se of their rentals, bitter resent possible for them to meet ne is is a fine opportunity the drawing for the refreshing one memo ment is being displayed by Ir. creased amounts?
When Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr of what Christmas 000 SWEEPSTAKE LIMON rning market is like in will take place.
It is said that some of those Ealdicceda and others operated On Tues who have been occupying these as There are at day a visit can be made to lands for many years and regu much difficulty in the collection Agents, they experienced Island.
ctions which cannot be the Bournmouth Bath, a gov of the rentals as there were Jamaica Christmas and cribed, and the real hap ernment Institution, where larly paying their rentals have Et orddenly had these raised from Lawyers who advised the te less and goodwill display a swim can be enjoyed aamong all classes on that longside ten to forty colones per month. nants not to pay for some obs New York Sporting Events the Island best While others who paid twenty cure reason, hence there are ppy morn must be expe without encountering fro: five have been raised to fifty debts amounting to four, live need to be truly under wns and other slights. The and seventy five colones. These and six hundred colones The coming Christmas od.
pleasure of seeiry: Cricket people were permitted to erect due the estate. How will it be Races over the famed Knuts and Football played as they buldings on the land. and be possible for these debtors to ford Park Track give promise Excursionists will arrive ought may be indulged in cause it is known they cannot pay now that this new Agent of being a mammoth gather Kingston on the 20th. a during the remainder of the remove them in a day or a week is raising the rates one hun. ing, as away from the string will then week while friends and re this disadvantage has been pla dred per cent and more. An of English racers which ve the next three days to latives are being visited and ced on them. There are some, sent should be a man fully ac already there to compete it the different towns and preparations made after par however, who are determined quainted with the psychology with the local thoroughbreds her places of interest and ticipating in the joys of Old, not to pay and are prepared to of the people with whom he several American tear down their buildings and deals. Il tenants are made com will it is expected, be also animals turn to Kingston on Fri Year Night and New Years y the 24th, to witness a Day, to leave on the home go elsewhere.
fortable and charged reasona.
In times like these when able rates in keeping with preva aly happy and hospitable ward trip on Tuesday che taking part; one of these, owa meer ed by the President of ople Saturday the 4th. January.
bourers and workmen are being iting con ditions, they will strith. On the following day, The Prices for the Round laid off; when Banana fiedsve to meet their obligations no Haitian Jockey Club has al arrived from New inday the 26th. every one Irin are exceedingly mod are threatened with the new dis matter how strigent their liveli ready n, if the yso desire, enjoy erate:ease; when the heavy rains na hood, but when domineering si York.
e beauty of Church ser 1st. Class 50. 2nd. ve so washed the blossoms oiftuations arise they will conspire first class Polo Team Leat ces in any of the several Class. 37; 3nd. Class our Cacao trees that a very to hurt to best interests of the from the famous Hurling the nominations. Monday the 27; Deck. 18.
pocr crop is expected, it seems estate concerned.
ham Club of England. caperde th. will be the day of the See or Communicate with most shortsighted policy for tained by Lord Louis Mount eart amouth Race Meet at Mr. Nation for all the the Agency of any Estate to be batten, will be visiting the information required.
raising the rentals of their leFrancisco Fonseca Ch. Islard during next January nants. It is alleged that this par Inta ticwar Agent is a Negro hater, LAWYER NOTARY or February to play a series out hence his actions which will af of three matches against the PUBLIC fect this race more than Island best. It is stated the Office: her other. Some of these concerned re is considerable Adjoining to the City prospects Have appealed to Doña Emma of a team of Artrican pla Public Library CIRUJANO DENTISTA Jimenez to modify the harsa yers being also there at the measure, but we understand no ENGLISH SPOKEN same time, hence the sporting reply has yet been received public are likely to have the Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club from her FORMER JUDGE OF THE thrill of watching games of ent Miramar, donde ofrece a su rumerosa clienIt does look as if trouble is LIMON DISTRICT COURT an intrenational character for brew. ng, which must eventua.
the first time in that Isiand.
ha tela los más modernos tratamientos dentales Rie piping be ready the on Dr. ERWIN WEDEL any TO EXCURSIONISTS FOR JAMAICA Jamaica Expects Record Banana Year AVELINO DE LA FEÑA Cía, Sucs.
af All persons who can prove: Tourits, those travelling Istor Vea See hey are Jamaicans are umit na. class will be required to e freely into the Island, the pay a Tax of ten shillings, bat las CAMAS The latest Jerol come in and see your 3rd class and Deck travellers ensu. Your Pa sport costs ten wi. be excluded from the tax SIMMONS 1:17ings or fifteen colones.
styles in so long as they are possessed ef Costa Ricans and other ens recuru Tickets.
de último eswill be regarded and treated es SIMMONS tilo que nos bed just acaban de arrived Some very interesting informa this same week Costa Rica was llegar cicn has reached us regarding the only able to send away 107, 484 Banana trade of Jamaica stems We are informed that from the of the three Fruit Companies month of January to the 2nd. Oc now operating in Jamaica, the dober this year, the shipments Un ted Fruit is the most import Jrom that Island produced a ant shippers for the current year; Erand total of 21, 057, 133 stems their shipments for the period re of the fruit as against 18. 789. 647 ferred to have totalled 14. 199. 729 Hor the corresponding months last stems, while the Jamaica Banana ear. Exportations for the month Producers Association sent out pending the 2nd. instant amounted 742. 230 and the Standard Fruit to 3, 742. 230 stems compared to and Shipping Co. 115. 174.
18. 231. 611 during a similar time As there are still three more In 1936, while the shipments for months for shipments, it is exLONDON. No European of a general war or whether di But when it is a case of the week ending he threat of war between two grest on the same pected that the Island Banana country really wants war, Geor plomatic jockeying was at troate, totalled 574. 705 against Trade for the current year will 5e Pernard Shaw said expressing bottom of the situation. Ho con movements like Communion and 14469, 098 of the 1936 week, For be a record one.
the opinion that common 80tinued.
Fascism then nobody can icrabil will prival. You see it is no longer a quis what may happen.
In an interv. ew the Britisa dration of war between nations but In a minor way the Com matit and commentator on peh wa between Communism and munist Fascist clash is going on EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ lic affairs, said: Bo sh: vim now in Spain. It may spread. On No one least of all can Yes that right: Communis, as the otly and it may burn itRODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ possibly say whether there are represented by Soviet Russia and sell out.
warlike intentions beh nd Bolshevim as represented by Na Somehow thick that com all this blustering betwe nazism anà Faseism.
mon sense will prevadili su Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Public Notaries tions or whether it is merely No ration makewar on a rope, especially as nobody red!
SAN JOSE blur LIMON other unless it is absclutely sirely wants war.
SAN JO LIMON Shaw Semarks wire are of suciss. No first class Eu Whatever ray be occurring In Oficina en Limón: Office in Limon adici is that one to a questió as to wheth ropes nat on therefore is in a the Far East, Europe is cetireContiguo a la Municipali of the Municipality opposite er what President Roosevhas position to nake war against an tely irclined pacifically despite dau (frente al Parque)
the Park.
called intrnational Jitteriness other first cla nation with any the most bitter antagonism of the indicated there was real danger guarantee of succes.
two schools of political thouglae.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
No European war says Bernard Shaw


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