
H vre Hasta para evitar que haya más gente sin trabajo Cacao embarcado en Puerto Limó du bvmos comprar LOTERIA NACIONAL Cosech 1936 1937 setiembre 1937 En planillas de obreros y empleados Fe ha Vapor Embarcator Consgat rio Destino Sacos Kit del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuven Ser. Crijssen. Agencas Unidas Order 150 102 Miles de colones cada mes Allan Sime Barco eman Chile 50 38 Pfen Garel Ramos Luria Co. Hmburgo 62 43 Compre sólo LOTERIA LOTERIA NACIONAL 12 Veragua Liman Trad Co. Order Perú 100 70 Agencias Unidas der Merseil es 162 113 19 Quirgus Cie. Bananera Nac. de Cho. Clombia 500 3:15 y yude a evitar uue haya Cia. Ban nera Order Danzig 150 103 más crisis y necesidades.
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Chile generosa y enorgullecedura. tria agradecida qui o que en 50 350 850 Ca. Bancnera, se ligar de dolor, la gillarda 58747 Hmburgo F81 4088 Homenaje justo 412 Agencias Unidas A.
figura de esos hombres, queda 28836 Clinibid 500 345 e a modo de Dioses tutelares LU on Trading Co. 100 7000 Amiste dam 200 20834 En los actos celebrados el Para ellos se mante dra siem Gabriel Rankos 84 5SSO 200 S0800 Doce de Octubre en el Hospi pre ei cerdido el pebelero de la Allam Sime 50 3500 Marseilles 262 18330 lai de Sn Juan de Dios como srat tud acional lapan 185 1295 homenaje a dos ilustres desa 2481 158854 150 10551 150 10330 2481 158837 Inauguración del.
Perú Havre Da zig THE CR. MAX PRALTA MIXTURE زم با ABYSSINIA AND JUSTICE CHILD CRUSHED AT CIENEGITA Notas Sociales de Cartago meeting of the League of has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav1. Dean of Wetansiers ing cured an immense number of persons who sufthat the matter must be a fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These Such is the name given to part in the discusions and reputy shoul, and a road now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from the Conference held in Central solutions regarding the refusal appeal to a se. e or larp such complants as Hall, Westminster, England on it was relt Great Britain should use by the people on the ed COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, the 9th. Spetember when many give to the sugge. tion for the try.
LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, very prominent personis tooz recognition of Italy murderous wis Sylvia Pankhurst was BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION conquest of Abyssinia at the the opinion that the Ila ia wcie pursuing a policy oi ex Quon wnion can not countenanced by any civila Cuuuu Mr. Wall, President tre London Trades Council On Saturday evening last a very careful driver and, De Panamá said he did not think thi.
cual está siendo organizado por while the Manager of the according to the declaration civilized any other count Procedentes de Panamá se la Cruz Roja a beneficio del Theatre Arrasty was taking of one who was an would be likely to propose eyewit encuentran de len poroda entre boliquin infanhl.
his accustomed drive with ness of the accident, had it nosotros el caballero don Jose recognition of Italy conque his fimily along the Westfa not been for his usual care, Isaac Fabrega y su señora es En Limón of Abyssinia.
lia rood, a little boy who was child posa la gentil y bella dunia Sir George Paish felt that would certainly have Estuvieron unos pocns días playing with others deña Ines ue Fabrega.
ran thr been run over.
en Limon lo distinguida dania nacions should work togeth deña Chepits de Saxe y lo jó lur their common good or thi across the roadway and got The Police van was soon Regreso Ven y bella señora doña Zulay wou. soon come to disaste in contact with the automobil on the spot and the child ta Sa e inañana de regreso para de Sexe.
He alieady Law Italy nearing le; one of his feet was crush ken to the hospital where he Parall a lo dist nguida señora saster socially, economically ar ed was attended to and sent ho dona Carmen Saenz de Barsalle En Tierra Blanca financially, and this wou Cruz is known to bel me.
en union de sus hijitos despué. Paso unos dias de recreo en spread unless the other natio: de haber pasado ua le poroda Tierra Bianca la estimable se got together and acted a, de varios meses entre nosotros nora doña Emilia Muntia en man beings ought, 60. He hope unión de sus hijos, that England. would never Cumpleaños Ctre bra el lunes próximo lo De Nicaragua an accessory to an intrnation: fecha de nata icio el joven Ro Procedente de Nicaragua se crime such as a recognition urigo Lopez, a quien felicitamos encuentra en esta ciudad la be Italy conquest of Ethiopia.
por tal motivo.
ila señorita Lucrecia Huete a Ir. Martin the Ethiopian quien presentamos nuestro anister, was present as wela En Turrialba tento Saludo de bienvenida. many other well known orator Estuvo de paseo en Turrialba such as Professor Angelo Crepi la señorila Aicia Solo.
En Limón Frol Sia. ley von: Dr. Hu an Scho para Limón, on activi genholtz; Lord Be tow. El Baile de Hallowen dades de su cargo, el distinguido Miss El. anor Rathbone Reina ei oime entusiasmo en caballero don José Antonio Wi.
at los circulos sociales por el baile lis, Gerente de la Junta Auxiliar Resolution was taken to th de Hallowen que se verificar a de Turismo de Cartago, y ac effect that Britain represent LIMON prox mi mente en los Salones uolmente Gerente interino de tives before the League of Na ti del Ciub social de Cart go, e la Junta Nacional de Turismotions should stoutly refuse acknerledge the conquest of hiopia twas agreed to plan a copy of the resolution in the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back hands of the British Prime de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
nister and the Secretary for Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office reign Affairs cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service. o step which de tener que coriar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Miss Gertrude Hines of marrones sends a communi cation in which she says the rumour that Mr. Mason treated her is a wicked lid propagated by her enemies Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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