
mói Our Cattle Industry.
1937 soon os 02 113 36 Dr. MEDAL Jr.
135 1:32 18 CO 21 16 114 TE PENSION PASOS DISINTEREST BY COLORED PEOPLE 88 THE NORMANDIE MAY peeting would of course have VISIT JAMAICA alines.
From Page in a pistion to export o go be met, and we would neys for the improvement of into the refrigeration line like have a happy, contented, our Cattle industry, but the the Argentine Republic for prosperous peasantry among restrictions are so cumberso supplying the European mar whom Corrinunism would be me trat it is hardly worth kets. Our wants would thus unknown one while to negotiate such a transaction. In the first in stance, it is stipulated that the loan must be fully repaid within two years.
What Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist would a cattle man do with De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, money borrowed for this New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, short period except use it for Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional buying and selling in the fesionales en su moderna Services in his New UpStock speculating business. Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic, We would suggest that the contiguo a la oficina government give out lands Located next to the Si Ud. va a PANAMA hospedese en la del Cable. All America Cables for the stated purpose cf cattle rearing and make loans covering a reasonable term of years to worthy workers for the developmerit of the Dear Mr. Editor ver their cause by white organi industry zations, it is noted that a large 30 Please allow me space in your percer. tage of the Black Face to be appointed to superviec valvable Weekly for thee few remains indifferent why?
these investments and Physical freedom does aot Board of Control instituted in Doring the past few days Dincecrarily indicate mental zice 080 KINGSTON, Ja. The French travel on the vessel from New every Canton so that the mo bcuti, French Somaliland, don Some of our Black Race are Syliner Normandie the largest ves York to Ro de Janeiro early mont any carelessness or ras has sent us the news that the stly possessed of the psychologi 25 sel in the passenger trade and next year, might spend a day or cality were detected the mo, Ethiopians an not merely stinal enslavement which causes 755 holder of the blue riband of the two in Jamaica. The financial nies could be immediately de carrying on the conflict, but are them not only to be unwilling 053 Atlantic will be seen in Kingston stipulation stated above is includ manded.
doing so in a most orderly and to take up a duty but to recog harbour during the winter ed in the reply received by the The lands of the Milla Ma well organized manner.
lize it as such. This inaitieren 1938 if the Tourist Trade Deys Board.
ritima are hardly suited for The massacre of the natives ce is also, in part, due to tak lopment Board can arrang The Normandie will ic other than procere anything cattle ha; brought the Ethiopians cloi os responsability, for whatever methods the position of the Black man met the demands of either the deration, but it is hoped that the rearing, so instead of demand ser together in their shipping company or the Travel Raymond Whitcombe travel or ing rentals from these occu o resistance, while the attempt in the Western World educa.
to supress the Coptic Church toally, economically or politiCompany that is arranging the ganization might to piers, each one who is willing has sherun the priests that their cally, he is not in charge, not arrange cruise which the giantess of the bring Jamaica into the itinerary to devote himself to this in besc interests lie along with the responsible head, hence his ocean will make to portions of The ormandie proceed dustry could be allotted say their country fighting men undeveloped psychological atti the Caribbean and to Brazilian from New York to the chief port 30 hectareas free of rent To Thus Ethiopia is united in ber tads which accompanies respon waters.
in Brazil direct. On the return be established by him in grass ceasing fight against the insibilities and his lack of or weak Forty thousand Collars will be trip si ewill call at Por of after which he would be assist vacung Italians.
sm pathy with the Ethiopians, and Fors required to nclude Kingston in Spain, Trinidad fed to stock the holding. This He wever, in the midst of the Thanks for space.
the itinerary. Definite informa France, Martinique. The chair would however necessitate suffering and bravery of the tion has been received here in man of the Tourist Development the government importing Ethecpian and the support bil EDWIN HORDE this point, the Tourist Board Board, who has left Kingston proper breeding stock for dis having invited Messrs Raymond by piano EE. UU. Canada and trbiution among breeders in Whitcombe who will conduct th the Unitei States, Canada and every Canton subject to thc cruise, to use their best endea possibly England, in the interest control of a Board of gentle vours so that the very large com of the tourist raffic to Jamaica, men with whom the Inspec Latest confer wito tor of Hacienda would from advices pay of winter trippers who will way, it is learnt, disclose ny and the United States, of Raymond Whiteombe Company time to time conier.
fu that the Duke and Duchess acquiring a further and and the management If say 20, 009 cows, of Windsor have decided o.
from toller knowledge of conditions poes bility of the steamer being three to five years of age, we go travelling. They will first in these countries.
Sirected to Kingston te imported and sold to brce visit Germany, then the Uni Much speculation exists as ders, within the space oi fi ted States, and probably to the possibility of the Da ve years we should have all South America at a later po ke establishing a home either the con riod.
in Baltimore, the birth town LIMON It is said that the Duke of the Duchess, or on Long Mr. Thompson, the ther five years we would be who always interested himself Island, as it is believed he in the well the is 2xxious to being of settle down ner of a small Dairy on the Fábrica de Hielo Santa Rosa Track working min will take the and quit the life of idleness y Refrescos three miles from this city, had a most unusual experienGLIACIMO GUAPILES ce laat Wednesday morning oOn entering his paddock to Cantina, Licores start the days milking, he Extranjeros y del país.
saw an immense snake a Goff, with one o! his calves Tienda bien surtida in its coils which he soon dis LA FLORIDA Abarrotes en general covered was dead as the snak Precios sin competenci e hal already sucked all of Fábrica de Hielo its. blood Thompson being unarmed MORE PANAMANIAN Venta de Leche ran to secure a machete but EXCURSIONS y Maderas al returning found the repti le had already made good its From Colon comes the an escape.
nouncer at that the Jamaica Mutual and Protective So ciety of that City has LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
for the Rejuvenation of men.
ged to conduct a series of MADURO LUMBER YARD excursions to Jamaica under Women fake FERTILINETS a five year contract with one Dealers in native lumber and produce to preserve Youth and Beauty. 215 of the Shipping Companies.
South of Post Office The Excursions will com mence in December 1933 ON SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
and one will be run each year GENERAL DEPOSIT, BOTICA CENTRAL during the festive Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO LIO. ORTIZ That which should take pia Box. 510 Al sur del correo San Jose Apartado 215 ce this coming December has OR THE SOLE REPRESENTATIVES Venta de maderas Compra de productos. been postponed to next Eas.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor to Travel COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY FROM SANTA ROSA sumption. and probably an ane OWabout LUIS WA CHONG pportunitlu, while in Germa he now leads.
Full steam ahead Success in life Lasting youth by means of VIRILINETS arran season


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