
Our Recent Visitors The Atlantic Voice Among The Warring Nations as UB 10 52 BWhen it became known that Agriculture and Fomento, den Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic don Francisco De Gutierrez Ricardo Pacheco Lare, who, un Secretary of Finance and Com solicited, and even before the Editor English Section: C. NATION merce and Engineer don Ficar. cultivators themselves knew do Pacheco Lara, Secretary of what was happening refused to Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 30th. October 1937 No. 168 Public Works and Agriculture entertain any of the denunwould arrive in our Seawiri cios placed on such cultimated by the regular pas iger lands. He told his nationals train last Saturday after they must respect the prior noon every one was anxious to rights of these poor cultivators get out to welcome them, and and submit denouncements for many were the hamdshakes and only such portions of the anos Much unrest is still feing tricts and retire to a newl The Republics of Haiti other signal, of happy greetings as were uncultivated. How clo witnessed among the turbu line of defense. The defend and Santo Domingo are at to indicate the appreciation felt rious it is when we have in Jent people of the world. ing Commanders assert that grips with clashes occuring for two who had done so much power men of goodwil, men of Mussolini accepted the the situation in Shanghai is among their Guards, station gratuitously for Limon rectitude and right thinking Il propositions of England and not causing the government ed on the border line bet At the time of the haading minds such as don Ricardo Fa.
France to withdraw all fo any serious concern as thatween each country, each over of the lands to the govern checo Lara. Was it therefore reign troops in Spain which city is of no importance in government has however ment by the Fruit Company in anything to wonder at that the spulated that 1, 000 of their general system of de signified its good sense or keeping with the provisions of people came out in such large these should be immediately fence.
reaching an amicable settle the Banana concession, inany numbers to greet these two gym retired from each of the With regard to the dispu ment without further blou unscrupulous nationals in their pathizers with our workiag po contending forces as eviden te beween Nicaragua anddshed.
anxiety to secure certain Cacao pulace without distinction ce of good faith. This has, Honduras, this will, as we Two hydroplanes, marked and other cultivations for not to class or colons?
however, been opposed by state elsewhere, be settled with Black crosses have Sing, rushed in with projects to On this visit we also had aith Russia who claims the pro by a conference soon to be sidik two French steamers denounce large portions of the us a great hearted Limonense portion should be one loyal held in San Jose, the men in the Mediterranean. Much se lands which had been under ag Secretary of State in the ois ist volunteer for every se bers of which will be the speculation naturally arises cultivation for years by Vegroes patch of Finance and Comterven fascists, on the ground specially appointed repre as to whom these planes be Fortunately there was a ympat ce, don Francisco de Gatiethat the number of these sentative of the United long. This may give rise to hetic righteous. minded Secre. rrez, affectionately known ta foreigners are far greater on States, and the Ministers of further complications in Eu tary of State in the di patch of (TO PAGE 0. the side of the nationalists Foreign Affairs for Venezue ropean diplomatic circles as than in the ranks of the go tually abandon several dis every effort is being made vernment forces. Mussolint la and this country. to place their nationality.
claims there are only 40, 000 Italian Volunteers in Spain while other estimates place them at 120, 000 with 20, 000 in the ranks of the loyalists. It was expected that this ins per kilo, 2nd, ass 15 cents. deadlock has occurred in titution would have been opened 3rd class. 10 cents and 4th.
As a consequence of fur thly per hectarea up to 50 consequence and there are in due form on the 12th of the class 0. 05 stall for livether agitation and additior hectareas; twenty cents up fears to a complete break present month but the date ha chickens carries the price nal representations by to 75 hectareas: twenty five down of the efforts of the new been fixed for the 150, No 50 cents per day.
Fernando Asch on behalf of cents up to 100, and fifty Committee and the abandon viembre when the usual ceremo For the refrigeration of Milk, the occupiers of these lands, cents up to 150. On ali areas ment of the Neutrality Pact. ny of bles ing, etc. will take the charge will be one colon per jour Legislative Representa beyond 150 hectares a rate Meantime General Franco is place, mik pail, while yeast, butter, tives Messrs. Juanito Roma of one colon per hectarea, doing everything posible As there are but velve stall ge, fruit and vegetable will pa: gosa and Daniel Zeledon the same as that now collect to inflict a crushing blow in these wil only be rented to bo fifty cents per cubic foot per along with those for the ed on other national lands, the Aragon Sector before na fides butchers of stock wo day. Wild game will carry a ra. Province of Puntarenas, Me is suggested.
further complications arise. will allot them to their cutters, te of one colon each and chic ssrs.
Pablo Angulo and Ra As it is claimed by the Hitler isbelieved to be an No one butcher will be al cwea kens iifty cents. All the rates fael Angel Figueroa, have movers of this new proposixious to wtihara his men morl than two stails, but each are payab. e daily and any stal: submitted a greatly mod fitions that there is no diffebut he does not like to leave can, it is noted, accomodate two holder in arrear for eight days led Tariff under which therence between the conditions Mussolini alone.
cutters. The stails will be rented will lose his stail, lands should be rented for of life and production It is now discovered that after the fol. owing rates. with All cutters are to wear white the consideration of the Mithe hands on both littorals the pirate submarine which re. rizeration utilities, 3. 00 caps and aprons which shall be ter of Finance and Com they sugest that the same cracked a shot at the Bri per day, without refrigeration changed each day, and no but merce.
tariff should apply to them.
tish Chaser Basilisk and 2. For the sale of turtle. cher or cutter will be permitted The Proposition suggests The project is having the was sunk by her by a depth the rate will be 1. 50 with re to attend in the stalls without that free orcupation of the consideration of the Minisbomb, was the German 24 frigeration. For the sale of fi holding a certificate of health Jands should be permitted ter and will no denbt be which Hitler is trying to the prices are ist. clase, 0. 25 from the 0.
earh settler up to 20 he placed before Congress at keep a secret from his peotareas; thereafter the ren an early date.
by it tals should be ten cents moni Another Proposal Re The The New Market Milla Maritima Lands on while practising at certain British Manifestation in The Balearics UNITED FRUIT Co.
The Chinese have held LONDON. England is her most powerful war unit back the Japs on the North making a manifestation of the Hood. meantime for ern and Shanghai fronts, power in the Balearic Is: eign Minister Eden is doing although they had to even. lands where she has sent querything possible before the Committee of Non Inter when we vention to bring about an SERVICIO DE VAPORES agreement for the evacuation of all alien volunteers now in Spain.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Admiral Cunningham in con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA command of the fleet in the LUMBER YARD Western Mediterranean is LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS on the Hood and has been instructed to maintain cons EUROPEOS AMERICANOS We have opened a Lumber Yard It ont contact with the three Islands, Mayorca, Menorca VAPORES SALIDAS where we carry in stock a complete and Iviza, and to particular ly watch movements in the assortment of all kinds of Native first named, where the Ita QUIRIGUA Octubre 31 Lumber. Special sizes to order.
lians have established a re PETEN Novbre. gular air base which threaWe also have Portland Cement, Roof tens to dominate the entire VERAGUA Novbre. 14 group of Islands which lie ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenin the Anglo French lines of tine and all other building materials.
This is another problem ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS which is serionsly occupyAgentes pars Limón y Puntarenas.
ing the attention of England and France and which is Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United feared. in London diploma Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica tic circles, may be the cause Limon Division of a general European outTEI EFONO 3156 breack.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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