
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 30th. 1937 Excursionists Here from Panama The Boycotting of War paper for some Shanghai Children Homeless people coming in for thirty Another Medicine Man Buyers of Scrap ALLAN SIME The well known motor days. The matter has not while awaiting the arriva Launch Bocas del Toro yet however been brought of a ship for which they hold The Editor: saatte kq unos e qons arrived here a week ago before his Legislature, dne tickets as intransit passen Please allow me space in your pedient of getting rid of her on from the Panamanian Port possibly to stress of meregers without making the mot interesting the co and for all, this can only be of Almirante with a goodly pressing duties. It does seom prescribed exhorbitant cash following by war and unlest human nature number of tourist, who left most discourteous that a deposit. It is hoped Presi The idea of boycotting war dergoes a very radical charge us on Monday last by the group of people should, for dent Arosemena and his an admirable one, ad no cout the meatime, they are likely to wa same boat. Nearly all of no other reason than their Executives will see the injus reflects the inner cost feelings of ge a more serious wa, anong these pleasure seekers have dark hue. be prevented from tice being done to a class of the more plous statesmen of The themselves when the time nall ha relatives and friends resid vis( irg their relatives or travellers and so modify the age, but it is not practicabie ove arr ved for th: sharing of the ing here and they came to friends for even a day or restricti. is of their Immilong as men are conrolled by vargu shad, rengade one. Heace renew the ties which bind two in the city of Colon gration Laws.
gav. ccabe ride and unreasonabe wo see the possibility or two war them. They were all highly Just for power. This is an ngetor the enforcement of this pact.
pleased with the hospitality when men worship at the shrie Again, ther should exist afforded them and promisof envy, hate and jealousy: when Court or Counc for the settleed to return during the com diplomts are only sucessful ihen ment of International dispuca sin ing year as a special mark they are adepts at hypocrisy and ce these will always occur in spi of appreciation for the few deception, and when it is regar. te of Pacts.
happy days they spent SHANGHAI Chira for The boycotting intentioals her The slight st display of charity cenounce war while recretly pre tain y good, but to yet results ed as an honest thing to openly among us.
gotten chaldrin hundreds of brings an alavanche of youtbrul This happy intereourse by famiibed. dirty, hait. naked war humanity, fighting desperate y for paring for it We must move in another way.
the exchange of visits should ons are roaming the streets a. y handout.
Peace can never be secured by the As a matter of fact, the sword be more frequent, but un an al ys of Shanghal.
These Forzotten childrer. pre, bad haruly been sheathed in 1928 which may later be treated mere drawing up of contracts fortunately the restrictions by Animal like, they dart about, sent a new problem to health and when certain nations began to gi placed on coloured people spenálng their days in an in polic authorities. No ur principled rulers and govern agency ve closs attention to their arnxs.
ments ae valueless scrap fo paper entering Panamanian ports cleas hunt for food At wright is equipped to care for the and high co tractin? parties may we should first strive to bring are so stringent that they they flock to refuge camps. hi apparently they are doomed by agree as much as they Whethas about that condition among the create a serious barrier.
de in alleyways or seek shelter in war to join the raaks of beggars he sett nt er so ution of peop es of the world whereby the As it is, Costa Rica, fam empty garbage cans or dry good criminals and other derelicts of a disputes or conflicts, of watever nations will be enabled to appre ed for her many acts of cor boxes. Usluckler ones curl op toc ety.
nature or origin, shall avaya ciate the fact that they are mem dielity and hospitality, plarest in gutters or doorways.
be by racific means; but what will bers of one great family.
ces no embarrassment on they do about the renegade or ou With thanks for space tlaw who is prepared to treat this mon, Oct. 1937.
day provided) they can pact like it serap of paper. Even shew tickets for their return increase Orders in it should be decided to push Edwin Horde trip at the expiration of that The man Charles Montagtime; the Panamanian gone who was arrested at Ma WASHINCTON The Extens vernment, however, restricts tina for practising Voodoo to wh ch reament ad con le a deposit of 500 dollars from ism has been listed for de nave bcomed the export of car the Manager of such Excur portation. Like Alti and iron from the United States siens.
his gang, this man is said to hown by the following tlgures It will be remembered be a Jamaican. He suffers LIMON, COSTA RICA to various nat ons during the first that when the present Pre from a bad record as it is. in tons) for American exports Importación sid His Excellency Seid he murdered a man at siz mor. ths of 1936 and the similar Imports and Exports ñor Demosthenes Aroseme Matina some years ago.
y period of 1937 na visited Jamaica as PreJapan 503. 165 313. S03 Exportación sident Elect, he was interG. Pitain 292. 725 323. 017 viewed by a deputation of Lumber Deposit Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX Depósito de Madera Italy 173. 323 135 873 coloured persons who had Poland 7213 resided in Panama for many 124. 938 Compra de Cacao en ABOGADO years and on the harshness Germany 395 31. 283 Cocoa Purchased grano of the Immigration Laws Czechoslovakia 12. 203 y NOTARIO PUBLICO Belgium 438 being pointed out to him, 18. 529 that distinguished diplomat China 15. 133 27. 838 Tromised that so soon as he Oficina: Altos Pas Cther should have taken over the natio. 79. 284 173. 360 reins of government of his cual Ingianna Erintay he would endeaTotal 071. 476 172. 560 Standing of teams as of October 24th, 1937 vour to bring about an amendment to the Law whereby TEAMS GAMES PLAYED WON Lest PERCENTAGE coloured people might be Cubs permitted to visit their re3 0 CCO Caribe latives and acquaintances, 2 1. 000 robbery of a most cea atio. minal Courts and on enquiring Motive Power 1 or for the purnose of gett nal character is reported to ha the reason for its being there 500 Pathfinders 1 ing expert medical aid, dur ve been committed in San Jose ar that hour, the party at the 500 Unifruitco. 1 ing a period of say ninety during the early hours of last wheel is said to have infornied.
333 Surtidora. 4 Monday morning, as the result him that the other three occu000 of which three packages contaipants were cmployees of the SCORE OF GAMES PLAYED José chion Ng.
ning some of the principal docu Courts and were going to do 50.
Comerciante Cetallista ments in the action for the al. me special work. As he says he Mctive Power Surtidora leged forgery of vouchers for did not suspect anything wrong Caribe 13 Surtidora Licores, Abarrotes Cristaleria, the salaries of certain of our he made no special note of eit.
Cubs 13 Pathfinder. Articulos de Ferreteria Legislative Deputies, which has her the car or the occupants: Unifruitco Pathfinder.
Eléctricos; todo se ercuentra been before the Criminal Courts he has been placed under arrest 24 Unifruitco Surtidora en este establecimiento.
for arather considerable period. pending further investigation. Molive Power. Cubs 11 are reported missing from the All San José has been aroused PRECIOS DE SITUACION Unifruilco Caribe 13 office of the Court having cha: cver this most peculiar deal.
19 Suri dira LIMON ge of the suit.
The parties who were closely The Policeman who was on du connected with the charges and Nore. There are 30 Lergue Games scheduled of which ty in the vicinity. reports he saw were provisionally at liberty has have been played. The changes which occur in the posi.
a car standing before the en ve been rearrested. Strike in tions of the Clubis will be shewn werkly.
trance to the offices of the Cril Jamaica Nos permitimos amar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your atentinn to our remark at the back It is not cled that a strike re de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
cently took place on the front at the port of Oracab:ss1 Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office on the Northeastern side of the cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month Is an of Jamaica and spread to de cada mes other posts, ananas had ail to be Be so good as to comply with this request and do not loaded at Kingston and Port An Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tonio, the fruit being conveyed by de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take railroad ad trucks to these two points. It was doubtbul what ha Ve ocurrid last week.
Limón Base Ball League Most Daring Robbery aaam 17 watcr Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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