
urday October 30th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1937 Early Start for Abaca Industry Ethiopia Invaders in Difficulties ar pact, some received as First sea Power DET Our Recent Visi.
reasonable representations ding. However, we understand Nicaragua Buys Planes The navy is not yet able to have taking an interest in the Company propoce to commence According to the information sons, arms and attition where he has been inflicting zefles of the National Com operations by establishing 500 more recently released by The which were of course taken by riou losses on the Itama:is. All established some time ago hectareas in this Zone in Voice of Ethiopia. the Italians the natives, expeditions sent against hira he exploitation of the plant and to erect their main are, apparently, experiencing With regard to the expection have been unsuccesful. 431 Industry, will be pleasea factory in this city; they will al much more difficulties in Ethio consisting of 00) soldier Addis Abeba is now surround urn that they have decided so be erecting small pants pia than is generally known, as which the Italians sent against et by strong wire entongieonly planting the the plantations of ment, and all gates are clued nature e month of February next to attend to the first curing of the result of the tactics being Kerazmach Abesa Arragni employed against them by the the Province of Morat, these at six every day no one angle time they will be making the fibre. These activities will native warriors.
men are reported to have com being allowed to leave or enter necessary preparations in not only provide regular work 000 of these Ethiopian troops mitted wholesale killiace among thereafter. Strong such:ights cection with the general re. for an appreciable number of gments of this new line of our unemployed, but will mave. are reported to have some weeks the villagers, not evea Spearing are also kept busy throazan ofttry.
rially help forward our general ago made a night attack on the the young children, in order the each night searching for would Mojo Station; and operating terrorize the peopie, bat the be enemies. Troops located in Hrady has been previously men economic conditions.
simultaneously from different Chieftain Abeba Coben so ma garrison towns and on the rule directions, they not only surpri noeuvered his troops Cint he way are under stciet ordet not ued the defending Italians, but was able to attack the Talians to go further than 30 kilome.
inflicted heavy losses on them. from their rear while the amters from their stations.
FOR SALE The attackers left at dawn al. in front rushed their offensive Because of their having han1 exquisite house of four apartmen at the First Avia ter experiencing but very few Only some 50 Itaia pre bene. get three Ethiopian female war in Ground. With ali accommodations for a family. Water casualties.
ved to have survived this enga riors captured in a fight, tye pply in Kitchen and Bath fitted wifh Tanks. Chicken Large bands of these troopgement.
Ethiopian Christians and Mes.
pop capable of keeping 80 Chickens. Stables for ani. also invaded the Minjar conty well known Duitresa brave lems have declared a holy rell als, with Bodega and large shed for storing Bananas and which commences near Akaki called Kifle is said to be carry. gious war against the Italiens 987. ed. pig Grawl and Crazing Paddock for Milch Cows.
and spreads to the plains of llaing on extensive operation nea: whom they regard as barba.
ay The ALL GOING CHEAP, CHEAP wash and summarily executed tne Kaji and Sada rontier rians by hanging them, all the Ethio by rangements with Mr. Nation. Box 137. Linon plans who had submitted to Ita lian control and hai appointments in the carrying WASHINGTON. Heading The Navy most recent sur on of the civil administrative steadily toward its goal of. the mary of comparative naval work, sea power second to none the by strength showed the follows 1942 the United States Navy will lineup of the three greate3, po FROM PAGE the Rum House stands and Sevefal thousand his war. compete 14 new wer vessels du wers on the sea: us from his boyhood days as it appertains to the de lors were sent by the Chieftain ring the remainder of this year Vessels: tonnage: don Paco. He too, being partment of Customs which redjazmach Fikra Mariam a land 30 more next year. under age re of the stress of haris under the jurisdiction of air st Abbichoo where many With the boom cf cannon in United States 13 8694220 ips to which the small the Minister of Finance, talian block. houses were idea. China and Spain playing a pos Great Britain 191 042. 698 Ivators on the lands of the Mr. Gutierrez was desirous opted On the appeaae of the sible prelude to war, the Navy Japan 171 708. 118 la Maritima are subjected personally handing it over towarriors, the Italians retreatea preparedness program Inds 75 ld not participate in exploi Mr. Pacheco as the Director of a so great a hurry to All A ships now under construction (over age)
them as had been propo Public Works whose department haba that they are said to ha or contracted for, including Co United States 212 214. 100 under the exhorbitant rates would then have attended to ve left nearly all their pzovi. great Super dreacaauglitz to Great Britain 104 73. 700 rental and the ruinous sys. the transfer of the Rum House carry 16 inch guas.
Japan 29 37. 436 or embargoes and so soon and the demolishing of the buil The under age vessels ale announce when the two new those now in fighting crm, ies e made to him, he readily it is the opinion of these Mibattleships will be completed than 16 years old the period suited the Executive and nisters that the hospital shal: MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
where they will be assigned. The fixed as marking the useful age ught about a reduction of be erected on some other site. The Government has sign the rates and a cessation of the hence there will be some furt led a contract with a Cana assumption is that they will or a man of war under the Pacific fleet. Neanwhile Na London Naval Treaty which exargoes; and it is known he her delay in starting this all im dian company for the pur val officials have served noticepired at the beginning of this till willing to adopt further portant work.
chase of two large and one they will ask Congress next year because of Japan renunsures with a view of relie Let us suggest that residen. small airplanes. They will year for two more capitat cat ciation the hardships of our labour tial site known as Mrs. Nunez cost 75. 000. Many Governl of this type which cost about On July the Navy also reclass. It is a real pity that Hil a manzana of these landsment employed and others 50. 000. 000 a piece. To Page 10 Te had not been an earlier would be an ideal spot for a hos are donating funds to buy jouncement of the visit or the, pital.
the planes.
two gentlemen so that thesettlers could have also met e What a demonstration By radio of Saturday fighting the Games, lost his y would have witnessed. Ho.
This contention has, it is hap. tied and the boundaries, as may night lasť it is announced life unfortunately. rer, we are sincerely glad pily observed, been placed fire in be defined, be acknowledged by that as a result of a The fire which y came among us as simple the hands of the governments of them.
ve can which occurred in Duke imagine was most destrue izens, though individuals of the United States, Venezuela Both countries have, in the Street, Kingston, Jamaica, tive one, is said to have oriat minds.
and Costa Rica for investiga. meantion, been asked to retire the old and well known Con ginate from a Bearty Par he visit of these officials wastion and ajudication. The con their forces twenty kilometers vent and educational cen lor located in the inity.
the purpose of settling the ference are to be held in San Jofrom the area in dispute in tre conducted by the Sisters Titchfield also Suffers on which the national bos se, and it is hoped that this ola order to avoid incidences which of the Franciscan Order has This well known Hetel at al shall be constructed. The dispute between these Sister Re may lead to acts of violence. been entirely destroyed. Port Antonio also suffered. chosen was that on which publics will be definitely setA fireman, who sustained from a blaze originating a fall from a ladder while from the boiling of tar to stop leaks in the roofing which is of asphalt. The blaze was extinguished afLarge Contra ter a hard fight, but not be effected the building had Vea See band Seized fore the water pumped on much damage.
las CAMAS The latest The men of our Sub Inspector of Hacienda, don. SIMMONS styles in Abel Robles, seized an imde último esSIMMONS during tilo que nos railway car at. bed just and the party concerned, a acaban de man named Frank Forbes, In view of the serius losses arrived has been arrested.
the Banana Producers of the Pa llegar Among the large variety citie Zone are said to be expeof articles were many silk riencing, a movement is reperpyjamas and kimonas, twented under way to obtain the ty cuts of silk material of passing of a law to enaole the all colours and lengths for National Bank accuding then ladies and gents wear, seve assistance in connection with ral sets of bed spreads, the sale and exporvation OL soaps and creams of diffe their fruit as may be deemed rent qualities and numerous necessary from time to time, other articles of a fantastic under the directio of the go.
vernment, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Nica Honduranian FIRE DESTROYS CONVENT IN JAMAICA Dispute mense quantity of contra: Facilities Suggested The find was located in a for Pacific Planters AVELINO DE LA PEÑA Cía, Sucs.


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