
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday October 30th, China Will Pay 14. 50 for Jap Gener Dr. MEDAL Jr.
was CATAMON CHT Faith and The Church of God. See the complete assortment o themselves to the Raincoats and Rubber Oershoe for Men, Women Children. JACK ORANE STORE Among Good Samaritans as First. From page 9)
TOKYO The current Caine 45 dollar: a tank 145 do!
ported that Great Britala se quotat on on a live Japanese arplane, 200 dollars a hea building 96 new ship to adid Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist General is 14. 50 dollars, Japaneschin gun, 23. 20 colars: 541. 190 tons to her a stren De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, military authorities report dtroyer 900 dolara gth; the United States 37 with New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, a total of 335. 565 tons; and Ja.
They said ther formation The biggest catch of all Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional care trom a Chinese pan 23 with a total of 79 272 Govern major warship. Chinese fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Upbut the figures on Japanese buil ment price list found on a prities promised to pay their Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
ding did not show any castle soner taken in th: Shanghai right 14. 500 dollars for the capte contiguo a la oficina tion under the ne tive ear Located next to the It purportedly itemize one, the Japanese said.
repieniahment programa del Cabie. All America Cables the price to be paid for the cau As for the American puliding ture of everything from a Jap?
program, the 14 vesselsche Catholicism Cure for Bolshevism nese rifle to a Japan sa war hp duled for completiva this year Te quotations in United States already have been auchea CASTEL GONDOLFO Po me, the Pope direct:d his remarks currency: They include.
pe Pius urged Catholicism as the to sixty German pilgrims.
For capturing a private. 80 Wee. Le One aireraſt carrer, the York only real anti Bolshevist cam. Prelates took his observations dollars: an officer, 70 dollars: town, with completion cheou paign, while Premier Musso in to indicate that the Pope still pe eral 14. 50 do lors; a spy.
ESTRADA ted for Oct. by the. Yewgort anChance or Hitler were engag was hopeful that representations 11. 50 collars: a rifle of piste, News Shipbuilding and Dry, ed in what the Pontirf called a he was said rably to have sent Abarrotes y Licores Dock Co.
cery solemn and very festive occa to tler by Mussolini might yol Artículos del Pais to Two light cruisers. The Brook.
churer tuation was believed slon clarity the Church State ques Precios Economic lyn, Nov. and the Philadelphia have been harded to Mussolini Without mentioning either the tion in Germany. The Pope long prior to his departure for LA IBERIA Oct German or Italian leader by ha nemorandum nth German One submarine, the Pompalin.
no, Oct. ocou Ten 200 ton destroyers, the Craven, Fanninp. gle; Blue Helm Mufford, Ralph islbo: Mr. Editor.
Henley Patterson Jarpis, te least bit indisposed they run last named due to be completPermit me space in your to the doctor instead of sub ed by Dec, valuable weekly discuss mitting the following: healing spirit of their Father The 30 craft heder for competion next yexs, a few or Doubtless most Christians For the slightest offence by a which already have been an, who have developed what a neighbour they go to Court of Law instead of exched, include two wireraft ca. they term strong faith in rriers, the Enterprise and Wap: God have yet to hibiting that forgiveness and learn to one heavy cruiser the hita: distinguish between forbearance taught them by Faith at their Church. All professfive light cruisers; sie um we are sd called Christians JO nes: four 850 Tor destrovers, and FEELING.
ing people ought to adopt LIMON the teachings of the Church and 12 500 ton destroyers Among the Churches the joy, peace, longsuffering, Vessels are launched before who claim to be faithful and gentleness, faith, meekness, fo they are finally completed and more full of love than oth temperance. To do unto our even after they are indshea ers when things are running neighbour as we would like they require speed trials and smoothly, but when these him do to us. The Church other checkup tests before they change for the worse their of God teaches us to feed are ready to join the Navy. cr faith seem also to change. Jour enemies: to take part in The Order of Good Sa. ed among the Brothers active duty As soon as they feel the the sorrow of those who maritans and Daughters of Sisters; an example hate us.
Samaria, under the Banner may well be adopted am I therefore ask all Theists of the Nº 10 District of Cen other like Societies. to keep within these lines if ral America, had their an done Bros. Hamilton we would make the world nual Thanksgiving Service Wilson, you ve set a co Last Friday while a batch of Now that this unfortunate se fit for the Infinite Wisdom at the Baptist Church last for the guidance of all Sunday afternoon when the ughtful leaders.
of God.
cars filled with Bananas were cident has happened, We wish to Ffd. Forde delivered being conveyed to the National call Mr. Sheehy attention to William Stewart.
an eloquent and appropriaPier a man named George Ed. the fact that it is rather unsafe te discourse.
wards got crushed be ween the to allow two tracks of cars to be Cimarrones.
On the following day all gate, and this resulted in hiz taken on to that Pier under the GUACIMO GUAPILE Samaritans gathered at Bar death.
care of only two Bracemen. In Grand In consequence of the small case of an accideat the Costa Rica Plans Reduc ley Penr. wider Worthy Chief Hamilton and, side sate being clo ed the man necessity they cannot propertion of Debt Payments with the music dispensed by Cantina, Licores was endeavouring co set on the signal the Engineer, due to ob Extranjeros y del país Professor pier ty qeezing biruselt between truction created by the Farces Tienda bien surtida WASHINTON the cars cars and the main ga Pot Bodeza between the The Sep.
and The spent a happy time.
te when he was caught by one man and his pal nearer the en Costa Pican Minister. Casto day was a beautifully cool Abarrotes en general of the wider cars, thrown to gine. Ir 16 cars must be taken Beeche, who will lerve Washin one and true harmony existPrecios sin competer the ground and one of his legs, in we think a third or middle for New York with in the which got across the rail, com signal man is requ red at this reign bend holders concerning next few days to confer with pletely cut off ytre wheels point. But why nos take ir change in his government passing over it. He waz hurriea eight cars if the motto of Secu plans for financing its for ign off to the hospital but died soonrity First is to be adhered to independness Said he El vapor SAN BRUNO va York: 50 sacos café. after his entry.
Another hint to the Custop received a cable from his go zarpó el 22 a las p. va York: 50 sacos café Edwards was an old solaie of Authorities. Why close the si vernment advisiag him that he para Mobile, Alabama, llePara Stockholm, via the wet India Regiment und de gate when laboerers are mould receive full details of the vó la carga siguiente: Para San Francisco, came here some twenty seven sing in to work and a train is change in plan in a few days. mil 089 racimos bananos. lifornia: 400 sacos cac years ago. He was in the receipt at the same time in motion. It He said that under the new El vapor VERAGUA que en grano.
of a pension and ived a very can be understood why this plan, payment of emortization Para Cristóbal, Zona retired respectatabie life in the done when a ship is finished and interest on the nation fo zarpó el 24 a las p. pacommunity. He leaves his idow loading and the men are leavinis reign debts would be reduced. Tra New York via Cristóbal y Canal: 184 bultos frutas Habana, llevó la carga si legumbres.
and two daughters with whom but where is the need when venues of the original obliga. guiente: to conform with the annual re El vapor METAPAN the entire community le very they are going in. Fed this notion btained in the Uited Sta much in sympathy. The Atlan. been done old towards would res of 11. 872 856 collars. Costa racimos de bananos; 100 sa para New Orleans, vía Para Nuevva York: 50. 773 zarpó el 26 a las 30 a.
tie Voice also tak this me have had no necessity of trying Rica now has 10, 474. 154 dollars dium of expressing is sincere to get in as he did and so lose outsicnuiny. Or the 2434 58) vivas; cajas cemento de bana, llevó la carga sigh condolence to the afflicted ones his life, te: 31. 745 racimos banan pounds Moated in England in hule: cajas raicilla; ca cos de café oro. 25 tortugas 1911 1912 and 1933. Costa Rica still owes 675 720 pounds jas motor: cuñeta cacao Sx percent intele is chr en mazorcas; saquito caged on the 1912, luan The in cao en grano y bulto vaTerest on the remainder is five rios.
COMERCVANTE percent. In addition Costa Rica Para Londres, vía Nauev por más de 20 años Estable imit de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes sul wes 5811 000 francs or ti York: 370 sacos café: 100 Establecide er, la Provinch ve percent interest oro y 270 pergamino.
Vende at deal. Vinos y Immediately upon receiving Para Hamburgo, via Nuecores extrnjeros y del pais the note from his goverunieni, alarretes en general the Minister said that he would va York: 350 sacos cacao en MISCELANEA El más surtido en. Matina nieel with representatives of the grano.
Istablecimiento esquina Bond Holder Council in an Para Halmstad, via Nueva Norte del Mercado allemt to reach a new agre. York: 150 sacos café oro.
Entre 46 ment Para Gothenburg, via Nue Man Crushed atDock Gates LUIS WA CHON ol Movimiento Marítim 25 HOP LEE LUNG EDGAR YOUNG Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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