
Our Water Supply ike Atlantic Vaice The Nica. Honduranian Dispute ha TH GREAT CONFLAGRATION IN JAMAICA In the name of all that good and great, when will the City of Limon obtain an adequate supply of the preDevoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic cious fluid. Special Commissions and Engineers have been sent by the Minister of Public Works, and the En Editor English Section: NATION gineers of the Department of Weys and Works have also made surveys and submitted reports, but up to Year IV Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday November 61h. 1937 No. 169 this nothing has been otherwise done to afford, citizens water even for bathing purposes. When will this come about?
Two months ago the Compania Bananera got a concession from the Municipality for the construction of a Supply of their own, and today we find several miles of eight inch piping connected from the Rio Banana We have among us the Dwill initiate its labours will right on to Cieneguita. Mr. Brown, the Contractor, and legates of the disputing counhis men have gone to it with a will and only the finishing soon be made.
touches at both ends are now left. Can the government thies who will elucidate their lution of the seventh AmerIn the meantime the vered not feel a jealous rivarlry and so get on to their job?
Tapective points of view re ican International Conference question seem to be assurnino In another two months the Company Receiving garding the ownership of the and an honourable member of huge proportions, for while strip of land along their bor the Academic Institutes of eve requests have been made byl set agoing thereby making the Waterworks an accomTanks will have been constructed. the Pumy placed and ders, as well as the incidents TV South American country the Arbitrators that trong plished fact, while that of the government to supply the which have taken place and The influence which so dis should be cleared off the fron pressing needs of the inhabitants of the community is the insults hurled at each o tinguished a son of Venezue tiers on either side for the still just a mere gossip. Must we not feel ashamed of our ter la ought, therefore. to weild snace of twento kilometers, selves as a Nation?
We also have with us Dr. in the mediatory Confe erce late advices state that ilon We do hope the Secretary of Fomento will taketa Jise Santiago Rodriguez, the should be sufficient guarantee duras has sent a detachment example from working men and do business rather sa Venezuelan Arbitrator, a man of an amicable settlement of of five thousant fully armed than having interviews and conferences wasting God a great international repute the matter now at issue be men to her frontier while Ni precious time has occupied maay distin ween these two Central Ame: caragua is reported to be mogished positions to the hu ican Nations.
hilizing as fast as she carl.
mur of his country.
With the arrival on Tuesda! Despite these conflicting He has been a member of last of Dr. Frank Corri nipulations. we are confident the permanent Court of Arbi gan of the Unite States of that the Conference of mediatation at the Hague; lie has America and Dr. Romulo Du tion corn to commerce in San presented Venezuel aon se ron of Honduras. this Special Tose will relieve the tension Following on the brief no nately suffered no personal in mal special missions to the Court of Arbitration in which between the two countries and te in our last issue regarding juries.
bited States of America, o is included our Secretary of timately lead to a thoror the terrible conflagration The loss to the Franciscard Great Britain, France, Spain Foreign Affairs, Lic. don To friendly understanding bet which took place in Kingston, Order has been roughly estiad Portugal. member of bias Zuñiga Montufar, is com ween them so trat perfant Pen Jamaica, during the afternoon mated at between 60, 000 and te special Commsision for plete and we are expecting of Saturday the 23rd. October. 70, 000 on which there is sta te codification of Internatic that the announcement of the tablished on Central American we are now further informed, ted to be a very small amount si Laws provided for by reso date on which the Conference territory.
that the blaze originated at a of insurance.
hairdresser parlor at prel The member of the Fire Bri mises No. 75 East Street and gade who was reported to have jumping across two blocks des died as a result of his fall from troved eight valuable build one of the Convent buildin2s ings, damaged a couple of was later reported to be alithers and completely razed in the publis hospital MENGLAND NEGOTIATES COMMERCIAL From Europe we are informed he historic and widely known though his condition continued of War and the intung, in Catholic Convent, Training most precarios. Mr. Jackie PACT WITH NATIONALISTS ward others. In Asia, we. ee the an High Schools.
Lewis. the well known VioliLondon advice under da by General Franco could be ruth. ess havoc bebig carried out The Convent buildings hous nist, had one of his legs fracNovember 4th. states that best protected.
and as a consequence a weet 35 Nura of the Franciscan turei while doing resero work.
te British government is neJapan has gone so far a In explaini the matter to threaten the breakiag of Jes different rrtionalities. There of the Island, and the Hon Co10 Order and forty boarders of His Excellency the Governor ptiating an agreement with the House of Commons the Bri tionships with Britala wa de governing Body of the tish Premier declared the a count of her in the was also accommodation for lonial Secretary were early on Spanish Nationalists. The a greement would carry no di taere shall be no 11ther shea the needs of one hundred and the scene, and under their per reement would be, it is alieg plomatic significance of nor dirg of human blooi. Through twenty five high school stu sona) direction the work d, of a purely commercial cha would it in any way interíere the courtesy of the de dents and more than one saving the Governmen. Printactor with a view of provid with the attitude England had Ethiopia walch comes to us thousand elementary school ing Office and the Historic ng the means whereunder the adopted toward both contest weekly, we learn of the butcheon The poc Sisters Headouarters House was carrast British interests scatterering parties since the commen etv in Africa of thousands ci and their charges very fortu ried out.
hroughout the areas control! cement of hostilities.
Italians by the. We Ticar of e icdalag of much (u oge ha Conflicts WITHIN WITHOUT acthat HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT Co.
HALY THE MEDITERKANEAN PIRACY HA SERVICIO DE VAPORES 11 ADALIA PARIS Sigaificant in Salida semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PUERTO LIMON: dication that Italy is continucop escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA ing her policy of provoking PARA EUROPA VIA CRISTOBAL: acts of piracy in the MediteLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS rranean was seen here in reports of recent arrivals in Ita EUROPEOS AMERICANOS ly of damaged submarines and wounded men.
VAPORESH SALIDAS Noviembre 20 According to the reports, the Italian submarine Calyp PETEN.
Noviembre 50 arrived at Naples badly damgad with two dead and se VERAGUA Noviembre 14 veral wounded aboard. Short QUIRIGUA Noviembre 21 ly after, another submarine, the Tito Speri also arrived Noviembre 22 very much damaged.
During the first days of ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
tober a third submarine caAgentes pars Limon Puntarenas mouflagoi to resemble a Soviet Russia undersea ship man Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United AGENCIA COSTA RICA Ded with sailors wearing So Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica viet naval uniforms, is known Teléfono 2086 Avenida Central TEI EFONO 3156 to have sailed from its Italian tase into the Mediterranean Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. CARIBIA y HAPAG LLOYD


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