
Peg: 8THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November 6th. 1937 day EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ FRANCE BANS SLOT MACHINES IN LIGHTER VEIN OC Current Gleanings a Per Representatives of various that the law was being obey hit the coperation of that THE ATLANTIC VOICE RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ PARIS. Things are not tenths. These tenths re thief (meaning the Abogados y Nutrios Lawyers Public Notaries the same in thousands of ea present the tenth part of 100 machine. The proprie fes in Paris and its envi rancs, and are popular be gave theboy the 100 frail SAN JOSE. LIMON SIN JOSE. LIMON rons. govermental decree cause of the small price. The which he had lost.
Olicina en Limani Ollice in Limon adjoins has put a stop to the opera slot machines cut into the Contiguo do Munici. ihal of the Municipily tion of slot machines which, sales of tenths. Where, in palidad (frente al Parque)
whole during the past two or three the past, 1, 500, 000 Opposite the Pak years, have done a flourish tickets were sold easily a ing business making mil a month throughout France, Jack Do you like lions of francs monthly for more recently there was a Corn Balls?
owners and operators. The drop in sales and it was mo Dick. really dont knoed king of the French slot ma re than apparent that the was never invited to one According to the figures market, but are hopia that live automobiles, as chines was reputed to have slot machines were to blame an upward turn will be expe chauffeurs and a split up many for this.
Betty handed in to the Central As Why do you wel During the campaign such loud socks, dont this thorities, our Municipal parienced before the horier of 18, 000, 000 francs against slot machines, the them suitable.
thers anticipate an income of crops comes in at Easter time month as a result of the story was told of a 16 year Bill, wear them in o 271, 861. 95 coloney for the com next year.
flood of coins.
old boy, obviously a collec der to keep my feet from goin ing yels with expenditures ag. tor for a commercial house, to sleep lele When the deoree forbidd gregati 266, 014. 00, the By the San Jose Daiiiusit the who dropped something de leaving to the credit of the is noted that an effort ling the operation of over 100 francs in one of one armed band. ts wont Municipality a sum estinate being made to increase be into effect, a survey of the Auber, near the Opera, in these machines on the rue Mary. Does your wat tell the time?
at nearly 6, 000 colones. mount of Bananas which the Opera district, the Gare St. the hope of winning the big Joe No, it doesn I free and independent produ Lazare district and the rue!
During the past severnicers of the Pacific and other Amsterdam and other stree prize. He lost everything ve got to look at it.
weeks there was a steady fall interior districts have been ex tswhere there are The had. Afterward the prohun vowed in the price of our Cacao en porting for some time pas dreds of cafes revealed Irrietor of the cafe READ that will pertil it has now reached the low mk of a little over thirtym foreign Firms are said to be ed. And it is said that a facJones per quintal. Ou: small arranging to commence reger tory or two employing sevefarmers are naturally much for an larger chiments to ral hundreds of men ceased concerned at this turn in the California and Europe.
to run because of the suppression of the Chicago gangster. MARINES IN CHINA has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havSTRENGTHEN BARRICADES machines bear The majority of these slot ing cured an immense number of persons who suf: the label fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These SHANGHAI. An expert Settlement boundary Made in Chicamo. but the from!
now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from machine understanding here is that gun unit attached nests.
such complants as to the Sixth United States The new positions are smi: many with this inscription were assembled in factories COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, Marines have completed a row lar to those used by the Sixth in the environs of Paris itLOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, of new fortifications to streng Marines in the Verdun and self. The ban on the slot BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION then barricades along the dan Belleau Woods sectors during machines was ordered begerous Soochow Creek sector the World War.
of the enormous of Shanghai They give the American amount of money invested Dissatisiied with the Te machine. gurners a complete in them and the conseguent co. they found when they sweep of the whole Soochow loss to the National Lottery arrived on the International Creek area, one of the most which dispenses half of the the Unitee States, the unit tare perilous fronts in Shanghai, tickets in the monthly draw them all dowa and built overlooking a main theatre of ings through veterans orgas The statuseat of the Na, York, as of September 30th line of machine gav Sino. Japanese fighting. nizations and the like in Itional Cty Bank of New shows that the instition increased its deposits in the year ending on that date.
Nos permitimos amar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your allention to our remark at the back The total stood at di su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads. 1, 812, 046, 913, as compar Este recibo debe pagarse en la o ied with 705. 290, 380 on This bill must be paid at our office September 30, 1936. Resour cina dentro de los prime os 10 dias before the 10th of the month ces were reported at.
de cada mes 2, 011, 517, 768, as comparBe so good as to comply with this request and do not Le camos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena ed with 2, 006, 169. 216 on oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicis.
June 30th. Holdings of Unitwe would much regret to take ed States bonds have increased from 419, 404, 464, at the date of the last report to 447. 508, 653 on September 30th.
THE DR. MAX BRALTA MIXTURE ca NATIONAL CITY BANK STATEMENT new Compañía Eléctrica de Limón ILIS Exccuted For Ethiopian crine SON MUCHAS ODOODS DO. cbooo000000000 666066050000. CO. HOCOS. oscoso:0917 COOPERATIVA ROME. Four Italianed the Corriere Della Serra re workmes were executed by port of the execution under the Italian authorities at the sceheadline, Ine. ble Italian ne of their robbery and as Justice.
las ventajas que le ofrece a Ud. sassination of five native Ethio Government official said pians, according to dispatches that reports of a massacre in señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien published in the Corriere Delle Makale were not only false conocido plan de Serra of Milan.
but fantastic. fifth wo kinan was con It is hard to understand demnel to death but ne es how such reports could origicaped.
nate. he said. Not only has The workmen offen3rs there been no massacre at consisted of an armed atteck Makale, but there has been ra Aumente hoy mismo el número de on five natives who had a untoward incident which could food stand on a road near As give rise to such a report.
nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos mara.
The officiel said the was o envíenos su CACAORome authorities said this maistaining normal Govern was the first instance of ca ment contact with Makt pital punishment of Italians ia le every day. He said his Eritrea. They said the incidens, denial of the massacre ivas bas might have given rise to faled on advices from the Mise reports abroad of a mas nistry of Colonies, which saint sacre at Makale.
there had been no recent in Rome newspapers reprint cidents anywhere in Ethiopia. 3902e. ergo oporecoes Loosese. soroDOGO.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceWorld War

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