
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1937 day November 6th. 1937 NATAIN TRADE PREFERENCES THEIR COLONIAL VALUE Of enfeebled by age.
Virilinets the use proprie ew of our people really Jamaica, who e total trade in weight on the foreigu fruit 00 fra aat trading within the the year 1936 only aggregated other important preferences, means to the Colonies 264. 919 far as Jamaica concerned, In. Here is what a well Were It not the gentleman as are on Sugar which pays duty West Indian, who re serted, for England and Canada after the rate of 20 48 per eturned to his would be at this time hundredweight while the forthe rejuvenating hormone proparation FOR MEN, according to Dr. Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrakd booklet amaica. trombonist to more paupers than taxpayers in een and close ta xedes Sold by all Drug Stores like nt and recent ETHIOPIAN ACTIVITIES war gested that ON had to say. Honey which is allow only, he declared at came to the rescue, and by piased free entrance as against a tax by reason of the cing high tariffs against for per cwt. onth bllen Literatura by the Agents: heavy prefer e reign goods and granting a free sinif to onded in our favour that entry to many of the exports The rather unusual activity in FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO y APPEL able to maintain our li from that land, gave traders the present Citras trade SAN JOSE. BOX 329 betou in the face of present footing in those markets. ween British West Indian, ISRt thimpetition. The few years ago a number of lands and Cananda Bermuda served in Jamaica pros Palestine businessmen endca and England is due, not to the minos due mainly to the as voured to get Canada to treat superiority of that fruit over got received through Em their country as a part of the others, but to the preference We glean the following which would equal a fifty per eferences. To however, British Empire in vier of the tarifis allowed in their favour.
from the latest copy of The cent increase.
nderstand the situation British Mandate, Canada was it any wonder our commen Voice of Ethiopia which has The Italians are said to have We looked then collecting an import dutstator continued, that in view of reached us.
released certain merchandize the time when that Is of 35 cents per cubic foot on these facts, the British Crown So effective have been the they had seized illegally some vonderful trade was then Oranges from that couatry wh. Agents should be demanding on with America: the ile the Jamaica product was all their Colonials to buy British activities of the Ethiopian for two months ago from Somato that country were farowed free entry: so soon howev in preference to all other poods, ces along the Northern, Wes lis and Harraries as a conseass of those sent to the er, as the Pale tine people suc even though the Japonese tern and Southern fronts that quence of the passive resisKingdom. In the year ceeded in making their arrange German article may be a bit the Italians have been compeil tence movement.
tople value of Jamaica ex ements, the Jamaican export cheaper? There is, ho vever the ed to evacuate their positions OICEns to the United Stateers were not only unable to rumour that the intisi IC in these localities and return We take this opportuny the high figure of compete but suffered heavy los eign Secretary is ccnsidering the to headquarters or run the of expressing our sincere ap. 971. The depression then es until they found another matter of lowering the Tarit risk of being beseiged and preciation of the kind thoughs ilong and with it a chan marke tin New Zealand. The rea Walls which are keeping American policy. strong son for there being so grea: aleign goods out of the markets eventually starved during the which affords our receiving a coming rainy season.
cony of each week issue of ign to Buy American. demand in the British Isles to. o the Empire. The interesting mmenced and, being aid day for Bananas originating part of the picture is that Jan finding it difficult to oltcin most interestingly got togeDue to the Italian Trader; The Voice of Ethiopia.
are the government, resulted from Jamaica is because of the maica depends principally on ruf almost complete loss of preference tax of two shillings England for the sale of her Ba sufficient foreign exchange ther journal which is publishmarket by the exporters of and six pence per hundred nanas, her Sugar, her Coffee, from the local Bank, very little ed every Saturday from 2352 ese her Honey and her Cacao, yet provision or merchandise has Seventh Avenue New York so soon as sales are arfected it been arriving from Italy: the City.
te found that large orders are native product powari or dou It is edited by Mr. Malamade to America for Coul anurah is being used for the makku Bayen, the personal reother goods. Is this reciprociting of Bread.
presentative of the Negus in asks this ujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist gentleman, and he campaign of passive re the United States, and as the la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, gives this answer. Reciprocity sistence has been commencel official organ of the Ethiop aa New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, is the fertilizer when maintains by millions of tribesmen a World Federation, whose head preferential treatment; hence rece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional every British Colou!
plant gainst the orders of the Ita quarters are also local et in ionales en su moderna Services in his New Uplian rulers. The Itailans are New York, it is doing ev:ryagriculturist er, cultivator and nica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
Contiguo a la oficina should encourage it or run the reported to be endeavouring thing possible to further the ef Located next to the risk of losing their best friends. to purchase from the native forts of the Emperor Paile del Cable. All America Cables 3001 This is true in every country and cultivators all the grain cropa Selassie to regain the freedom in every walk of Sifo he con at a fixed rate and then resell of his Empire.
ion the cluded it later on to them at rates ste a Dr. MEDAL Jr.
CHILE DECORATES AMERICAN FOR SALE SE VENDE Fine Two Storey Residence and Land at Madre de Dios.
José chion Ng.
on Comerciante Detallista dur NTIAGO, Chile. Per. Seibert valuable services to cibert, the American man the Government and to the il Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, are of the Braden Copper country rendered over a long Articulos de Ferreteria y bany, has been decorated period of years.
Eléctricos; todo se encuentra President Arturo AlesPresident conferred en este establecimiento.
ini. Mr. Seibert received the honor in the presence of Svedal of Merit.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION Government authorities and ort le honor was conferred, it prominent citizens at La MoLIMON innounced, because of Mr neda Palace.
Hermosa casa de dos sos y terreno en Madre de Dios.
Propiedad que fue de Mr Carr Property of late Carr.
The Informes: ISRAEL BLANCO Pensión Costa Rica əsor tes oopped. sy 3p 1010, trədindo HER COSTA RICAN HOME By LOYCE FREEMAN If you ever visit there am H5 Encanto sure wou will meet very nice Vea See people.
My home town is in Costa as CAMAS The latest Rica, Cectral America Limon The above is from a paper is it name. It is a very beati published in San Diego, Cali SIMMONS styles in ful town and very pleasant to fornia, The author is visit. In many books have the eleven year old daughter de último esread that there are only nati of Mr. Alfred and Mrs. Luz SIMMONS ves there and that the houses Romero Freeman formerly of ilo que nos are sheds, and they use more bed just our Community but now residknives than shoes; but that is ing in Encanto. San Diego acaban de The Youthful Author attends arrived The houses are like the hou a Grammer School where she llega: ses in San Diego, very beautiis said to be one of the brigh.
ful and the people are civiliz test scholars. She wrote her ed and wear clothes like they article as a contribution to do in any other country. Cof: literary test given the Schofee and bananas grow weil lars.
there. There are lots of pla. The Atlantic Voice sincere ces to visit. The streets are ly congratulates Miss Loyce paved like in San Diego. Best for her very successful effort of all there are very beautiful which discloses the making of swimming pools an ardent patriot.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
not true.


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