
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November 6th.
BIRTHDAY Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX MADURO LUMBER YARD LANS JOIN FIGHTERS Limón Base Ball Lea a en be Agri Pre hinta III Semil BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial Dr. ERWIN WEDE ABOGADO Dealers in native lumber and produce 215 South of Post Office y NOTARIO PI BLICO BOMBAY, India. India the fostering of native spinmarked the sixty. cight birth ning.
COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON. day of Mohandas Gandhi he planned as his birthday Oficina: Altos Pason october 2nd. with nation present to the nation to ofDepósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANT wide mass meetings and the fer a village educational schecual Ingianna Al sur del correo Apartado 21 Venta de maderas. launching of a prohibition cam me, to replace what he con Compra de producten paign in Madras.
tends are costly and unsatisITALIAN ARMED ETHIOP Prayers were offered besee factory methods ching deities to enable the In keeping with Mr. Ganascetic leader to head a fi dhi recommendation of a tohip nal desperate campaign for la tal boycott of liquor and DJIBOUTI Ethiopiaas dia freedom three year program to estab refugees just arriving here reTEAMS GAMES PLAYED Wox LOST PER Gandhi, weak following an lish dry laws, a prohibition port that during the las: fow Cubs 3 illness, took no active part in drive was inaugurated in Ma weeks Italian Armed Ethio Caribe 2 th ecelebrations but received dras Province.
pians to the number of Molive war. 1 ng greetings fro mall over the Officials smashed liquor 500. 000 have joined their coun ohfinders 1 Hei world.
bottles in the streets and tea trymen in the general up Unitruilco. 1 Mass meetings were held in shops were opened to compe tion to the Italians in Ethiourtidor. 4 towns and villages, native te with toddy shops. Total pia.
cloth was hawked in the prohibition went into effect ia Italy, attempting to recruit SCORE OF GAMES PLAYED streets, and spinning mect one district: Pandit Jahawar a large native army, had arm ino were held throughout lal Nehru, president, of the ed and supplied these men.
IMclive Power Surtidora the day.
India Congress party, urger but they joined the organiz Caribe Surtidor One of Gandhi chief th leaders exert new pres ed opposition which has raCins 15 Paihfinder.
ainst British rule ana pidly crystalized against the Unifruitco planl in a program for rais sure Pathfinder umrulico 24 Surtidora in the economic level of the other party men offered decla Italians. They are said to be Motive Power Cubs poor in India and making them rations renouncing all forms carrying on severe reprisals a Unifruitco Caribe more independent has been of violence as a national pre gainst the country as a whole.
19 Surt dora Ra sent from terrorists.
ЕООН Noie There are 30 Lecgue Games scheduled have been played. The charges which occur in th iers of the Ciulis will be hewn werky.
Beit Deked at Berlin Bread Verta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José Puns 100 cuits Cakes Cirujano Dentista The. People Bakery PA Box 179. Limán San José. Teléfono 2198 Ha trasladado su CLINICA, contiguo a las ofi, Th de FELIPE ALVARADO CIA. donde oſport a su numerosa clientela los más moderno a St tratamientos dentales orge nader en futbol en Panamá ther xter vaya a la copa del mu:do cion Curacao, with its busy Wilem silks, embroideries, Jade and pa MEXICO. No obstante las pro.
stad port, is one of th: preier nama hats at low prices.
we med stops on southern cruise Tours of the thirty threetestas que las federaciones nacioSulps rom all antions drop an milelong island lead to pleasant nales de México y Costa Rica pre SORTEO DEL 19 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1937 yan Hule chor in the main harbor, mak scenic ureas. Mount Sai Chrisntaron ante la Federación Ining its waterfront half one of the totfel1300 feet high, ternacional de Foot Ball AssociaPREMIO MAYOR 100. 000 Carack most hate. esting to be een. He: Bay, with its ancient for reses siun Tor la nclusión en la zona two Divididos en vigésimos a 1. 50 el vigésimo kod persons from smaller lauds and relics of militar ydays; Jan Centroamericana de México y la change to big liners bound for Thiel and Piscadera Guayana Holandesa la FIFA, de(batring we Usted puede pasar unas Europe, the Orient or Ameri resorts) are worth visiting. Lo cidió no hacer caso de dicha: pro PASCUAS ANO NUEVO ben can ports. Trade is bruk wien a. motor boat and small sai. testas y por lo tanto ta com muy felices, comprando solamente ting oil tankers from Maracaibo, sai ing vessels touch various pieta pet en waris por la Copa del ling ships and cargo steamer, resque spots along the evast Mundo, los mexicanos deberin from east, south and wast pick Fuik Bay, Punta and 5t. Joris vino a Costa Rica, Cuba, Co.
ing up goods for trans hipment Bay. new airport at viato po lombia y la Guyana HolandeHere, too, travelers emtark vides a stopping place or plan sa.
short circle trips of the Dutch es going to South America. En vista de esto la Federación West Indies, including Bonaire, Air giants roll into up to date Nae onal propone que se celebre Saba, St Eustatius, Aruba and hangars not far from the site, un torneo en Barranquilla, CoSt. Martin where Johannes van alleee lombia, para que ahi compi an, Curacao has the proverblai and his Dutch soldiers ran up Cuba, Colombia, Guyana HA cleanliness of a Dutch hou ewi the flag of Holiand in 1934. landesa El Salvador. y el vin.
fe kitchen, Willemstad particu Dutch is the official ing go cedor compita con México y Cos larly i; a cross section of old of, Curacao.
Valuations: Denouncements; Estimates: ta Rica en San José de Costa Holland, with its seventeenth Thirty. eight miles away and Rica.
century stone houses whose steps easily reached ie the venuen Levels: Hydrographic Measurements: Surve La Fed parlón Nacional Melead to water edge. The town coast, where sportsm. visc xicana contestó una contra pro.
bazaars are magnets for foreign Pearl Island, a favorite Projections for Tramways, Roads, with posición med ante la cual indica shoppers seeking perfumes. IL hing parties.
te su acepte recor cer ccmo Water Works. Buildings; Heliographic campeón de la ricana de la FIFA al vencedor Tracings; Mining HOTEL TIMES SQUARE en les IV Juegos Deportivos Cen troamericanos y del Caribe, a los Properties Bought and Sold. 000 habitaciones confortable mo crales concui in los equipos demas. Facilidades espciales por turistas y famlis de las naciones ya mencionada Any of the above undertaken on Connd Servicio cortés. esmerado das, exceptuando a la Guayana or Commission Holand sa.
Precios desde 200 (dólares) para aun persona y desde 5) para dos Para el grupo de naciones min Escribanos por detalles cionadas se dirig ra al Comité Rafael Roig FILE tro folleto ilustrado Director de los IV Juegos De Member of the Faculty of Engir eers of Costa Ric HOTEL TIMES SQUARE portivos de Panamá, para supli.
Street, Wast of Broadway, car que se permita competir for Box 523. San Joe. Telephones 2929, New York, NY ra de este torneo a la Guayana Holandesa he THE ATTRACTIONS Prepone México que el gaOF CURACAO LOTERIA DE NAVIDA pass 105 LOTERIA NACIONAL Engineering Engagemen y zona cenreame.
or nues43 rd Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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