
mber 6th.
HE FUTURE OF OUR BANANA OTHER AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES ALLAN SIME LE Cone RD produce st Office TON tado 21. ranama wn, the ea it.
Tons of chemicals The planters have not been Secretary of Finance, the CCNFLICTS WITHIN WITHOUT.
het See the complete assorlment of and Rubber Overshoes iepperdy of tous colfor Men, Women Children JACK ORANE STORE 1 PARAGUAY NOW LINKED BY AIR LIMON, COSTA RICA Ohe advent in this coun this Republic, doubtless had cret in the minds of the inof the Honduras or Si la tine vacation from City ile vestigators in the Bureau Importación ika Banana disease is they looked Imports and Expurts around Wat if Scientific Research. as.
king uch apprehension could not tell the why or the neither the public nor the ing planters.
wherefore which had brou planters have heard a word Exportación far as is known, the ght about the unwelcome about a cure. Meantime the Depósito de Madera Lamber Deposit use is carried about by visit, nor could they give an evil exists and is naturally the wind which makes its idea of a probable means of increasing its hold on ATLANT rol more difficult than getting rid of the Compra de Cacao en insects plantations. The Officials Cocoa Furchased sease.
grano in which accompany the pla Iseem unmindful of the fact productaduras, where it was first gue. They have returned that every banana tree attaUnited bruit to San Jose and until now cked by the plague repreпраnу are said to be they are silent on the sub sents the loss of two cents nding a fortune in fight hect.
gold to of imported for making a given any advice as to what assuredly needs there to St Desh with which the trees should be done when signs assist in paying off his Fo (From Page Loans and yet more. Loans and sprayed by the use of of the disease are first ob reign Debts and maintain revolts engineered by utical then to have added insul jwerful spraying machi served in a vicinity; don the prestige if the Adminis groups in the large Republic in to injury when, witadui trying 1: but although it is spr Luis Cruz Bolaños is the tration in spite of whatever Nicaragua, next door to us, we to reduce the enormous barden ding here, from vicinty only one who, by means of the Jimenez family may say find threats of war with Hans he had placed on his poveiky vicinity, the government his Magazine on AgricultuIt is to the interest of his duras which has occa ried the stricken citizens, he, on lavAgricultural Inspectors re, exhorts the Secretary of department that the Secre gathering in our Caoirl city of ing, signed a Moratorium tu atem to take no notice of it. Agriculture to investigate tary of Finance should, a number of important per. ford him a way of escapiay the se supposed experts who and find a remedy. If such push the Secretary of nages for the hoidlag of a con responsibilities ne haci crearea are sent to the Hone Creek an investigation has been Agriculture to do his ference of mediation. Righ: and throwing them on his 2antations when the trou made the result is yet se duty and sso afeguard within the threshold of cu cessors with all the interests ac e first manifested itself in this source of Revenue own home there is, however, to cumlated by the non paynients 9096 LOCCHOOVE which, if never before, is be found conflisting ide is aand which must now be now deeded with the Fore mong many of our leadiaz roll after the rate of ten million ign Bond holders pressing ticians which do not represent colones per annum with all be for their money. Harmony and may lead to moral disa trous effecis 01 a Our Coffee Industry is in other things.
poor labourng populace. Our We see sharp pasages or Secretary of Finance claims Raincoats lapse as a result of the con arms betwen me mbers of what that don Ricardo borrowed or troversy between Colombia is called the official Party ana the sake of borrowing as the get ini and Brazil, which power. tting was easy and to make his has de other aspirants to termined the latter to sell fact, in the oricul party telt administration appear gitai, the full amount of her crop disensions as to who and wins and taxes of the citizens mast there are ebserved conflicts and but it follows that the sutes rather than destroy any por should be leaders. We see sharp be increased, much to the disat tion of it as heretofore. If this actually takes place, it critieisms of the decrees of the satisfaction, as a means of mcLIMON will mean an awful shock goverment even by some of its viding the annual payment of one time strongest supporters, ten millions created by the bor looooo to our producers as prices which cannot pro luce that iei rowing propensities of a Fiesiwill fall considerably: hen ing of satisfaction for patio dent whom he designates an act ce our advice that it is time services rendered a the breast ministrative Nullity. These the Department be most vi of the Executive Council ofi The last link in the air tran Peru, Ecuador, Colombia anl gilent in all which appertain! According to the apparent cost of living that don Paco tra charges had so increase the opport service between the Unit Panama. From Cristobal, june to the fomentation of every political controves y bezween says it should be remembered med States and the capitals of tion point of the Panagra and braneh of agriculture.
our much respecter ex presi don Ricardo Secret yo The 21 American Republis was Panair services, Paraguay will The Cacao outlook is also dent Lic. don Ricardo Janei ez Health had to inform him that orged on September 20th have through schedules to the not very promising: the and the Executive Body Ja the the great majority of Costarri Khen Pan American Airways five Central American repub price has fallen and in addi subject of the paymeat or trecans were being rationed with xtended its facilites to Asun lics, Mexico, and central and tion, the heavy rains during foreign debt, we see he necu just as much as would be suiLion. Reducing by 15 days the western United States. the mid year destroyed most ses the latter of imprudence ficiente for a child to he great Apassenger steamship time bet Heretofore, the only means of the blossoms there and lack of wisram in the bana humiliation of the citizens of a veen Miami and the Paragua of reaching Paragua from the wont be much of a crop to ling of this matter In retulia country which should otherwise an capital, the new air sche United States was by steamer be expected. We may get a tion, our astute genius in finan be a flourishing garden dule calls for four and one to Buenos Aires and by river good crop at Easter, with a cial manipulations, don Finn manding the highest respect in half days of flight beaween the boat to Asunción. Lockheed favourable season and pro cisco de Gutierrez, in iis ea the financial world These dissension and distwo points. For the initial pe Electra land planes with ac per care, but the usual or pacity as Secretaq ormance riod Panair will operate once commodations for 10 passen dinary help for the Christ and Commerce, very sarcastica: cussions are most ungortunate ly and pointedly inform cion in a small family such as oursweekly in each direction using gers plus mail and express will mas is out of the question.
Ricardo he ought to he the Tustjust a little over halt a mllion a new 600 mile airawy cat make the Paraguay run. Laman to meddle in the attens souls among whom the greatting diagonally across to Bue ter, it is expected they will be nos Aires.
or the Executive to pay off the est harmony ought to exist. The supplanted by Douglas air li Francisco Fonseca Ch.
debts which he don Ricardo, observant eye, however, sees a Via Panagra lines, Paraguayners.
LAWYER NOTARY left behind him. Don Paco roints strangeness unexplainable.
will have air service to Chile, PUBLIC out that it was during the ad There is an absence of that form ministrations of con audu jer affability and friendliness Office: that all these amonu were tor among all classes; there is an Adjoining to the City rowed and the Republe now unusual allowfness manifestod Public Library burdened with the huge acci even among our outhorities; mulated sum of was hundrea Limon appears as though a form ENGLISH SPOKEN million Colones, 11 reminds his or Martial Law exists; one 225 FORMER JUDGE OF THE LUMBER YARD oppo nent that during his ad a revolver in the pocket of eve LIMON DISTRICT COURT ministrations cash poured fry policeman during every hour the country through the US o: the day. Is this a precaution We have opened a Lumber Yard toms as by the current of a ver consequent on the unpleasant to opposition being directed where we carry in stock a complete have harnessed the ted in Bermuda Pepublic gainst our Rilers, or are we to ex assortment of all kinds of Native and its people with Louns and ſpect greater things?
Lumber. Special sizes to order. Marcus Garvey, who arrive We also have Portland Cement, Roofhere recently in the Lady Nelson after completing coring Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenvention in Toronto and sailed from Canada October 9, was tine and all other building materials. refused landing permission here by the Immigration SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Board.
Next to LA PROVEEDORA The refusal was made on the grounds that he was an New and Complete Assortment of Lumber undesirable.
Limon Division He sailed for the West InMeasurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot dies the same day Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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