
A RAPIDLY CHANGAING WORLD Ike Atlantic The Vaice The Nicaragua Hondurae Dispute under the.
THE ETHIOPIAN STRUGGLE Heretofore wars came about as known that there are hundreds consequence of wounded nat. o cf thousands of Communists in na pride; now, however, they Germany and in Italy. In fact are fomuntea by the egoism of the Hitler regime is ag near Com Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic Dolitical pr. de.
munism as it is possible for it Editor English Section: SC NATION As a result of the instrumen to be. Communism sprung from tility of Mussolini, a triple al Anarchism or bolchevism of whi liance has been entered into ch the Lenine and Trotsky mode Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday November 13th. 1937 No. 170 tween Germiny, Japan and Ita of government is a modification, for the ostensible purpose of and it is a fact that Italy has waging war against any nat on been the home of anarchism. Sta who holds communistic ideas, lin government is today a modi ad it is estimated that this ar fication of Communism and is abitration in San Jose tingem nt provides a force of descrbicd by some widely known mot less than two hundred mil. writers as being as near moThe quarrel over the strip of the Conference on Tues Second and Third Vicepreton men, mainly of the political cracy as one may desi e.
Deed of Fascism, with which As soon as the Triparty Pact of land along the borders of day, surrounded by represidents; the Archbishop of countries to combat Communism. In times was declared in accomplishment, both these has sentatives of the Judiciarv San Jose, Monseñor Otton yore no matter what was the the Russian Ambassador in Ro been formally placed under Parliamentary and Executi Castro y Jimenez; the Mia ve Powers: His Excellency nister for Italy: Monseñor polit cal feeling of the citizen, me offically visited Italy For arbitration. As stated in would be held in ab yance the eign Minister, Count Ciano, and previous issue, the Arbitra Monseñor Carlos Chiarlo, Victor Sanabria. Vicar his General of the Archbishomoment the national pride of request an explanation regard tors are Costa Rica, Vene Nuncio Apostolic, and lis country was insulted. This is ing its intentions as it was oppo zuela and the United States Secretary: the Diplomatic pric of San Jose; the Gover lowever, now changed, with posed to the agreement of friend of America, with our Secre and Consular Representati nor and President of ities in control of all activities. ship signed by the Soviet states tary of Foreign Affairs, Lic. ves of every North, Central Municipality of San Jose: and as in every country the ci and Italy in 1933 for a period of don Tobias Zuñiga Montu and South American Na tha Attorney General, Lic.
of tizenship is made up of different five years. The Count took notis far, as President the tion; the Republic First, (TO PAGE 9)groups it may be that in a great of the objections, but much spe Board the battle The Delegates from of political aspirations, culation has ar sen in consequen each country will be seen to be ce of the rapid changes taking contesting Republies met in divided aga nst itself with each place almost hourly in European the Yellow House of our For citizen holding the self asserted politics.
eign Department, and on DJIBOUTI. News of avy lians were forced to return to right of deciding to wh ch group In the orrcial, Diplomatic and Monday the Secretary of the has fighting Honduranian to lend support delegation come fromGara Addis Abba. wir re ther offPolitical quarters of Europe, moShould a warfare be launched re particularly in London, the ad handed in the Text of his Mullata. The Italians call Hanar lers are so afraid they will not by Fascism against Communism. Ihes on of Italy to the anti com country reasonings regard Province a 100 per cent Italian go about the town unless probut notwithstanding tected by machine guns and hand it will be a matter of import munistic pact is regarded as creat ing the dispute. On Tuesday possession, whether the Communistically a sing the eatest danger which the same was done on behalf their troops holding one side of granades Mullata Range, the lof Nicaragua.
Another noted warrior, Hailposed citizen, or the one who has yet affronted World Peace, Ethiopians are in possess on of Tou Mamoun has joined Kenazthough not a Commun st, but is it is ev dent that the Alliance is Señor Lie, don Leon Corthe other. Last year the natives match Haiile Ababa Mersa and paiemetrically opposed to Fascismling Japan in her aggressiveness tes, President of this coun were Yorced to bandon their po djaz Fikir Miriam and is said will ight wholeheartedly against not only for the purpose of aid try gave the inaugural ad sitiens on account of the poiso to have so succeeded in his or the Fascist Regime. It is well!
To Page ! dress at the formal opening nous gas used against them after erations against the Ital ang the heavp rain had ceased. Thy to have secured sufficient arts have now, however, permanently for all his men and thousands of themselves by cons. others.
tructing shelters in th deep ravi Much fighting is reported from Monday last completed the with the object of insolating Ma, Latest advice indicate the pos nes where th. Italians are unable Ogaden as a consequ nce of the first aaniver ary of the aban diid and cutting off her sour siblity of Shanghai having fal. to locate them.
attempt of the Italians to disarm donment of Madrid by the go ce of supplies. It is aleged tha: en entirely in the hands of the The large number of wounded the Somalis, vernment of Spain as a conse the nationalists are now expe. Japanese, Italians who brrived her lately Nearl1 all Talan activities quence of the serious pressure riencing serious financial dir After two days or Incossam are said to be arly all from thy are at a standstill and no goods suffered from the constant bom ficulties which has determined and desperate fighting in the Gara Mullata side These were have arrived from Furope letebardments by the land and air the General to press his offen Nantao district une Chinese being loaded in two hosp tal ship. ly. There is a marked scarcity Worces of the nationalists, which sive as rapidly as he can. Due ware forced to abandon their standing in the harbour of cash have produced nine thousand to its extraodinary tragetic resistence and seek refuge in The occurrences torted from When the town of Horrar was victims and caused property da position in the centre of the the French Concession. It Minjar have been confirmed by first occup ed by the Talians, mage to the value of about Alagon front, with great natu expceted that as soon as tie recent arrivals who state that they permitted some hundreds four hundred million dol ars. ral means of defence and the capture of Shanghai is assured the officers of the Imperial Body of lepers who lived nearby to From nationalist sources ail lacility with which troops can the Japane e il start their of Gurrd thered together all the move freely about during the to be authorized, we are infor. be moved to and fro, it is be fensive against Nanking for European trained Ethiopean col day but had thm locked away med that prior to the close or seved that Zaragoza will be which preparationhad already discouipped them with modern at night; recently, however, the this month General ans, the base of cp rations. The lo begun. It is also said that the Italia mms and cleared the en se hdpless unfortunates were all will have started inne yalists forces now in this region Japanese are masing con tire country. They now have char shot and thrown in a ditch.
pected offensive along the Ara are supposed to co 20 derable army on the Northern ge of the Grain markets. The It gon sector in all its intensity, men.
front of China with the object of striking a blow at Pusiai and capturing Vladivostock ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO The flower of the Jap. army a weil as their mot modera ar (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
tillery and fighting planes being concentrated on the Man chukuo frontier so as to rive SERVICIO DE VAPORES the Russian army a surprise when the time is regarded opportune.
Large Revenue Surplus Expected LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS VAPORES SALIDAS SEME VERAGUA QUIRIGUA PETEN Noviembre 14 Noviembre 21 Noviembre 23 PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: N. COLOMBIA 27 Noviembre After making the necessary ret. vations for ail working ex penses, debts and charges, it exp. cted there will be a surplu.
of nearluy one million colones over the government expendi ture for the financial period 1937 38.
Although it is anticipated that the changing of the Export Tax On Coffee from one dollar and a half per sack to an ad valo rate of ten por cent, will produce a loss of more than one hundred thousand dollars to the Public Treasury, yet the varions retrenchments made in many departments have brought ab.
out the good result.
Oficina en Teléfono 3417 Agentes ED. JA NIN Cº FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cía.
Para utros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TEI EFONO 3156 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agente: pars Limón y Puntarenas.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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