
FAULT FINDERS The Church of God The Way of Holiness ALLAN SIME Current Items LIMON TRADING COMPANY Let me express myself, through this medium, on a few thing LIMOX, COSTA RICA By W, X, Stewart which our Race keep on doing Importación to their injury. In spite of their Imports and Experts y The way of mon the loosened from coarse vulgar, own faults, they wear a doublo with high way of living at peace with sinful, worldly, sensual, vicious rimmed spectacle Exportación powered fccus become everyone; the way of being hon tendencies and so wa glasses to see Depósito de Madera Lamber Deposit est truthful, incere, loving. free to enjoy the fullest liberty the faults of other. These this print in black letters covering gentle ant kind. It is the loving of expression in the noblest and of God with all the heart and holiest ways. It is not a way as incir, the while with ste.
Compra de Cacao en grano one neighbour as one self of living in a straight jacket in theating, but notwithstandins Cocoa Purchased is the way of incdom from a narrow, cramped, all the coverings there are ho.
uncomfor les which in die time expose gullec ulls, fema morsid table style, but as in a full free Tears and favourittam, from manner with a natural outflow the faults of all the throwing mean suspicions and ancorons of purity of heart and affection of stones at the glas windows action. glad, free, wholesome of dizplaying the good things of others when ours are of the way of living full of healthy op which God has put inside his same material and may also be The Diario de Costa Rica has five spikes of Com of similar timim, and the joy of the Lord. coerst place. The way of reli easily broken is a dangerous launched a competition for the quality and sizes other encou The way of Holiness is not ness free from sin and sinn. practice, We should first mend our election of a Mis Costa Rica raging amounts are mentioned a strained, stilted life with one worst ing, for sin is man self always on the verge of a enemy the dread disea e of faults and then help others to to reprevent our Sporting pro inconnection with other line do the same with theirs. What clivities in connection with the of agriculture and industry wreck, but a happy care Eres his Soul a reward would be ours if we Olympic Games to take place joyful wholesome, manner 01 helpod others won their nam next February in Panams. As a token of the nature of living. All of one povers are (To be continued. derstanding! Cood advice res Mes Jenny Baldioceda is the the Conferences now being helu hettatronates garding the faults we see in Candidate for our Province: at Casa Amarilla (Foreign Offi others always leaves a good im ce) in connection with the Nicapression regarding the one who In order to assist the efforts Honduranian Dispute, a large gives it, though it is much ca of their subalterns in office to White Flag will be flown over sier to find our own faults sccurs a readju tment of their the building until the close or and mend them for even if we salaries on a more liberal scale, the matter.
LUMBER YARD shoud fail at the start we must the Judges attached to the vari.
evoatually succeed lous Judicial Departments have Señores Isidro and Emilio Gu.
Let us unite and help one all agreed to relinquish a certain tierrez have offered the govern.
We have opened a Lumber Yard another so tha: wwe al percentage of their stipends. Ament the sum of four hundred are in need help will be gladly Commissior from the Depart. colones as a start to a public where we carry in stock a complete giren us ments recently di cuscd the subscription for the purpose of assortment of all kinds of Native ITAC matter with the Congressional raising a monument in memory Committee, Messes. Pomago. a. or Mr. Manuel Maria Gutierrez, Lumber. Special sizes to order.
Cortes and Quiros.
the composer of the music for Jose chicn Ng.
our National Anthem, and for We also have Portland Cement, Roof great Exhibition which the transferring or his ashes to Comerciante Cutzil sa gives promte of bemg a grana his natal city Heredia.
ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen.
Licores Alauro Cristaleria; succes is to be held in Carta Articles de Ferretería y from th 15th to the 31st. De tine and all other building materials.
Snor don Raul Gurdian, ex Eléctricos; todo se en cuentra cember proximo.
Secretary of State for Finance, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ei este establecimia te. Many attractive prices are beho in company with Mr. Ra.
ing offered for the encourage mon Madrigal, has been vi iting FRECIOS TESTUACICX ment of the country agricultu. Japan on a special Commercial LIMON ral resources Two prizes of Mission for the government, will 150 esch and two of 100 each arrive here in a few days time; Limon Division are offered as first and second they are now in San Francisco, prizes for the best exhibit of California.
action will be that mitenin passengers will be afraid to make booking for future trips of the kind. There is SES TROUBLE reason why the deposit WASHINGTON. The De Mexico was second with a should not have been return arment of Commerce reports total of 1, 486 177 dollars for There has been much um amount over to the British deceased as well as the par: worth ed, since the husband of the that with 004. 800 dollars the eight months, while Brazil of aircraft product ran third with 824. 973 dollars.
pleasantness around Eighth Vice Consul to be disposeat who had actuall made purchased during the first Coiombia purchases which Street and Third Avenue by him as he thonght text.
the deposit applied for it. cight months of the current emounted to 83, 978 dollars relatve to the five dollars The Common Lam huc Perhaps Disn await the year Argentine leads all Latin placed her fourth Shipments deposited by Mrs. Leticia Dav:kins on behalf of Eliza panied by and of the deceased, accom death certificate of Swaby: American nations as a custo other Latin American na Swaby of Fortuna, Estrella. then calls on Dixon to reco table residents in the com industry.
Mrs. Dawking but these people are respect of this country aviation tions were Peru, 213. 465 dollars: Chile. 619 dollars: PaIt is understood that Miss ver the motiev. whereupon unity and he has no auExports to Argentine ii Au nama, 29. 293 dollars; Vene Swaby: hacring decided to Dixen pushes him out of his thority to resort to such sigust totalled 906. 478 dollars zucia, 24. 531 dollars: Hondu yo in Jamaica for the bene shop telling him to go to the course. Or does he tend to as against only 65. 434 dollars r23, 37. 157 dollars: Costa Pi fit of her health, asked Mrs. Consul for it. On learning open Swaby Moraval for in July. dollars; Paraguay, Der kins to deposit the of this, the son of Mrs. Daw the sum of Five chais?
en rollar amount to secure her pas lins goes to Dixon to know sage on one of the excur why he should have handisions going to that land. ed his mother in such a maIn the meantime Miss Swaby rner, when he asserts Dixon uniortunately dies and Mrs. draws a razor on him and Dawlins calls on Mr. Dicon dismisses him also on the with the receipt he had gi plea of having handed the men her for the deposit she cash tɔ the Vice Consul: had marle in the name of He thus again shields his SOLE BANK OF ISSUE the deceased. Dixon refus refusal under the wings of ed to return the money on that British Official, but UNICO EMISOR the ground that Dawki is Mr. Johnston on being inSTATE BANK not the next of kin to Swaby terviewed by all the intecfrece al público and that he had tumed the yested parties denies having offers the public had such a transaction with los servicios de su the services of its Lixon. The money is threfore still in the custody of the Promoter of this March ExCOMERCIANTE cursion by the Pathfinders por más de 20 años Cheb. What will next take EN LA IN THE Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal. Vinos y Liplace is anxiousiy awaited.
tores extronjeros y del país, had it been abarrotes en general MISCELANEA the son o. Mrs. Dawkins Establecimiento esquina Blide scandal would nave para toda clase de all kinds of bank del Mercado, occurred.
servicio bancario Entre 40 The result of such a trans service rendered LIMON TRADING COMPANY CASH DEPOSIT CAUArgentine Leads in Aircraft Purchases Banco Nacional de Costa Rica BANCO DEL ESTADO EDGAR YOUNG SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE e lawa biding antude for CIUDAD DE LIMON CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Norte Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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