
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón THE NICARAGUA. HONDURAS.
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ed ic 3f was TOYS, XMAS CARDS urday November 13th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE lapidly Chan.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back FROM PAGE Nos permitimos Lamar su atención a la rota al dorso de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office sia, but to assist Germany in demands for the recovery of cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month colonies and to secure Italy de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not er aspirations in the Medite oblige us to suspend our service, a step which The can and North Africa Le mamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su secvicis, we would much regret to take.
tuiton to Brazil to subscribe he pact which would extend policy to the American Con.
nt, is considered a direct at if not a violation of the roe Doctrine How far the ment of Costa Rica over the actual differences which rations of this new pact will which, by the imperative of momentarily bring inquieh can hardly be now predic its people, have the hon tude to them as Brothers of though it is nevertheless a. From Page eng The Hemisphere of our to preside, is of eloquent one great family.
that to go into a man tome don Horacio Castro; the Peace.
international transcendence He went on to say it was order him to contro lhis fa Chief of the Office of Con The happy appreciation and an effective historic most significant that they Led y as may seem fit to such a trol, Lic. don Adan Acosta of the American Continent signification, for it consti had met in the edifice of the seem stretching the thing ajand the representtives of founded on an historic an tues the beginning of the Department of Foreign ReMe too for, and if carried into the Press.
alysis of the process of the application of those postulations of Costa Rica which in another catastrophe. One President Cortes opened constant and powerful ef lations and precepts pro up to the year 1918 was The tot there is no saying when by calling attention to the forts displayed by the most claimed and accepted at Bue House of Central America, world may find its: If invol fact that the Venerable Ma exalted mentalities y refuse to intermingle with strate of and nos Aires, by all the Ameri the seat of the Central Athe Supreme great hearts of the progres can Nations and give expre merican Court of Justice, ther or to trade with him be Court of Justice of the Unit sive people of North Ame Ission of the vivid reality of created by the Creaties of ge use his mode of conduct or tra il slutes, Charles mans rica as far back as the year the thought of Mr. Hughes Washington in 1907, as in is not app oved, but to wage Hughes, in his luminous 1881, that memorable epoch that American is The He view of its historic antecevar on him because of his way and fruitful life has been when the grand Secretary misphere of Peace.
dents it invested the contetransacting his business appear always a determined Apost of State, James Blaine.
fetched. However, as we say, ie of the doctrine of Arbi invited all Ibeto American comed the Delegates, His Excellency, then we! rence with a synabolic chathe racter a happy alugury of World is rapidly changing tration as a means of solv Rulers to a confeernce which Representatives of the Na Siccess we must submit ourselves to ing international conflicts had as its object the consi tions an well as all others, During the years 1906 nditions as they come along. and has called our Contin dering and discussing of me assuring them that it and 1907, continued don Tothods by which war would his sincere wish that coopebius, tumultuous tempests POO Oo. OG VOCOUCHSS be avoided among the na ration would mark the har were set loose over Central tions of America, has now monious work among the America, Two of our Sister come to be swayed along Brother citizens of the Old Republics feverishly set out similar lines by the peoples Central American Country, on an antagonism of bloody of the New World with the and he begged that all engagements, letting loose PRESENTS noble efforts brought into would accept the good offi among their peoples the faeffect Cyrough th ewise ces proposed and tendered tal destruction, the Apocapostulations offered by the by his government in the inptic Beast, while two others illustrious President of the terests of Peace and Con finding themselves involvgreat North American Fe cord.
ed in an international disderation, His Excellency Inspired by these high pro citizens the cruel horrors crepancy, also threy on their Roosevelt, in posals and at of war LIMON Buenos which and harmonywhich perva, were convoked by his high (des, faithfully, the thoughts 00066000 OOOOO iniciatives and who also by and feelings of the people in co ordination with their his presence gave prestige of Costa Rica, President Cor Secretaries, the famous internationalists, Ignacio Malabours of manitarian proposals that solemnly inaugurated the of reand 400 Millions the Bonds of Unity among begged to remind them that presentative William Buall the nations of this con they had sworn in the pre sador Enrique Creel, gachanan and Mexican Ambas tinent should be protected sence of God as far away as thered the Plenipotenciaries LONDON Unless vio The Report says that in by that unbreakable force the year 1842, when Nica of Central America at Wash ant epidemic outbreaks och Pricish India alone fifteen mil produced by cooperative in rafua, Honduras and El Sal ington and under the monusur, the population of India lions were added since the teramerican legal instru vador subscribed to a pactment of the immortal Wash il exceed the 400. 000. 000 census taken in 1931; and as ments which would make a of confederation in which mark by the year 1941, states suming that the same rate of durable and fruitful. Con it was stipulated as the fun ington got them to subscridolone Russell, Pub increase has occurred in the cord under the influence of camepital compra nise that his name. This took place on be to the Treaty which bears sec Health Commissioner with Native States, the population Rights and the powerful res they would never resort to The Government of India, in as a whole would have increas plendence of Justice.
Arms for the settlement of the 17th of September 1907 Bis report on the health of In ed by about five per cent bring Gathered as we are, con any questions which might and gave rise to the Treaties dia for 1935.
ing the total estimated number tinued President Cortes, in arise between them. Years subscribed to in December to well over 370 millions. this house of the govern had elapsed but, travelling of the same year and to the created down through the ages, the the Central American Court Convention which sentiment of cordiality which prompted that memorable of Justice the First Interagreement still endures, and national Tribunal of Permanent Arbitration in the must today be vividly brouWorld, and for the first Vea See ght to their minds eye and serve as a constant inspira time in modern years cryslas CAMAS tion in the Conference now talizing the ideal of the RoThe latest inaugurated under the folds man rebuilders and the prin SIMMONS of Costa Rica Banner as a Simon Bolivar, who in order ciples of the great Liberator styles in canopy of Concord for the to make his immortal work de último esPeace Central America SIMMONS Lic. don Tobias Zuñiga of America a lasting monuof freedom othe peoples tilo que nos Montufar, Secretary of Sta ment called the Congress bed just te in the despatch of Foreign of Panama and proclaimed acaban de Affairs, then gave a most arrived historic spedch in his ch International Justice, which the doctrine of American llega: pacity of President of the he symbolized by raising Commission, after nealoſt the emblem of the more welcoming all present Cross to incorporate on the and thanking them in ad destruction the ruin, the vance for their co operation bloodshed by war, the poliand discussions along har tical emancipation of the AVELINO DE LA PEÑA Cía, Sucs.
monious lines so that they Hisparo American Cantimay find a peaceful solution nent, the divine instrucof the matter, by confrater tions of the Sermon on nity of ideas and harmonious compromises regarding (To Page 10) lot being opened up every day JACK ORANE STORE the recent Peace Conferens ments of Peace wieraternity idents of Mexico and the ndia Populace Near more particularly to the hu the desiatiche commission riscal and Elihu Root, with M gu. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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