
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November 13th ETH Costa Rica Census If enfeebled by age Virilinets use ADD ainst divide States been of micr Mosla parpa Sold by all Drug Sto SE INICIAN.
Em The har Limón Base Ball Lea.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX From the statistics recently re Siquirres 7548 ABOGADO Jeased, we reproduce the follow Jiménez 7390 the reſuvenating ing informat oa for the instruc Abangures 7225 y NOTARIO PIBLICO hormono preparation tion of our readers.
Sto. Domingo 6807 FOR MEN, For the purposes of a mor mi Esparta 6791 amording to Dr Rich Weiss.
nute eheck th: Republic is divi Carrilo 6731 Oficina: Altos PasAsk for our illustrahd bookt ded into sixty Districts, each be Goicoechea 6609 cual Ingianna 6357 ing attored a municipality. The La Un on present check, wh ch is up to Oreamuno 6251 the 21st Decembr 1936, shows Excasu.
6166 that we have a population of Montes de Oro 6075 591. 862 distributed in the follow Ora.
5900 eratura by th Agents: ing mannerCoronado 5284 VIENE de La Pág. UNO)
73405 Tibás 4987 ción. Los países civilizados com Cartago 33143 Santa Ana prendiendo la utilidad práctica 4959 Alajueia 31577 Santa Bárbara 4942 de las exposiciones, las realizan anualmente como se Limon 23900 Alvarado 4852 en nuestro pa.
Turrialba 21009 Alaro Ruiz 4641 Grecia 19648 Orot na 4627 Estamos seguros el éxito de la exposición. Ali tendremos TEAMS WON Lost Pes GAMES PLAYED Puntarenas 18017 Poás 4519 portunidad de adruris al esSan Ramón 18000 Cañas 4464 fuerzo de nuestros hombre, de Cubs 3 sian Puriscal 17573 Ba ba 4406 los diversos rincones de la e Carite 2 TE Hered a 15295. Montes d: Oca 4376 pública, los organizadoras de tan Molive lower 2 Nicoya 15192 San Mateo 4185 ineritorio esfuerzo es ja orien Poihirders 2 to Santa Cruz 13909 Turrubares 4062 tando debidamonte todos los as Un fruilco. 1 Desamparados 11890 Pérez Zeledón 3985 pectos y sobre todo en el (en Surtidora. 0 Naranjo 10917 Pococi 3842 tia de que tenga una finalidad Paraiso 10296 Sen Isidro 3611 estable; con tal objeto habrá SCORE OF GAMES PLAYED Acosta 10123 Moravia 3535 una semana de trabais pract:Atena 9712 Dota 3287co sobre las diversas industrias Metive Power Surtidora Liberia 9511 Belén 3278 con el objetivo de que la gen Caribe 13 Surtidora Mora 9558 Curridabat 3275, tes se ilu tren y leve esa. Cubs 13 Pathfinder Tilarán 8542 Flores 3127suietudes a su localidad y des Unifraico Pathfinder Palmeres 8469 Alajuelita 3110 pertar en ellos el deseo no s6 Unifruilco 24 Surtidora As rri 8330 Begaces 2514 lo doi trabajo que vigoriza el Molive Power Cubs Tarrazú 7903 músculo sino a con eso surgi. Unifruilco Corb.
San Carlos 7645 TOTAL 591862 rán nuevas iniciativas, cuyn tras Cubs.
19 Surtidora cendencia es altameats educaCubs.
12 Caribe tiva para Costa Rica.
Unifruitco Motive Power C) Magisterio Nacional co. aSurtidora Paihfinders bora con empeño va escue a debe interesarse por esas cosas Note. here are 30 Lergue Games scheduled of Tuca a los mae. tros ser los 11 have been played. The choi ges which occur in the banderados en esta cruzada de tions of the Cubs will be shewn werky (From Page ment after the expiration of progreso.
the woulu ure Science its Treaty life of ten years, El profesor don Juils Caballe of life, which the hum The government of Costa ro estuvo en esta ciudad a camble Nazarene preached Rica has since designated it biar impre iones con los maes FOR SALE SE VENDE by His sacred word and the seat of the Secretary of tros repecto de los preparativos consecrated by His Supreme Foreign Affairs as an atri en lo que se refiere a la exhiul de la exposición y esp. cialmunte Sacrifice so as to leave ra bute of its elevated ne Two Storey Residence Hermosa casa funcde dos pa diont on earth the Cross of tions to cultivate and stren que no sólo tiene como cultivos ción por parte de esta provincia and Land at Madre de Dios. terreno en Madre de Dia Propiedad que fue de Calvary as the symbol of gthen in its relations with dominantes el banano y el ca Property of late Carr. Carr Peace and the redemption the other governments of of men.
the earth, the emblems of productos muy propios de la zocao, sino que también existen Informe. ISRAEL BLANCO Pensión Costa The Central American harmony, concord dignity na tropical. Creemo, que con un o Pulperia Flor de Asturias. Pacifico. San José Court of Justice, he went on, and Justice. Thus the truth poco de buena voluntad y en was inaugurated with great of the statement that we are tusiasmo, podemos aportar pomy in the city of Cartago met in a symbolic edifice. valioso contingente, pues queda.
on the 25th of May 1908 in the Temple of Peace, in riamos en mal predicado no ofre and on that very day His whose fragrant atmosphere ciendo nuestro concurso Excellency, Mr. William Bu founded under the serene Los estatutos de organización Dear Mr. Editor: chanon, who assisted in the curtains of heaven, in th y propaganda escrita de la reie solemn ceremonies as High small Republic of Costa Ri riua exposición ya están en nues It is apparently quite trud Commissioner of the govern ca. the spirit of the Libera tras manos para circulen pro The report of the Special Com Lord Harris having sent ment of the United States tors.
lu amente entre los vecinos. El mittee on the matter of the gov Ball so far over the bou of America, officially an Following the supreme Comité Central está integrado e nment project to construct a the Umpire had eventuall nounced that the genius of oratory of the President of En esta ciudad por el señor Go wharf at Punta Quepos on the declare it Lost. We have American finances, the Steel the Commission, the Presi bernador de la provincia, el pre Pacific Coast having be accept carefully watching each La King, Andrew Carnegie, had deut of the delegation from sidente Municipal y el Inspec ted, the law to authorize its cops the Atlantic Voice for had his name incorporated Honduras. Dr. Silverio Lai tor Provincial de cuelas, todos truction is now under cons dera indication of its discovery as a benefactor to Internationez replied: after which the elementos entusiastas y de gran on by our Legislatvie body. returr, but have neither nal Peace by donating the President of those from Ni visión de estas cosas. También Much of the opposition which nor seen anything of it.
sum necessary for the con caragua, Dr. Cordero Reyes tenemos que informar a nues was at first taken to the propo. We consequently, ask tha struction of the Temple of gave a lengthy and very tros numero os lectores, que ha sition seem to have been over find out and let u know Peace destined to the exclusi significant response.
The sido nombrado un sub comité ve use of the Central Ame meeting then closed for the tegrado por los profesores seño com, although the orignal pro Editor, where the Bail is ject is being subjected to many located rican Court of Justice, rita Olympia Trejos, doña Ma.
amendments with the view of at INTERE TED PLAY token of his sympathy for So both delegations, rina Castro de Baldioceda y don fording thesurrounding districts the Peace and progress of in spite of the very ameliTerencio Peralta, quienes en athe greatest benefits possible something in the vecinity of the five Central American crative discourses pronounc socio del Comité central se enRepublics.
from the work, which is to cost hundred thousand dollars, ied during the opening sescargarán de que Limón supers a sus esfuerzos.
This Temple of Peace was sion seem unalterable destroyed by the earthqua their desires for con quest, while the which also destroyed most of guans seemede amenable to LUIS WA CHONG that noble and loyal city, reasonings, the Hondurabat in proof of his philan neans appear firm in expect Gui (MC) CLAFIES Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist tropic intention Mr. Carne ing the Commission to stick De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University.
New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, gie made another gift for by them in keeping with the Cantina, Licores the crection of this simple verdict of the King of Spain. Extranjeros y del país. Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professiona but elegant edifice giving it Hence the task looks like surtida Tienda bien fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up the name of the Temple of it will be a lengthy one beClínica Dental instalada to Date. Dental Clinic Peace and which was the fore Peace can be secured.
Abarrotes en general contiguo a la oficina Loca ed next to the seat of the Court until its We however hope for the Precios sin competencia del Cable. All America Cables dissolution by mutual agree best, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas der Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.
un Congress Accepts The ball. where is Quepos wharf Project a day.


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