
Saturday November 13th. 1937 THE ATLA VOICE age 1335 World Gleanings ETHIOPIAN MOSLEMS PROTEST DIVISION PLAN THE VOGUE Ladies Gents Tailoring For Style Character and Goed Taste.
the to track If you want the experience of wearing a real smart outfit, come along to Japan has flatly declined to as sist the other eight Powers at ADDIS ABEBA. Protest of Ethiopia and Arab Com.
the Brussels Conference so as to against Britain plan to submunities resident in Ethiopia explain her conduct toward Chi divide Palestine into separate express their utmost disap, na, although she guaranteed the States for Jews and Arabs has proval of the policy pursued territorial integrity of and nonbeen made to the League in Palestine by the British aggression toward, that country.
of Nations and to Pre government, and heartily join micr Neville Chamberlain by their Palestine Brothers in reBy the inab Hity to operate a to Moslem leaders in Ethiopinjecting, in the most categori switch point, at the proper time, purporting to represent mil cai manner, any plans proposon Corinto Managua Raillions of members of the Mc ing to dismember Palestine or way, a passenger train took the hommedan faith.
parate her from the re wrong and ran into anThe message read. Moslems mainder of the Arab world.
other train which was standing nearby. Several cars were over.
turned killing five persons on RUSSIA PLACES LARGE the spot and badly injuring a dozen. The accident took place ORDER IN in front of the San Vicente Hospital at Leon NEW YORK. In lias The Representative of the The Nat onalist government in been disclosed that the Rus Export Corporation negotia: Spain has given ample satisfacsian government has autho ting the huge transaction stat tion for the sinking of the Brrized its commercial Agentsed that the inaterial will con to purchase naval equipment sist of parts ni battleships and is ship the Weems on the 31st October. The act is suppo to the value of 50. 000. 000 dol other fighting craft, boilers, sed to have been done by bombs lars for immediate dispatch engines and 16 inch naval dropped from an Italian airplane, guns.
Compensation will be by means of an Arbitration Board JOHN ROGERS LIMON Ladies say he is adept at making Coats, Costumes, breeches, Etc.
The Death of a Most Useful Citizen Grateful Gesture Trabajos de Ingeniería, Peritazgos, Denuncios, Presupuestos, Nivelaciones, Levanta sutfor anothe still in price.
mientos Hidrográficos, Medida de fincas, Trazado de tranvías, Caminos, Cañerías, Construcciones, Compra y venta de Propiedades, Copias heliográficas, Minas.
PATHFINDERS DECLARED CHAMPIONS As arising out of the London Conference on nonintervention, Dear Mr. Editor: of employment are now wgain Mussolini and his Ally Franco, By the death of Engineer don, the founder of the Sisal Kemp Please permit us this medium in service, thanks to Mr. John have agreed to repatriate all vo Federico Peralta Sancho last Factory for manufacturing the to express our sincere apprecia son. We intend to give him olunteers and foreign soldiers now, week end, the country has su cabuva for our ropes, curtains tion of Mr. Johnson our our best, fighting in Spain, the Spaniards fered the loss of one more of her and other articles obtained from present Twain Master, who has We also wisk to congratulate been in full authority since our much repeted Superinten being thus leſt entirely alone to meritorious and highly estcem this useful plant.
settle their differences, ed citizens The Atlantic Voice tenders sometime last month. Many of us dent, Mr. Sheehy, for his Don Federico was at one time its most sincere condolence to who were without Switch Keys selection of such a Chief for so Ex. Premier Blum insites the the have been furnished with same, important a Department.
Director of our National the bereaved family.
French thereby facilitating our School of Agriculture and was work Respectfully, government that should there be any further delays in and with better results acerving to the Company. Many of our DRAKEROS getting out all volunteers and fo fellow Brakemen who were out Northern Ry. Co. reigners fighting on the side of THE EXCURSION TO JAMAICA BY THE MECHANICS the rebels, the country will open her frontiers so that all who want ORDER GOES WITHOUT FAIL IN DECEMBER to go may cross to join the gov ernment troops All who wish to make the cember, therefore intending pas trip to Jamaica in December sengers should come in by the The dollar bas been permitted are asked to come in at once 25th. instant in order that all by the Roosevelt administration and make the necessary depo matters. Consular and Govern to sits to ensure their passages, as mental, can be settled in time.
The pound sterling has now ri ali arrangements with the go. Christmas is the season in sen to over five dollars, present vernment and the Shipping Com which to see Jamaica. There quotation being 01. there is pany must be concluded by the will be no waste of tivo days in consequence much agitation end of this month.
et Almirante and Boeas del To in Europe, particularly in France Excursionists will leave here ro before reaching Colon, SO where the Franchas risen to by the commodious Coean Li some in and Book at once.
29. 27 to Nation the dollar a rise of ner Columbe on the 14th. De twenty one centimes in a few hours, Me hago cargo de dichos trabajos por contrato o comisión.
In certain parts of Soviet Russia the inhabitants are now prohibited by law from Ingeniero RAFAEL ROIG either Whistling or Singing in Mr. Editor: played during the present Miembro de la Facultad de Ingenieria de Costa Rica)
public. It is an offence against In continuation of our tentarls month, the date to be published the lan to endeavour to of a fortnight ago anent the in your comig week issue, 21 tract the attention of any one Cricket Competition Games; DS It is also decided that Mr Apartado 523 SAN JOSE Teléfonos 2929 3201 bv whisthing it is quite evident there is NO Campbell shall Captain the Board of Control to decide the selected Team and the nach. Computi. be umpired by Messers. A Decree, recently issued winners of the 1937 tion. the four Clubs, Wander. Franklin and Eggle ones, two by the Food Supply Depart ers, Construction, Motive power experienced and widely respecment of Madrid, declares it a and Surtidora, hereby DECLARE ted Cricketers.
criminal offence for anyone The Pathfinders the WINNERS Yours for True Sport to be possessed of more than They further decide that the LORD. HARRIS, 15 pounds of food, Excespresentation match shall be For The Committee.
ses discovered by the govern meat would be confiscate and the PANAMA.
owners treated Seven hundr which will be placed in cireu Hoarders.
ed and ten thousand stampslation November 28th. in ccm memoratioa oi the 50th anAlthough members of the SORTEO DEL 19 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1937 niversary of the Panama City Tapanese House of Peers, asFire Department have arrived sert they can carry on the Chi PREMIO MAYOR 100. 000 on the Isthmus.
Wee. Le nese warfree without any darThe issue will consist of ni ger of bankruptcy, it is noticDivididos en vigésimos a 1. 50 el vigésimo ne stamps of the following ed that the Cabinet has reducESTRADA alues and colours. One hali ed government expenses Usted puede pasar unas for PASCUAS y ANO NUEVO Abarrotes y Licores cent, orange: one cent, green; remainder of the year by a Artículos del País two cents, scarlet; five cents. sum equal to about 59, 000. 000 muy felices, comprando solamente bluecents; dollars at the request of the Precios Económic7s tea. LA IBERIA vellow, there was urgent need green, and twenty cents, red. For such retrenchment.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Panama Fire Dept. to Issue Conmemorative Stamps as LOTERIA DE NAVIDAD SALOMON CHIN sca cents, purple ten cents Minister of Finunce, who LOTERIA NACIONAL


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