
THE SITUATION IN CHINA The Atlantic Vaice SPLENDID VICTORY FOR MILLA MARITIMA SETTLERS on The Conciliation Niccr:gro Supersedes in Agriculture THE FIGHTING IN SPAIN with this series of rapid thrusts by the Chinese government ordered Japanese columns West of Shan all the war wounded removed ghai thr at ned on the night of into th interior from Nanking, the 15th. to cause collapse of the which has be:n the centre of the Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic whole Chinese derenze syst in Army hospital system. Spurred known as General Chiang Kai by reports of the terrible destruc Editor English Section: NATION Shek HindurLin Japs tich inflicted cn Seochew by nese gaing appear ikely to turn the Japanese air force, thousan. is Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday November 201h. 1937 No. 171 both flanks of the system, stret. of Nanking populace were leav ching some ffty miles west of ing by highways, rivers and ca7 Shanghai into the Chekiang Pro nals. Soochow with a population vince Troops fr shly landed of 260, 000 is said to have been along the lower Yangtze at laid in ruing by the seven hunpoints 40 to 60 miles from Shan Cred bombs launched against her final docision has at last the Legi lative Represe1 vest And while or tais subject, il ghai, drove at the northern end within a space of thirty hours.
Under date th 17th. instant, been reached in connection with of the Atlantic Zone gat in con night be mentioned that Me:sr of the Chinese line. Other co that China was the rate of rentals for settlera junction with those of ine Pa Nation and Farquharson navelumns smashed at Kunshan in it was stated on the lands within the Miua Icific and wsre thus able to gain started a propaganda in favounth centre while still others were fighting a desperate back to the Maritima the splendid achievement men of the settlers on the govern advancing along the Kiangsu walı fight to preserve her The following Tariff has been tion above, Grat thanks muat tient strips of lands along the Ch ang border.
dependence with the odds increas approved: be given don Juan Romagosa riway lines. pa ima is being Announcement was the ingly against her and that Genmade that Japanese co eral Shek forces were striving: Occupiers or all it up 10 and Lic. don Daniel Zaledon for nun erously signed to be presen 15th.
hectareas to be free of rental, the active campaign they wagated to tme Ministers e Finance lumns driving westward along sitions, while others in the North From 10 to 25 hectareas CO! In this matter in the interests and Fomento as also to our good the Shanghai. Nanking railway frantically to maintain their po1 eputies in Conges to get the had captured Kunshan (Quin 15 of the poor cultivators.
wre struggling to prevent the per hectarea pe rquarter Law of 1921 modify tin idei From 26 to 50 hectareas C0. 20 We cannot at the same time en. a strong point near the cen Japanese from crossing the Yel50 that the rate of. en. al on these tre er neral Shek famed Hin low River, the main barrier to per heetarea per quarter overlook the un elin offor stips may be leseret The chandenburg Line. Foreign cbservers Tsinanfu.
From 51 to 75 hectareas. 21, 53 of Mr. Nation who lirst ber he area rernuarter started the campaign and ray ge is now one cent per square believed the capitulation of Kun The latest report from Shanmtr por our From 76 to 100 hectareas. 850 ered the districts be ween Pasqua one hunderd colones pershan would enable the Japanese ghai states that the Japanese had 19 From 101 to 150 hectarea urt and Puero Viejo on foot hectarea te march rapidly along thr rail captured th Capitaj cties of the 03 PT hectarea prouant and also used to columns et We expect to be able to publish way toward the Soochow front live Northern Provinces and that From 151 to 200 hectareas the ATLANTIC VOICE to aid the full text of the Petition in 20 miles away.
they are cont nuing their conC2. 00 per hctar arrr The praranda: ad Mr our next issue, In view of the threatened quest of the province of Shan Rogelio Gutierrez, the Tires cr Subscriptions to defray ho ex break in the defense system be ghai.
56 From 201 to 300 hectareas. 00 per hectarea pºr quar er of the Journal, recognizing the penses of the representation are twe Shanghai and Nanking, Anything above 300 hectarsas justice of Mr. Yatisa. mov olicited.
will pay C5. 00 per hectarea rer menthe assi ted it his Span quarter. These rates apply to ih section. Mr. rnando 1505 hoth the Pacific and Atlantic Zo also came in and as a result ties, In thi comination all succes As stated in a previous issue, has been obtained.
Conference Those who have the interest res which can be to easily doof this country tr::ly at heart, ne with the aburdant wat The discussion in connectioa must feel dispondent over the supplies, the variety of gras.
conciliation Conie disclosures given us from ses already established and rence being conducted in San me to time that despite the the abandoned and rejected ba Very heavy rains and much city large population has to be Jose regarding the claims put fact of our Bananas going up nanas to fall back on in case snow storms are said to be se supplied with the necessities of forward by the representatives to seven millions stems in 1937 of a scarcity of grass? How DS riously hampering operations a maintaining life.
of both Honduras and Nicar and our Coffee rechaing fi often have we not seen the long the Aragon front though The warfare completed its six gua continues undbated. Noth cures hitherto unknown ic Compañia Bananera dumping avy artille, y engagements are eenth month last Thursusy at ng of a definite nature has volume and price, we are ve: scores of carloads of their rebeing carried on in various sec the cost it is estimated of.
yet been reached conspelled to import our food lected fruit into the Pacuare es tors, the government is supposed 500. 000 casualt ez, th daths Eleven conciliatory point; st. ffs from the adjoining Re and Banana Rivers. With a 30 to be endeavouring to destroy being around 400 000 and the re have been proposed, and 32 public of Nicaragua.
lattie thoughtfulness, on the an General Franco line of commumainder either physically inju agreement of non aggression What a pity it for uso part of a resourceful mind, nication and bombard his large red or invalided. It is also esti between bothc ountries, pend realize that the moment Pre ruid rot all this be turned in concentration of forces between mated that about 807, 000 men ing final peace settlements, 13 sident Somoza puts a ban o to a wealth of income? We Teruel and Zaragoza.
tre in the fighting in of either unier consideration, the exportation of butchery have here the resources, but It is the growing opinion that party.
nars to us. We have got to not the meditative minds ca.
the Nationalists will not make General Franco is reported to wondering what to do io abie of visualizing the on a direct attack Madrid in have accepted the proposal that mect the daily needs of our acts which co: 17 be realizes vies of the system of defens the evacuation of populace In this respect. In a in the different lines of induswhich the government has sueight rs should after the rate linh hosts ceeded in establishing. Th belief of one from the government thousands of hectareas of aban To obtain sufficient Pice, is that General Franco will con anks for every five from those RAILWAY STRIPS doned banana iards, is there Bonne and Carn to mort the centrate his efforts on destroy under his control. Comitalist who will come ordinary needs of our growing ing every means by which the forward and convert there a PAGE Many notices, purporting to reas into rich beautiful pasti le from the Secretary of Ha cienda, have been served the occupants of the different lots ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO orated on the governmenis (Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
fifty fcot strips of lands along the Railway in the Madre de SERVICIO DE VAPORES Dics and nearby sections, by; the Agents of Police, in which Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK it is stated that if such occu con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA pantz do not immediately il quidate their indebtednessus in connection wit their occu LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS pancy, they will have to reEUROPEOS AMERICANOS nove their homes from off the lots.
VAPORES SALIDAS The rate being enfones For the use of these lots considered exhorbitant. One QUIRIGUA Noviembre 21 cint per square metre PETEN Noviembre 28 seem trifling but the fact it aggregates one hundred cois VERAGUA Diciembre nes per hectarea while the ra te for such an area for the purpose of cul ivating Ca ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
cao is but Fifty Cents, makes PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: it appear inconsiderate.
Agente: pars Limón y Puntarenas. N. COLOMBIA It is said that a Comruis27 Noviembre stor has been appointed to Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la Unilen wait on the governments Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica cutive Officers with a view of Agentes ED. JA NIN FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG TEI EFONO 3156 having the matter adjusted al rer a more reasonable rate Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. on the foreign OCCUPANTS OF THE o tru.
are nia y Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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