
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November 20h. 1937 Sugar Exportation Increase Local Local Price SYENEY SMITH CONDEM NED BY APPEAL COURT HOP LEE LUNG Estable. inito de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Four going France from Devil Isle a land.
The There has been, for some approached with the request time, a nincessant agitation that the permission be withOur readers will remembe: among our Suga. manutactur drawn as it is held by those the item carried in an carlies trs for permissioa to export a opposing the exportation that issue in which it was mention El más surtido en Matina certain quantity of their pris there be sufficient sugar to led that the case brought duction. The idea was viewed meet our requirements why gainst Sydney Srith, an exwith suspicion by the Execu should the mere granting of telegraph Clerk of the Nor.
tive Council as it was felt that the request to ship the statel thern Railway Co. by the pathis would create a scarcity of quantity produce such an inrents of a young woman of the article for local consump mediate rise in price. Siquirrres for criminal miscon tion as the Department of It is certainly én importansduct had been cismissed by Agriculture was not of the step in the advance in the ecn the Judge of the Criminal opinion there was a sufficientaomic life of a country to be Court in this city in favour increase in the cultivation of able to add to the items of its of the accused. As the parties ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands. ce but penniless and withcut canes to warrant such a step exportations: but it is a preconcerned were not satisfied Hundreds of curious natives food or clothing, they endea beo pornitted. The Indus nature and inexpedient step with this decision they carried incd the King Wharf land vored to collect funds from trialists principaly concern allow the exportation of an the matter before the First ing pier here to witness the Britons sufficient to enabla ed, impressed on the govern article of primary consumn. Court of Appeal, and after lanung of Raymond Vande. them to reach the Virgin Isment that if permission were on when there is eviden vi giving the case their usual caFrancoi Freau an: Paul Renuc lands. They landed here after not granted them to expor: a an insufficient amount beiny ci, Frenchmen, and Battistoti a narro wescape when their portion of what could be reproduced e consideration the Judges, to keen the price on the 8th inst. handed down uovia. ni, an Itaza, escap frail craft overturned oa garded as their surplus pro within the reseable reach of their judgment which condem di convicts from Devil Isrce at Virgin Gorda in the custion there would be na the masses. Conteruent or! ned the accused to imprison British Virgin Islands and iminedate increase in the previous shortares the government for two These men had served from with considerable effort reach planting of cases yearstwo to produsent had to make importation months and one dav.
five to eight years in the Deed this city.
sufficient sugar to meo: keen the nice within the it is hardly likely that the vil Island penitentiary for Lodged in the local jail, they the demands oi an increasicalimit of nasibility for the work decision can be carried into el crimes ranging from attacks are awaiting action by the im population hence there might in pula inn how is it imfect as we gather Smith out on Fascists to knifing. The re migration authorities. They, Se in all probability, an even afnre nossible to now allowted the country sometime b:des of the penitentiary, a. hope to reach France by way tua. deficit.
entertion without first na Torc the case was decided.
cording to their story, requi of Puerto Rico, the Domini his supposition had the dentaining if this has hern Te that although convicts have can Republic, and Haitia sired effect, unforcunately, ont correspondin increase in served their term they must the minds of the memebrs of induction to take care of the remain on the island for a: Josh chion Ng.
EOOTH The Executive Council, that. in armal needs of the least five years.
rather than allow disinterest community.
Comerciante Detallista Tired of conditions and of Best to develop in the cultivation of Licores, Abanos Cristaleria, alleged maltreatment by the the sugar canes, and probally Besed The shortage indicated by Artículos de Ferreteria y zuthorities, they slipped out cause a shortage of this artic the immediate rise in price is Eléctricos; todo se ercuentra at night through forests, cross! Berlin le of ever nece:sity it might not the result of natural en en este establecimiento cd river and bought a Bread ac riskini accede to lamity or other similar cause, noc from an Indian in which Buns the ravest: consequentiv which could engendar sympa PRECIOS PE SITUACION they made the trip to Trini cuits Cakes permission has been granted thy it is rather a direct move LIMON dau, where they stopped for that a certain amount of the several months.
People Bakery in corner the market, therefore cruce article me be sent out the government should inves Anscious to return to Fran Box 179. Limon to Germany. This decision gate and prohibit the inhas NO RADIOS: NA: was unfortunately taken with at first demanding that thjected to such an injustice.
tants of the country being sub corresponding amount of now CHEWING GUM anting be instituted prior to We are pleased to note that my friends will be according!
the commencement of expos tations.
Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Miss Violet Jones of Cima. her an affectionate recepticni The Board of Control foi The war emergency probizones is on the road to com on the evening of the 29th.
LAWYER NOTARY bition oi import: from the plete recovery from her re a tokey of their love and kurortation has, it is observ.
PUBLIC United States, which has been serious indisposition esteem as also an acknowle lg damit, wing lif be Office: ordered by the Japanese miwhich necessitated her under ment of the goor! graces for thousand quintals to Font away and this has result Adjoining to the City nistry, will, it is said, only poing an operation in the San her recovery.
affect about one per cent or in Juan de Dios Hospital, San To Public Library Miss Jones is loud in her in the local wire rising value 2, 000, 000, of the a se, under th eguicance of Drs. praises of the skill and atter evernight from thirteen to se noun ENGLISH SPOKEN mount ordinarily imported Oscar Martinez and Breaes tien of Drs. Martinez and Bre FORMER JUDGE OF THE from that source. Cotton and Gutierrez nea Gutiérrez, as also in a. Much complaints have, conseLIMON DISTRICT COURT and lumber imports aże to be govMiss Tones will be remain reciation of the tender care. in the Capital until the hown her tv Nurres Dora Executive Council has been erned by a system of licensing 28ih. instant when she Rodriguez, Nellie Blanco and. oavad 00000000000000000 but among a host of lesser articles, it is noted that a ban pacts she will be sufficient Maria Cristina Mata who dia Farriderated to return home everything possible to reliev NUEVA FOTO PACHECO is on against the importation of American radio sets and is understood that her ma he: suffering an anxieties. THE PACHECO NEW PHOTO STUDIO)
chewing gum.
Mebestand 150 varas South of the Cathedral, San José.
Why the last two articles Street Car to Pacific Station passes door.
ere singled out can only be Studio equipped with the most modern Appliances.
surmised. Perhaps it was beHUTOS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES cause it was not desired that the Japanese learn what is SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CLIENTS FROM LUMBER YARD ATLANTIC ZONE, going on outside other than through the censored chasne! As to chewiag gum, well, peneral understanding is.
We have opened a Lumber Yard that the mastication of this where we carry in stock a complete articie lends to philosophical (in rdt Tann doesn assortment of all kinds of Native want its citizens at this juncLumber. Special sizes to order.
ture to reflect any too much.
On Wednesday of last week ment of the ship labourers, We also have Portland Cement, Roofmitted on board the Crin he had ill used Antonio more LUIS WA CHONG ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenissen of the Roval Nther than once. On the day of the land GUACIMO GUAP. LES Line of ships tine and all other building materials.
trading murder he is have with this port, when a colour struck Antonio with a bit of 0SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ed Dutch subject, a native of scantling, which brough: Cantina, Licores Curacao named Juan Antonio about fight and culminatrd Extranjeros y del país.
sunk a knife into the heart in the fatal use of th: kr.
Tienda bien surtida of his foreman Lorenzo Stek fe.
Abertos en gererel hann.
Antonio has been incarcerat Limon Division It is alleged that Stekmamed in the local Carcel Precios sin a mpetencia von e dolamento es posedad de la biboteca Naciona Marghet oogdrea. bullende hise bogats del CONVALESCING cent wanteen rentz nor. LIMON TRADING COMPANY MURDER ON SHIP IN HARBOUR said to LIMON TRADING COMPANY


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