
Saturday November 20th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page LUMBER DEPOSIT The December Excursion to JAMAICA THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE SAITA imón Base Ball League This is entirely false, and to a Maribe ich RA nor An awful propaganda is being waged against this Excursion. From several Gistricts along the lines come the news that Agents Next to LA PROVEEDORA of another alieged Excursion are circulating the rumour that this has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav. New and Complete Assortment of Lumber December one has been postpon ing cured an immense number of persons who sufed and that those persons who fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These Measurements less than feet at 0. 25 per foot intended travelling by it should now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from prepare to go by that which is such complaints as supposed to go in March next COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, wais BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION of GAMES PLAYED BAMS WON Lost PERCENTAGE despicable mean trick, without on particle of truth, intended to nect at Cristobal with the erland Lines will confirm this.
Try ubs 5 1. 000 damage the prospects of the De Costa Rica of the Royal Nether. Intending passengers should 3 0. 750 Piber Excursich. o now land Line.
also be exceedingly careful reotive Power 2 0666 this is the ONLY ONE for which Intending passengers should Larding the pally with whom nes 5thfinders. 2 0. 500 arrangements have been con. not allow themselves to be de they deposit their five dollars, as ed nifruitco. 1 0. 200 cluded with the Shipping Comceived. and should come in and refunds, if found necessary, may artidora. 0 0. 000 pany, who assert that neither arrange their passports and re not be had without the addtion.
the Pathfinders any other turn Permits by not later than al expense for Legal assistance.
SCORE OF GAMES PLAYED Club has entered into any con the end of this month. Any one, There is a deep trick behind this lotive Power Surtidora. tract with them for an Excursion by calling at the Shipping Office rude propaganda.
aribe 13 Surtidora. to Jamaica in the month of will be convinced that no con. Travel with the Mechanics Ex ubs 13 Pathfinders March 1938. Therefore the only tract exists for any Excursion cursion in December and you athfinders 17 Unifruitco one which goes is that which other than that which leaves on will know with whom you go.
or nifruitco 24 Surtidora. leaves here in cember by the the 16th December. The Agents. The name is a security for your Subs 11 Motive Power French Liner Columbe to conl of the French and Royal Neth voyage. NATION aribe 13 Unifruilco he ubs 19 Surtidoro.
lubs 12 Caribe lotive Power. Unifruitco. athfinders 14 Surtidora.
11 ubs 16 Unifruilco. Vea See Jaribe 14 Pathfinders. las CAMAS Nore. There are 30 League Games scheduled of which The latest have been played. The changes which occur in the posi SIMMONS ons of the Clubs will be shown werkly.
styles in de último esGames Scheduled for Nov. 21 SIMMONS tilo que nos SURTIDORA versus MOTIVE POWER 30 CUBS versus PATHPINDERS acaban de Games Scheduled for Nov. 28 arrived Hega?
bur cy EDGAR YOUNG It is certainly strange that usual markets in England ilile there is a great demand and the United States there bior Costarrican Cacao in fo has been the great demand the eign markets, the local pri for our product in Colombia, should have fallen so can Japan and Germany, derably and with indications are far from what they ought FROM MADRE DE DIOS mly still going lower to be. It is hoped that with While coming from her. in Due to the incessant rains the advent of the new Japane ſarn, some days ago, a native populare, we are forced to it this country. He asks to be (From Page 7)
no such things as Mills in hich fell in the spring se Agency along with our woinan was bitten by a snakr.
ted onths of the year, the trees open competitors, there will she was sent immediately to be up our deficiency by in tlaced in touch with the ow. za and erc washed of much of be no reason for a further all the San Juan de Dios hospi portations from our Sister Rcers of these with whom he OF teir blossoms and the crop in the local quotation, but ratal. San José, for public. It this not shamefui? may negotiate nis crops. Docs treatment TE On the cultivators of Su he mean this as a burlesque2 reduced and delayed: but her an appreciable increase with the special injections gar Cane and the manufactu Does he really mean he does although in addition to provided for such an emergen ras of Sugar deciding to ex not known we have not yet 4101 port a few tons of their pro ceached this pinnacle of ecoduct, up goes the local pace nomic progress?
SALOMON CHIN of the commodity beyond the Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Let us hope that this will cles COMERCIANTE capability of our labouring be an incentive to those of Wee. Le bo people which must cause the our large financiers who depor más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia ABOGADO government to make importa sire to be considered patriots, ESTRADA Vende al detal, Vinos y Lltions to offset an unpossible si that in addition to the enterbat cores extrunjeros y del país, y NOTARIO PI BLICO tuation.
taining of patriotic thoughts abarrotes en general.
Abarrotes y Licores We note that a Nicaraguan taey should do something to a MISCELANEA Artículos del Pais Oficina: Altos PasCapitalist, Mr. Gilberto La enhance the 5stablecimiento esquina progressive Precios Económicas cayo, is enquiring what del Mercado.
are march of their country.
Norte Entre 40 LA IBERIA cual Ingianna the possibilities of his supply ing us with wheat. Of cours The lands of Nicaragua are se he little dreams there are she possessed of a greater 2hat superior to ours, nor is mount of brain rower. What henhas carried ber so much Nos permitimos Lamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the tack in advance of us in agricul.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
ture? If a country which is Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office much more agricultural than manufacturing cannot producina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month ve sufficient from which her de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not people can be fec and the sur Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Pius exported, then there is de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
something wrong somewhere the sooner those who are placed to guide iver destinies met together and provide the emedy the better it will be for all concerned.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
sa Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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