
THE CATTLE CHUTE WIRELESS NEWS 19; Ifsenfeebled by age.
Virilinets RE use 19 are Sold by all Drug Stores the secure tranortation of 20 17 HAPPENINGS in ETHIOPIA 10 A Alejandro Vargas in manca asthat AT SIQUIRRES JERUSALEM. More than 30 wouid recognize Generaliss mo We would like to call the Jewish Revisionist Leaders have Francisco France gouramant the rejuvenating buen arrested presumably as attention of Mr. Sheehy a al on the 25th November, the an.
hormone proparation on the ruversary of the signing of the FOR MEN, necessity at Siquirres which result of violence here seem to have been oversigint 15th. Nov. mber in which six German. Japanese Pact against daording to Dr Rich Weiss ed by him as a Ask for our illustrated booklet rabs and a Jew were killed. The Communism.
consequence prisoners expected to be ci his ever busy moments tried under new emirgency miPARIS. government enlitary regulations.
quiry into the secret Order of animals from Siquirres Hooded Ones uncovered a vast Literatura by the Agents: other sections of the lines, it FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPELi recessary to have HUNTINGTON, armament cache and brought to the: SAN JOSE. BOX 329 placed from early morning held ten days in an abandoned charges of a plot against the sec James Seder, 79, kiunap victim. six the number of arrests on in the corral at the Bodega coal mine in what Federal Agents urity of the State. Investigating for inspection by the officer declared was a future 50, 000 Magistrates ordered the Surete in charge ani nere they have extortion plot, died of pneumo Nationale to intensify search DJIBOUTI. The Italians y reliable source it is stated. remain during the hottes: nia en the 16th. inst. Dr. Kes throughout the country, Yor traare being brought down from that an Italian waship lately portion of the day. This hassler, who had attended the forces of the Hooded Society recrui the interior in large numbers, visited Hodeida and a tank been the cause of prostra mer State Superintendent of the ted from several Nationalist Par even open railway trucks are was sent the Imam as a pre. s and death before shi, Anti Saloon ague, said death ties opposed to the Chautemps used for the purpose, and they sent by Italy; British diploping is effected. We beg to was undoubtedly caused by ex government. Surete Agents said are scat away every week uc macy had, however, already suggest that in leeping with posure during the time he had two tong of arms and munitions, wo or three ships.
succeeded in securing autho the usual thoughtfulness been held capitve. It is expecincluding machine guns, rifles.
It is now known that the rity to use the Yemen coast and attention of Mr. Shested that murder pistols, cartridges and hand gra indictments French government has noti in and his Assistant, M: would be granted against three case of necessity. The hy nades were discovered in a raid fidd all Italians on French ter French are also said to be ve fohnson, for the benefit of suspects arrested by Men in a cellar fortress built beneath litory that henceforth only ry friendly with the Imam the travelling public, a shed a Paris apartment house.
thc large and old established and Djibouti is full of petty, te crected to better protect firms will be allowdd to re traders from Yemen.
the poor animais while hud 51 BRUSSELS. Faced by a Ja search of two other cellar fortresses found one empty, but the panese declaration that the Brus tain a Director or Manager The latest Ethiopian news ed together awaiting dispatch. sets Conference had closed for second contained 12 boxes bear of Italian nationality, in all speaks of heavy fighting going traces 02 ever the door of mediation of having carried other cases the staff must being on incessantity, with the arm.
the Far Eastern conflict. Norman French. As a consequence, sc people declaring that the ItaDOCTOR Davis, head of the United Sta veral newly esablished traders lian troops in Sidam, are su NEW YORK The Dionne tes Delegation. conferred with are quitting Italian propa batly trapped that reinforceQuintuplets have a half milion Russian Orlicials on procedure dollars in lquid assets, Dr. Alganda has been very busy lat ments are being rushed from Araya at the next stage of the Conflan Dafoe, their Medicaj Guarterly in Yemen, where a se the sea route. From Wallo Osteopath Practitioner ernce. statement issued by the dian, said: and at three years cret agreement was alleged to Province also comes word Accidents, Fractures, eie.
Japanese Embassy sharply crihave been made with the that the Italian garrisons ar treated and five months they care nothtized the Powers participating ing at all about money, never Imam Yahza an dhis Foreign Sino heavily pressed even in. On a Fracture being sus in the conference, particularly ask for a nickel or dime. Dr. Da Minister, Kazi Mohamed Ra the large towns.
pected consult me Russia, and said the declaration foe said it might be more than immediately ghis. This is absolutely un Ras Seyoum has once again Office, 125 varas North of adopted against Japan was not ten years before the yrеrch the true as the man will never taken the field against the Ita the Bot ca Oriental. worthy of being published in forgive Italy the murder of ilians: he was sent to appcase millionaire stage, because their SAN JOSE the name of the Conference, expenses will be greater from Syrd Mohamed Mukhtar and the Tigrears, but he joined thousands of other Mohame them instead and all Tigre is now on. At the end of their first IRUN, SPAIN dans. Many Italian Doctors said to be following him. JAPAN FORCED TO Insurgent year, the quintuplets had 8, 000 General Headquarters at Sala the Bank: have had orders to leave the 15 their announce Yemen country. From a ve. The Voice of Ethiopia)
Japan the Province of Ontario TRADE IN CASH noissonsport TOKYO. Kohef Goshi, financial expert of the news It is regrettable to have to amiable and sympathetic mana paper Lomiuri Shimbun, paint announce the death in the Wali ges of the Waldek Cacao lac od a dismal picture of Japau deck District o: Mrs. Arntory and plantation, has re foreign money problems.
Smith, wife of Mr. William ned from his vacation in both American and BriSmith, at the age of 62 yea Europe.
tish money markets, refused Mrs. Smith came from the Mr. Czejka is very sympa financing to Japan. Goshi barish of St. James in the Isthetic to the deserving sca! Ceclared, it would be a moland of Jamaica, and had resia Cacao planters, a id has oftea re serious situation than mere or economic Sacco at ed here for more than 30 years, loaned them cash with whch political much respected by the entire to improve their farms and se tions.
community. She took ill seve cure their crops. recent survey by The As.
Seb LIMON ral months ago, and on the ad. These loans ar, of course, sociated Press disclosed that ric of a Medicc in Limon, repaid when the farmers del numerous representatives of she went to the San Juan Hos ver their product at the fac American firms here have been saies sital in San José where she un tory. During the incessant ordered to make cash derwent an operation on the rains of theseason around the only.
2nd of Octoher. She returned last crop. the Waldeck facta Goshi declared that Japan hamahut died on the 24. issiry was inded a salvation to the has found financing of her tant, leaving a husband. ser settlers from Cimarrones Valuations: Denouncements; Estimates: Land and daughter to mourn theit 25 Miles, as had it not been forrade increasingly difficult in New York and London.
irreparable loss.
its operations several thous The sharp decline in Jan Levels: Hydrographic Measurements; Surveys; The Atlantic Voice becsands of pounds ct Cacao wouls pan public bonds on foreign to extend its condolence to the are been lost.
Projections for Tramways, Roads, bereaved family.
It is understood it is the markets clearly shows the exintention of this industrial yetent to which foreign nations Water Works, Buildings: Heliographic rius to institute a Sawing Ma oubt the soundness of Ja.
The residents of the Wachine in conjuction with the man economy. he added.
Tracings; Mining deck and Madre de Dios dis Cacao drver an dsn afford the As American banks are hesito Japan are tricts are prandingly mlease people of the locality another tant, exports Properties Bought and Sold.
weakening and turning gra.
that Mr. Czejka, the very source of income dually from credit selling toAny of the above undertaken on Contract ward cash selling. Discussing a delegation of or Commission.
Japanese people envoys that has gone to the United Rafael Roig States, the commentator said Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica CIRUJANO DENTISTA they are undertaking to recif nolitical misconceptions.
seguirá atendiendo a su numerosa clientela OE Box 523 course. he added San Jose. Telephones 2929, 3201 en la oficina de sich debunking is necessary.
the pan mblem in nin dollars and cents the blow, here regarding exchange dis what Presirlent Roosevelt savs is immediate and painful. Di counts and to establish creBAJOS DEL HOTEL PARK or what the minepower conligent effort should be made dits for buying cotton from ferr does to create a favorable atmos the United States.
When the pressure comes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
FROM 28 MILES TOYS, XMAS CARDS PRESENTS New lot being opened up every day JACK ORANE STORE Engineering Engagements Dr. Virgilio Chaverri don Armando Rodriguez

    CommunismFranceFrancisco FrancoItalySpainViolence

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