
ike Atlantic Vaice THE PREVALENCI UT PRAEDIAL LAECENCY Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Editor English Section: NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Sturday November 27th. 1937 No. 172 With The Warring Nations As an outcome of the recent vernment, it is felt that the u nese administrative Bodies, invisit of Lord Halifax to Ber me is about opportune for a cluding Courts, Mail and Telelin, there is a persistent be move to be taken to stop the graphs is also demanded with lief in certain circles that En conflict. It is further believed a threat of armed force if refu gland and Germany will be that the matter will be defi sed.
making a joint effort to bring nitely taken under considera Latest advices indicate that the Spanish conflict to an ear tion at the meeting next Mon Russia is concentrating huge ly close.
day in London with the French quantities of war material in Russia having announced Premier and Chancellor. Gene her Eastern Provinces. thous her intention of withdrawing ral Franco is supposed to ha and of her bombing planes are form further activities in fave already notified his accep reported to have already been vour ofthe government party, tance of the proposals.
sent to China by way of Siam in order to give attention to In response to the demands and that a large number of sub the Japanese movement along made some days ago, the con marines and material were her Eastern frontiers, and Hi trol of Shanghai Customs pas being located at Vladivostock tler having expressed his wi sed into the hands of the Ja The meantime she has warned llingness to resume complete panese or the 24th. inst. under the Japanese to keep hands off neutrality on being assured of an arrangement with Sir Fre outer Mongolia or risk immethe impossibility of the esta derick Maze, British Inspector diate war with the Soviet blishment of a Communistic go General of Chinese Customs, Uunion.
Complete control of other Chi This evil exists among us to a very great extent; in fact it is so prevalent that agriculturists refuse toplant the minor crops on which our labouring populace depend for their daily articles of diet, and steps are being taken by the ogvernment to block its increase.
Men and youths wander around this community robbing the yams, plantains, yuca, corn and other like stuffs, planted by our cultivatours as a help in the support of their families, and who, naturally, become so disgusted that they abstain from further plantings with the result that the rpices of these things rise beyond the reach of the poor labourer so that he too is often forced to rob in order to exist.
As an outcome of the representations placed before the government o law, known as The Law on Merodeo. has been passed by Congress with a view of suppressing the evil. It will soon be placed in operation In some countries these petty theives are flogged on conviction. It is hoped local Law Officers will protect the planters rather than the thieves as is apparent in some sections of our Zone To effectively curb this pernicious habit, the low will have to be enforced in all its rigidity Groups of young men are konwn to go about stealing oranges, mangoes, coconuts, and other marketable fruits, and should an owner happen to see them and make a protest, he is likely to be mobbed unless he can resort to a gun If, therefore, the law is to be of any avail, Agents of Police must be stern and rigid in their decisions. No sentiment such as that denoted by the popular expression Pobrecito must be Windsor New Job Auto natic Steering brought to bear, or it would be better there were no low and of Vessels TID WONG Nicaraguans Bid for Canal every owner be his own judge and settle the matter in his According to Coelius Van) from the lake metropolis to own way derbilt, Jr. globe trotting wri San Francisco. They will then BUTUHAN MUNCH ter and scion of the house of go to a ranch near San Luis Complete electrical control in Vandesbilt, the ex ruler, of the Obispo for a three day stay the steering of steamships has British Empire, the Duke of and afterward spend a day or just been announced by the Sper Windsor, has signed up as the so with friends at Santo Moni ry Gyroscope Company after a By RANK KLUCKHO:IN representative of a commercial ca. Palm Springs will be the series of satisfactory tests. The motors make it MANAGUA Nicaragua. construction of a short canal firm, and in that capacity will next stop flying from there to new steering start on a tour of the world Mexico City for another three possible for the first time on The longdiscussed Nicaraguan from the lake down to the Pa shrtly after Christmas. No mea day stay. From the old capital commercial vessels for he heims inter ocean canal project is a cific The projected route would to switch instantly froin very real idea here in the ca be about 140 miles long and tion was made on her or not of the Aztecs the couple will men the Duchess we accompany fly to the other city of palms On of the bip steering syspital of Nicaragua Political would require an elaboraie lock that in Florida. Palm Beach to tems to him but it sees likely another Heretofore leaders and many other ha system. Its cost has been estishe will spend some time at visit the Vincent Astors. Short there has been delay in making ve an abiding hope that the mated engineers by army engi shifts Unites States, which holds a neers at 000. 000.
her old home in Maryland. ly before Christmas they will Steamers usually Vanderbilt said the the Astor yacht Duke sail in the to have these ninetynine year option on however, For the present, steering controls, One the canal site and plan, will soon President Anastasio Sonioza work would be of a propagan spend the holiday at the As bridge, another on the flying start work. But that hope lar offers a considerably less ambi da nature and in keeping with tor castle in Bermuda where bridge, a bhird below decks If gely rests on Nicaragua pro tious plan, Nicaragua no long his plans for world peace. The the Duke will complete his pre Duke appears convinced that parations for taking over his one of the systems fails the onounced need for foreiga capi allo completed a new railway ther is ready to take over Needs tal.
under nourishment and ill new job from Lake Nicaragua to Brito housing are the causes of most The Duke of Windsor of navigation also cause shifts.
has Nicaraguans look on the op on the Pacific coast. In an inshown that wherever he goes In the past before internal strife.
the he! mstion for which the United terview with this correspondent The itinerary of the royal he covers the ground thorough man could make the change he states paid 3, 000. 000 in 1916 President Somoza has revealed couple in the United States as ly; doubtless, he will give his had first to make sure that his as a promise that Washington that for a grant of 2, 500. 00 or wheel is in line wih his rudder far as is known includes visits new work the same conscien is going to build the water 000. 000 from the United Sta Under the new system it ma way, which will include dredg tes he would dredge out the to Baltimore, Washington, Phi tious and painstaking attenkes no difference how wheel ladelphia, and Chicago, flying tion.
ing of the San Juan River, San Juan River to provide wa is turned when not in use. The which flows from Lake, Nica terway for deep sea vessels motors attend to lining up. They ragua to the Atlantic; coustrue from the Atlantic to the lake are synchronous. The motors of tion of a dam and locks on the and would in addition grant each wheel are always ready to river up near the lake, and TO PAGE 11 pick up the rudder whenever ano her wheel may leave it. The new motor operates as gyroROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO SERVICIO DE VAPORES pilot. ht same as in previous systems under which human (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
hands needs not touch a wheel LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS after a course has once been EUROPEOS AMERICANOS set until its cop. etion.
To improve li Trave Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA High altitude flying in VAPORES SALIDAS sealed supercharged cabins with speeds approaching 250 miles an PETEN Noviembre 28 hour may probably be offered the trave VERAGUA Diciembre on American Air Transport Lines in QUIRIGUA Diciembre. 12 another eighteen months says a New York wi PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: reless item Para otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de la MN. COLOMBIA United Fruit Company en los bajos del survey of the research work accomplished to Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
date Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 indicate, it is asserted, that Agentes ED. JA NIN Cº the air Lines are satisfied TELEFONO 3156 FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG with both motor performance and cabin experiments Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
FELIPE ALVARADO y Cia. Suc. the latter involving the use of equipment to maintain air will cruise at from 20, 00 to miles. Thirty five passengers Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas pressure similar to that of 25, 000 feet and operate speeds will be accommodated in only a few thousand feet a from. 235 to 250 miles an hour seat planes and 20 in sleeper bove sea level, Air Liners as against the present 190 ones.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
27 Noviembre TO


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