
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November th. 1937 Another Small Drama Wireless News mar LIMON TRADING COMPANY LUMBER YARD trap. She There was another fracas The meantime, Juliet, who Port Spain. Trinidad. Seven around the Ball ground last fortunate in ascertaining, more fugitives from Devil Is.
Saturday. It appears a Ro seeks the aid of the Police in land, including a Chinese wave meo on meeting his Juliet in her search for her lover, but arrived here. They spent 17 days Estrella loaned her the sum gets caught in a in an open boat. Their arrival of twenty colones after she asserts she is from Cahuita, brings the number of these fuhad made certain promises, but Colonel Loria men who gitives now here to 29. Thircorn which she not only failed to are well aware of such intri are expected to leave shortly on keep but immediately left the gues, soor discover that no a voluntary dash for Cuba locality for Limón. Romeo na such character belongs to turally followed on a Bananal that quiet little village, that train and on locating her de she is one of those who had Washington For the first manded the return of his deserted Colon by means of time in nearly two years. Furo stake Harsh words ensued the last Excursion boat and pe has commenced takiag back with the truly irate Romeo that the appellation which some of the huge amounts of resorting eventually to the she carried there a monetary gold which have been fistic art and treating his South. ern land. She pouring into Uncle Sam cof erstwhile Juliet to a severe is consequently held for de fers after the rate of nore than walloping: he then made portation. Thus our Romeo a billion dollars a year for the good his escape to the moun and his Juliet will have tains from whence he had flown from this quiet yet genthau announced that a ship past four years. Secretary Mer come.
wary City for pastures new ment of 10 250. 000, purchased by the French Stabilization Fund, had already left New York We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS LIMON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division was ALLAN SIME Our Shoemakers on Strike a CURRENT ITEMS The on Notas sociales de Cartago to Augsburg, Germany. Reichs chancellor Adolf Hiler told a LIMON, COSTA RICA wildly cheering Nazi rally that Importación the Colonies taken from GermaImports and Exports For some time the workers took place at about, o clock ny at the end of the Worla in our Shoemakng establishm that day.
War were Our lost property andents have been endeavouring to Under the good offices of our Exportacion the world will have to return obtain increased rates of nera much respected Governor, Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit them. Foolish objections to our tion but wothout avail a their meeting was held between redemands must be silenced; what employers claim trade condi presentatives of both parties, the world shuts Its ears to today tions did not warrant Compra de Cacao en their but up to this no solution of Cocoa Purchased It will not be able to ignore in making further concessions in the difficulty has been arrived grano a year time. What it will not this respect at.
listen to now, it will have to The workers however contithink about in three years and nued to press their claims, and KENYA COFFEE in five or sis, it will have to ta eventually threatened to call a ke practical consideration.
LONDON. The Kenya Degeneral strike if the matter we partment of Agriculture estima re not satisfactorily settled. tes the present coffee crop at Congressional Finance pic Games to be held next Fe Aldan Ta Hardin Coun y time was given, and this 24, 000 tons, an increase of 50 Commitee has fixed per cent bruary in Panama, the ban on only surviving Civil War Veteran expiring during the earlier per cent on last year figure, ad valorem as the maximum Coloured people entering that Amariah Chandler, celebrated hours of the foremoon of last but this is regarded by experts export duty on Coffee. The Republic has been lifted for his 100th birthday on the 23rd Thursday, a general walk out as being over. optimistic.
Executive had placed it at ten the season. All, therefore, who instant. The contenarian said he ttttt per cent with a subsequent in desire may visit our neighbour feels hal and hearty, and is wil crease to 12. The Congress will ing Republic during the period ling to keep going for another now decide which of the rates of the festivities.
100. Chandler surprised his Iowa shall apply.
contemporaries by taking his Following on the permission first plane ride. Accompanying MEJORIA garita de Zeller De Alba en The Pacific Refrigerating granted Sugar Manufacturers the gr ay haired veteran was the Ha continuedo mejor de 51. Junion de su hija la bella dama Company propose putting a larto export 50, 000 quintals of their lowa Commander, 91 years old lud la gentil damita He ena Sane, doña Rosemary Zeiler De Alba go John Risley quien fué sometida en días pa de Reynolds, quienes ge quantitiy of Fish on the San product to Germany, the pasaron sados a una intervención qui una temporada en la capital José market apart from their. vernment has taken steps rúrgica. Nuestros más sinceros habiendo salido ya de regreso a principal export business. On avoid a rise of price on the loTuesday last their Trawler, the cal market. large quantity Washington. The Navy High voles por su completo resta su actual residencia en GuateCommand di clone that an air blecimien! o.
mala. Las despedimos atenta White Star, took into Punta of the commodity is being semente.
renas the first catch of fifty cured at the National Liquor base has been established at sit DE VISITA five tons of the Tunny Fish Factory, and in case of an at ka in disregard of Japanese ob De visita entre nosotros es. DE TEMPORADA increase the current Jections to United ates which was inmmediately trans tempt Air tuvo la gentil dama drña Hor La lirda señorita Thelma ferred to their fore installation anywhere intensia liménez de Starke Nues. Fernández Luján se encuentra refrigerating price, sales will be immediaplant.
tely commenced at the present Alaska. Ranking Officers said the Iro saludo.
desde hace dias entre nosotros.
quotation mine sweeper Lapw docked at También pasa una breve The Supreme Court has libeJaponsky land in Sitka harbour OPERACION iemporada en esta ciudad, la October h, with fuel and suprated Lie, don Adolfo Salazar, Fué somelida a una opera gentil señorila Luz María GuDue to the representations though delaring him guilty of made plies for a squadron of six twin ción el sábado pssado la señorite liérrez.
against the projected engined patrol bombers and a concealment regarding the nine Punta Quepos Wharf as a pu garrison of 70 cflcers and men. por su pronta mejoría.
Marta Arburola. Hacemos votos REGRESO thousand dollar drafts, part of jblic utility, the Executive with this force has since been ferried Salió para Nicaragua, de donthe great Postal Departmente drew the project which had HOGAR DE PLACEMES quietly frcin Seattle to the new Robbery. Mr. Salazar had been been submitted to Congress for all year experimntal base, onde seguira para El Salvador, Se halla de gala el hogar del donde reside, el estimable joarrested and detained by the its construction. majority ricers said a minimum caballero Mr. Henry Maynard y ven den Jorge Jacoby. Le preof six Criminal Court but is again at number of Deputies have, how and a maximum of 12 or 13 pla. Therina Céspedes de Maynard pedida.
su apreciebe serora conic sentemos nuestro saludo de desliberty as the result of the ver, we understand, requested nes wiil pass the winter in prae con motivo del nacimiento de appeal by his Attorney, don the Executive to resubmit the tice and survey flights along the un precioso muchach to para el DISTINGUIDOS HUESPEDES miliano Odio Mendez, who is proposal as they intend giving fogbound Alaskan coast and o que deseantos completa dicho Se hallan en esta ciudad las well known in this communi it their support along the lines ver the Aleutian Lles. These Is. en su vida.
opreciobles damas defia Maria previously indicated. It is exlands reach 950 miles across Saenz de Giralt y la señorita pected this request will be con the Behring Sea toward Soviet DISTINGUIDAS VIAJERAS Ester Sáenz Alentamiente 19 a means of securing a ceded within a day por two. Kamchika and the Japanese Ar De paseo en Cartago estuvo las saludomics.
complete success of the Olymchipiélago.
Ha estimable schora doña Mar DE VISITA Tuvimos el placer de saludar entre nosotros a doña Rosalia de Soldevila, estimable señora Nos permitimos hamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our icmark of the tack de la ciudad de Limon.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
TE DE DESPEDIDA Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office El jueves pasado, en el Club Social, fué despedida de su vicina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month Ja de soltera, con un té de lino, de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not la gentil Sua. Rita Troyo Jurado quien contraerá matrimonio en Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pene oblige us to suspend our servicc. step which la tarde de hoy con el caballede tener que cortar su servicis.
we would much regret to take.
o don Mario Barrenechea. LA VOZ DEL ATLÁNTICO» saluda a los estimables contrayentes y les desea ura veniu.
rosa vida conyugal.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón

    Civil WarGermanyNazismSovietSpain

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