
Saturday November Yth. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Ethiopians Still on the War Path Gleannings of World Affairs ryf enfeebled by age, e Virilinets to use The Ex Dictator ways he has sold by all Drug Stores SP THE PRAEDIAL LARCENCY LAW Dr. MEDAL Jr.
con to Cind Alejandro Vargas General Gerardo Machado, ex President and Dictator of CuThe following, taken from long the railway are strongly ba, has delivered himself the issues of The Voice of barricaded. The situation has the American authorities with the rejuvenating Sthiopia of October 30th. become so tense and dange a view of having the investigahormone proparation and November 6th. certainly rous for Italy East African tion of the accusations placed FOR MEN, Misclose conditions far dif possession in Entrea that against him by the Cuban authaccording to Dr Rich Weiss.
Merent from what other sour troops are being rushed to Ask for our illustrakd booklat orities supervised by American ces would have us believe. reinforce their garrisons at intervention.
la DJIBOUTI Further Asmarra and elsewhere.
a news from Ethiopian sources Foreigners are leaving Adtravelled all through Europe listate 14 thousand Italians dis Ababa in large numbers Literatura by the Agents: FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL eshave been killed near Maka and it is said the Italian aut and is now anxious to stand the trial and clear his name of all SAN JOSE. BOX 329 si le, while all other garrison horities have informed them stigra.
towns in those regions are so they can travel even withasurrounded that airplanes hajhout the usual official permis Dave to be throwing food to thesion as it is not known when, DR. HERRICK DIES Italian soldiers.
the city may be attacked, as Doctor Alfred Birch Herrick, ve All roads to Addis Ababa Dejazmach and Kenazmat the Wizard in Medicine at Pahave been interrupted; only! ch are reported in the near nama, died on Tuesday last. He Referring to this evil whichas published in the Gazette of Esthe Railway line has not, for vicinity with their forces. was considered a marvel in me is dealt with in our today leal Sunday the 14th. inst. It is political reasons, been tou Two hundred Italian army dical science and hundreds of der, we note that the law re compulsory that you strict Iched. though trains contain trucks which were sent persons flocked to his consult cently passed in connection with attend to this order which is Tring Italian troops are very of to.
the Aussa region ha ling rooms from these Repub it was published in the Offi now given you.
cai ten derailed.
ve been destroyed. The nati lies and the West Indian Islands. cial Gazette of the 14th. instant Ma Baidani Arabs aro being ves made a surprise attack His death will be severely felt. and that much scope is given In the Gazette referred to Hy forcibly engaged as laboures on the force in charge whom Agents of Police er Jefes Poli by the Inspector General it is y by the Italians for work in they slaughtered and then AMERICAN CHINESE AID ticos to rigidly, deal with ma shewn that a conviction for lar fan Massawa and other places. burned trucks. The people a NATIVE LAND rauders found straddling aro cency of growing crops carries de The Somalies are quittigre expecting severe reprisals As a result of a recent para und picking peoples fruit, ca a sentence of two years imprien the country in consequence The town of Ambo, about ca sonment. Hence those who are de of this.
forty miles from Addis Aba de through New York Chinese nes, plantains, bananas, of me Troops are being amass ba, has been recaptured by district a sum totalling 11, 000, cao or any other kind of culti known to be frequenters to aid China in her war with vated product. Oru men and others people farms on Sunyfr in Eritrea to take the Grazof the Ethiopians under Japan, was raised in a few mi youths should therefore take days, stealing their yams, ca fensiv against the Tigreansmach.
En and Amharas. All stations anutes, Contributions were tos heed for the Fiscal Guards ha cao, yuca, plantains and fruit nos and ve received instructions to ased, it is said, into flags should observe that the Jud banners carried by young wo rrest any suspicious vagrant ges cannot now treat the offen mer men, and long strings to which who is reported as being addic ce are lightly as they were acde were tied bills of all denomi ted to the vile practice. customed to do.
Rod tiones were fed into the mouth Previously, if the goods sto It is mainly through the vi Un of a large cloth Dragon.
len did not amount in value llainy of these. Narauders that twenty five colones, Our the cost of living has reachCirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist de De la Universidad de Loyola, Agente Principal de Policia ed such an abnormal height.
From Loyola University, a New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, could discharge an accused per Honest farmers are, disgusted DOCTOR son if he were of the opinion and will not plant merely that Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional that the offence had been com these rogues may reap. We the gut fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up013 mitted as a consequence of refore, see yams at 25 cents Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinie.
elo Araya hunger. He cannot do this un, per pound, yuca 15 cents plan contiguo a la oficina on Located next to the Osteopath Practitioner der the new law. The followtains 05 cents each.
del Cable. All America Cables The Accidents, Fractures, etc. ing is a translation of the Ins The determination of the Ins 05 treated tructions sent by the Inspector pector General that his Subor On a Fracture being sus General to his Subordinates. dinates should proceed relenpected consult me Señor Jefe del Resguardo. tlessly against all offenders immediately 30 This department is disposed to will. we hope, provide our ho office. 125 varas North of wage an active and OC the Bot ea Oriental, effective nest, thrifty agriculturists with SAN JOSE campaign against Vagrancy (el thd much needed protection It is very pleasing to know bernacion in place of Mr. Luis merodeo) as we believe 80 the and so be of the greatest good, there is among us one who is Cortés recently resigned. Mr.
strict observance of this law eventually, to our general com worthy of our hignest apprecia Curling will be carrying out will be of the greatest belle munity.
tion for his scholastic attainm the duites of the office during Francisco Fonseca Ch. fit to our agriculture, the prin ents. Mr. Alexander Curling, the period in his college vaca cipal fountain of our National LAWYER NOTARY son of Mrs. Maud Curling of tion, and will be returning to wealth. We are going to wage José chion Ng.
PUBLIC San José, has passed with hon his studies in March next year.
a merciless warfare against Comerciante Detallista ours his scond years Law Cour The ATLANTIC VOICE taOffice: these marauders on the cultise at the Liceo of Costa Rica. kes the greatest pleasure of welvations of others, you will the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Adjoining to the City So highly are Mr. Curling coming Mr. Curling and congrarefore do everything Public Library possible Articulos de Ferreteria y attainments regarded by his su that the door of honour stands to asist our activities in your Eléctricos; tolo se encuentra perior Law Officers that he co tulates him for demonstrating ENGLISH SPOKEN position as Jefe Politico or en este establecimiento.
mes here recommended to fill open to coloured men of abiliFORMER JUDGE OF THE gentede Policia and you will PRECIOS DE SITUACION the position of Pro Secretary ty and character. His success LIMON DISTRICT COURT commence by instituting infor in the Office of the City Go is our gain.
mation to include a record of LIMON all (suspicious persons with a marked inclination to praedial thieving Each time you take action under this law you must notify Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON this office by telegram.
Vea See every fifteen days you shall submit a written report of your ABOGADO las CAMAS The latest activities in this respect. Any y NOTARIO PI BLICO omission on your parto to con SIMMONS ply with this order will be re garded as a misdemeanour Oficina: Altos Pasde último esand will seriously operate SIMMONS against you. Opportunely, you cual Ingianna nos will be sent a copy of the law acaban de 009000000 soseoo30000990esoooooo arrived llegar (THE PACHECO NEW PHOTO STUDIO)
150 varas South of the Cathedral, San José.
Street Car to Pacific Station passes door.
Studio equipped with the most modern Appliances.
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