
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday November Yth.
coberta TOTAL la.
205 37 245 131 36 167 2. 3 17 54 53 12 18 137 RN SS. CO HAPAG Ladies Gents Tailor For Style Character and Good Taste.
45 21 73 35 18 27 80 TOTALES 257 27 41 333 220 71 39 54 384 MOVIMIENTO POR PUERTOS If you want the experience wearing a real smart out come along to Ide PROCEDENCIA PUERTOS DESTINO Cunie to IOTAL la 2a Cubierta TOTAL 1a.
Jen JCIN ROGER los sintonino 2006 TIIT Il هاا این ابن ابها Il no IIIIIIIII 115 19 va Sis ܝܘ ܝܬ 7 ܟ ܝ. III III LA Toll II III III III II II S. ܥܐ The as seen by Local Adhere Sow the Wind Reap the Whirlwind.
anrar MO con ites.
posible Fanpa LIMON Bewok 15 Tew Orleans Ladies say he is adept Luiste ba.
157 205 152 53 30 Puerto Colombia.
making Coats, Costumes HuCuriogena Leeches, Ete.
La Guayra Pue to C, bello. Hotirocan 24 Barbados Kirsin ho Habulia 14 Dea: Mr. Editor.
with space always at a prepida Puerto rrios But even if yon ariel Tampico.
Kindly permit me the nec2r the privilege or dong sobra sary pace in your most interest tor, my opponent would yna, ing Weekly to reply to a letter be abie to appreciate. In TOTALES 267 27 41 1333 220 71 391 54 384 appearing in the Central Amer urety, the logical facts of bes ican Express of the 20th. gume. t, he is not sur ce tant over the signature of equipped mentally, his beMitchell of expresing him ell clean, The writer accuses me of hav constrates this.
ble Shortly after nine o clock Fri. After the receipt o! so thorongh ried. Several men and women ing sent to the Jamaica GlenI can member an offibon day night of last week, residents ja vara hing, Bee is said to have in this country have meet the ner the news watch was repro the Limon Divi on asking onof the vicinity of Third Street staggered to her quaterters and, doom at her hands; even the duced in the Central American me two months or so ago gui and wird Avenue were thrown arming herself with a Colts 48 authorities at Siquirres had a ti Express of the 13th Novemve him an niterview la te lad, into a terrible state of excite returned to the public thorofare mes, to be very warw in truat ber under the head. ine Costa kor the Association, did so im ment wien four revolver shots where Fanny again pitches into ing with such a viper.
ca News Items. May lemina on my a king him about the rang through the air and it was her with the aid this time, In all cases such as this, the Mr. Mitchell that since he claiming of the Division, h: cl discovered that the great cele the half of a Baseball Bat. Bee law must naturally run Its coused not sufficientiy in el they were not doing brity Fanny Giant bad met her, thereupon pulls the gun and lets se, but ail acquainted with the ligent to write an article which any Headquarters. lles Ceath at the hands of Catherine drive at the fierce wretch in hu women had the circumstances appeared in your paper some ti stated they were not in Thomas better known as Bee. man form, who not withstand which led to the tragedy, hope, me ago but that rad allowcament with Mr. Garvery a Five San Both women were from Siqui ing the penetrating of her head the au horities will deal as it myself to be used as a tool by Years Plan for by the shot, endeavours to con niently as might be you how can be now charye me dollar drive. do not the ma The tragedy apparently came tinue the pounding of her op. with the accused woman. Grant with having wilfully supplied the ee why the President of about in tois wise. Some time a ponent, but another and another was one of those vile devis who Gleaner with the item? Tlow Division should De so go Bee is said to have loaned and still yet another shot pene. Indulged in the Whi e Slave tra could have so suddenly acquiren the information con Fanny the sum of fourteen colo rates the air and the famous de. de, soe would en velgie young ed the necessary faciligence in the news item is true, ne and on heariag she had won vil of Siquirres falls to mother slls from their parents or el tack? So far as am aware, ana yels of the letter under But why this unprovoked at will not under ake 21 a considerable amount alleged to earth a mass of polluted flesh. dians and start them off on have done him no harm. vin ly, the task is not works be 2. 000 by Chances, goes for Somewhat peculiar one of the life of debauchery. Later, che trouble the recovery of the loan. Fanny shots seem to have come in con would call on them for loans cf not however, attempt to Iully di vites her in o her room with my sincere thank and tact with metallic Substance on moneys which she had no inten cuss the matter here, as it can Eee, being under the pleasing im the Viper body and rebounding lion of ever repaying, and not be sa isfactoriy done within pace.
on pression she is about to be re inflicted a wound on one of the being asked would mercilessly. the compass of a newspaper the Edwin Horde paid enters willingly. She is how feet of Thomas, so she too had rat them with sticks cu: Isom size of The Allant Voice Limón, Nov. 1937.
ever quickly di illusioned for to be taken to the hospital for a physic nut tree in the cenele.
Her debtor, who is a heavy stal treatment afer being placed un ry and buried for some time in wart wench immediately starts der arrest.
one of the graves, whatever et.
giving her a severe thrashing The sympathy of all tho hay ticacy there may have been.
FOR SALE and had it not been for the time been acquainted with both con the e.
SE VENDE ly asistance rendered by a na, testants goes out to me unfortui tive man she might have been nate girl Bee as the other was Fine Two Storey Residence Hermosa casa de dos sos killed. Butting the poor girl to known as a savage wretch and Land at Madre de Dios. terreno en Madre de Dios.
the floor, Fanny applied her desesperada in fine garments Propiedad que fue de Mr Tread, her knees, her hands in whom al felt sati. fied had met Property of late Carr. Carr eddition to every available uten her just reward. Fanny Grant is sil in the room on tier unsuspect known to have returned here Informe. ISRAEL BLANCO Pensión Costa Rica ing creditor. It took three loen to from he Uni ed States afier o Pulpería Fior de Asturias. Pacifico. San José get the celebrated Fanny off her doing up the man to whom she LIMON victim was supposed to have been marFábrica de Hielo Leath Reveals Male Servant to be Wom Refrescos OISTER BAY, ment. Fifteen fellow serva Death on the 16th. instant. also failed to pierce the kept the secret of why reption. They only knew the woman for fourteen years the butler had been born Du SORTEO DEL 19 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1937 masqueraded as a male bu France and worked as a ct tler and chef, under the na ir a New York hotel, bef PREMIO MAYOR 100. 000 me of Alfred Grouard, in thi joining the Sear househd household of Joseph Sears, Alfred weighed Divididos en vigésimos a 1. 50 el vigésimo LA FLORIDA retired millionaire publis pounds and was support Usted puede pasar unas her. Investigators were baf to be about 55 years old. Stel fled by lack of information was regarded a perfect PASCUAS ANO NUEVO Fábrica de Hielo regarding the woman early vant, and during her 13 ye muy felices, comprando solamente life. Sears, who said the dis service never asked a Venta de Leche covery was an amazing sur off. She had always refus Maderas prise, explained that his wi medical attention and fe had engaged the butler true sex was only discover from a newspaper advertise. after her death.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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