
the The CRICKET ASSOCIATION Workers Again Complain Agairt Coupon System WORTHY CAUSE EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ 800TH (From Page 7) They assert that there is not to the United States a trea y sufficient traffic to justy the Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Public Notaries Best permitting free access for Ame outlay for another canal. They SAN JOSE. LIMON SAN JOSE LIMON Baked rican troops and materials in say that in case of war one ca Oficina en Limón: Office in Limon adjoins case of war and use of his nal would be easier to defend Berlin new railway on through to the than two and that if the forty Conntiguo a la Munici shat of the Municipality Bread Pacific mile passage at Panama could palidad (frente al Parque) opposite the Park Buns The proposal raises several not be protected the 140 mile cuits Cakes questions, both of policy and Nicaraguan waterway certainly tactics. Down in Panama the could not. They point to the The. People Bakery officials have persistently label work required to make Box 179. Limon ed the plan for a Nicaragua ca San Juan River navigable. And nal as ridiculous.
to President Somoza new proposal. they reply that locks The Board of Control of this, Cricket? Secretary is also to lift ships 120 feet would be Association endeavoured to hold needed, one who will be the required in addition to dredg a meeting last Wednesday night Association live wire. Would ing the river, and add that but for the second time within to heaven Mr. Clarke would even then there would be no the fortnight a quorum could prove willing to sacrfice some We understand the wor. vales or coupons which must outlet to the Pacific.
not be obtained It in noted that of his time to the affairs of the kers on certain Banana far be exchanged for goods in The whole propsal is un although this effort was sched game. Oh, for a Chambers in ms located on the Old Lines certain establishments. doubtedly at least partiy due uled for p. neither the this respect.
Districts have reported to The matter has been plato financial conditions here. Vice President nor the Secreta This will be an important the government that they a ced it is said under investi President Somoza took office ry appeared up to 30.
season so far as one can judge, re again being forced to ta gation by the officials in this year to find a bankrupt. It is regretted that Cricket and an energetic Secretary will ke part of their earnings in charge of such matters. Treasury and a falling currency. should have fallen to so low an consequently be needed to keep ttttt United States Marines used to ebb that not even a quorum track of things. It is hoped that spend a good many thousands can be secured to revive the the next effort of the Board of dollars here annually. Now activities of the Board. Why to get up a meeting will be sucboth the marines and their mo will not the representatives cessful and that the representaThe Baptist Women Fe cents, the price of a Ticket. ney are gone. Tre situation is of the Clubs meet and, in view tives of the Clubs will be fully ration will stage or Monday We bespeak a crowded hou most depressing. Accordiag to of the present chaotic state of prepared to select as President, night, the 29th, instant, anot se to enjoy the Song Birds the politicians in power, it os affairs, elect a President in pla not only a good man but one her of their very successful and HELP GOOD CAUSE. a result of previous raladmice of Mr. Aubrey Spyer who whom it is known will serveconcerts to whicn a Silver nistration, and that may be true had to resign on account of his It is but a waste of time electTree will on this occasion in part. In any case, Nicara health. Cannot another influen ing a man only to be afterwards be added.
gua needs money.
tial man be found who will told he cannot officiate.
Apart from being assured There was some talk of ask devote a little of his time to of a highly musical entertain GUACIMO GUAPILES ing for a United States works ment, conducted by the me Ogrant to start construction on see DogovedcocO000 lodious voices for which the was the canal project. This Baptist Choir is blessed, the Cantina, licores proceeds are to be appropria Extranjeros y del país.
could bility ted for aiding the poor of Tienda bien surtida our City at Xmastide.
not constitutionally acept such AIL Abarretes en general.
a grant or participate in any who cannot through force of circumstances, attend therePrecios sin competencia project so financed. Hence the new proposal the idea of fore should send their fifty for 000 a ject which would be supervised by United States engineers.
One cynical Nicaraguan has at suggested that the whole problem might be solved if the LIMON United States were to pay the Nicaragua Government several 000000OOCOOOOO De veea OOOOOOOOO million dollars for not building the canal. Cynical as this El más surtido en Matina view may be, there is a kerIn our Island Home, when to be no thrill. How difnel of truth in it. The measu the period for holding Mis ferent. re of that truth may be judg. sionary meetings and Servi Well, the Baptist Societs ed by recalling that a few ces come around, men and under the Revd. Forde, months ago some influential women gather together from will be having their MISNicaraguans were talking loose every corner of the Parish, SSIONARY Services and TEAMS GAMES PLAYED Won LOST PERCENTAGE ly of plans to cancel the op coming in buggies and cars, Meeting on Sunday and Mon tion if work on the conal we on horseback and on foot, to day the 5th and 6th DecomCubs 6 1. 000 re not soon begun. Nicaragua meet their Associate Church ber when ths usual troupe Caribe 3 0. 750 would like to have the canal, Workers and hear what has of speakers will be assisting Motive Power 3 0. 750 of course, but needs money been takmg place during the Lets all get out and be re Pathfinders 2 0. 400 more.
past year. Here there seem freshed by their experiences Unifruitco. 4 200 Surtidcra. 0 0. 000 LUIS WA CHONG con boiled down to an impor TOYS, XMAS CARDS PRESENTS to be used on a dredging pro New lot being opened up every day JACK ORANE STORE HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes MISSIONARY SERVICE Limón Base Ball League TO OIO Banco Nacional de Costa Rica 1 4 SCORS OF GAMES PLAYED Motive Power Surtidora.
Caribe 13 Surtidora.
Cubs 13 Pathfinders Paihfinders 17 Unifruitco Unifruiico 24 Surtidora.
Cubs 11 Molive Power Caribe 13 Unifruitco Cubs 19 Surtidoro.
Cubs 12 Caribe Motive Power. Urifruilco.
Pathfinders 14 Surtidora.
Cubs 16 Unifruitco.
Caribe 14 Pathfinders.
Surtidora. Motive Power 6 8 11 9 12 BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK ofrece al público offers the public los servicios de su the services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON para toda clase de all kinds of bank servicio bancario service rendered Nore. There are 30 League Games scheduled of which 15 have been played. The changes which occur in the posi lions of the Clubs will be shown weekly.
Games Scheduled for Nov. 28 a. CARIBE versus SURTIDORA 12. 30 CUBS versus MOTIVE POWER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Micwel. ro


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