
WITH THE WARRING NATIONS ike Atlantic Vaice WIRELESS NEWS at THE RUIN OF THE COFFEE INDUSTRY AIR MAIL RATES THE FRUIT CO NEW WATER WORKS FURTHER REDUCED we of mong the warring nations are Britain, France and the United as fierce as ever they were. Ge States, Japan has persisted in Devoted to the interesis of the people of the Atlanta Teral Franco has expressed his her right to act independent Editor English Section: NATION determination to bring the Spaly in seizing control of all Chi nese communication facilities nah goverment to hummiliation by the end of the Britain year in the Shanghai area.
Year IV Limon Co: 10 Rica, liday December h. 1937 173 with a powerful and decisive asserts that the Customs is pled offensive from the Aragon front ged to her by reason of an inter national debt, and the United though up to this bad weather States say the open door of on the one side, and the commerce in China must be staunch resistence of the loyal forces on the other are holding maintained at all costs. It is therefore left to be seen LONDON bim and his Italian hordes who The British and harmed on the night of the 28th. maged, neither did it mention to ultimo, when an assassin fired the nationality of the plane.
bey. The government claims will give way in these discus French Statesmen are said sions. In the meantime Russia have worked out detailed mili four shots at his motor car. Tecent victories on the upper central Aragon fronts, whi continues concentrating her ma tary plans to defend their Me member of the Green Shirts As AMSTERDAM. The Nether the intensive aerial bombings terials of war along the Mon diterranean lifelines against the sociation, a small group with lands. Prince Bernhard, husby the insurgents on the Magolian frontier with warnings ultimate victor in the Spanish Fascist tendencies, was arrest band of Crown Princess Juliadrid front within the past few to Japan to keep her hands off. Civili War. The Naval and Army ed and charged with the at na of the Netherlands, was badAdvices received during the staffs of both countries were tempt.
dys are regarded as imminence ly injured when he was thrown against the windshield of a major insurgent drive. Si past few days report the Japa said to have drafted plans to of his ralar unslaugts are known to nese wore pursuing retreating balk Italo. German control of MARSEILLES. The French automobile in a collision with a Hive preceded successful insur Chinese to fortified lines close the Western and Southeastern Freighter Le Zardrieux, report heavily laden sand truck.
fint operations in the Bisca to Nanking after capturing se. portions of the sea. This accorded an attack by airplane 15 mi He suffered head injuries but on campaign.
veral important strongholds. based on the supposition Ita les Northeast of Cape Creus, on officials said he was believed to Notwithstanding the agree. In the Southern region despe. y would drive General France the Spanish coast just South of ment zy Franco and Massolini rate efforts on the part of the o victory and get payment it the French border. The message (TO PAGS 9, ic withdraw all foreign volun the Chinese are said to have he shape of territorial conces did not say if the ship was daHers and leave the Spaniards stalled the progress of the Japs ions.
to settle their own disputes, we from Hangchow Bay, while on have not heard one word a the North, the Kiankying Forts CAIRO Premier Musta bout the repatriation of the overlooking the Langtze River pha Nahas Pasha escaped unF0. 000 Italians who are sup were still being stubbernly ised to be fighting along with held.
Due to the decision of Brazilling the obligations in connecHe rebels.
as the outcome of her disputetion with the country foreign with Colombia, not only to de debt, for which the tax is dessist from destroying as former tined, hence the consternation in ly the greater portion of her Congress. The old rate fetched yearly crop of Coffee but to ex about a million and a quarter great lesson in constructive lesson which should be well remem port the entire amount, estimat colones. The suggested 12 per jork has bee exhibited here by bered by the country Departa cms year at around twentycent rate was estimated to give Se ingenuity of Mr. Brown, ment of Public Works, and Under the Decree recently pub million sacks producers in this about one million, while this he Contrator in charge of the lay shall watch with interest their lished, a new international air mail country are awfully concern proposal of Congress would Tag of the new Cañeria for the Uni speed and efficiency when the time tariff went into operation on the ed as they are excepting prices reduce it to about half a million td Fruit Company arrives for the construction by Ist. instant.
sik into practical nothingnes taking into consideration the ex He has accomplished a supposed them of the City Cañeria which The basic weight for ordinary when compared with forme pected fall in prices Some possibility, by the bringing of his has been so much talked about dur correspondence having been brought ears.
means of reducing the expense inch pipes over hills and dales, ing the past six months or so. down to five grammes the cost of Prices have already fallen in of placing the product on the Lhrough swamps and creeks, across When will they begin? Of course postage to the countries included the London. American and Ger world markets has therefore the Cieneguita and Limoncita, we wont attempt saying anything under the agreement is greatly re man markets and producers and to be considered and the fire of rivers and suspending them some with regard to the time the work duced. The rates are now. To the proprietors of threshing mills these is ocean freight, as loweight feet above river currents, will take, but will throw out this United States, 0. 60: to Panama, have appealed for protection. As er rates in transportation must Within the space of two short hint. Would it not suit the Limon the Canal Zone and Nicaragua, a means of relief it was sugbring increased earnings to promonths so that we now find his Community to request that the ser 0. 35; Colombia, 0. 80; Jamaica, zested that the export tax beducers, workers and exporters men digging through the city and vices of Mr. Brown be engaged? 0. 85; among others.
alike. The reason why the Kenlaying his pipes toward the great The rate had been one of One ya Cacao can SO successfully intake Tank already erected on the the top of the Valverde hill overlook, ing the Machine Shops. In another one of ad valorem, of 12 per is but three dollars per ton fortnight the connection with the Tank will have been accomplished.
cent, which has been eventual due to competition in ocean serThis is certainly a marvel in y reduced, on the recommenda vice. Brazil, in consequence of speed for work of the kind, especial, CRISTOBAI. Sweeping bany calling for the transfer of mittee on Appropriations to sly lower prices, had to resort to tion of the Congressional Com an inferior coffee and naturally when such difficult marshy loca ges in the United Fruit Compa three luxury liners Chiriqui per cent. This rate is consider reduced ocean freight until ultilities had to be traversed. It is a alamanca and Antigua From ed too low by the Executive mately the govery ent founded he Facific to the Atlantic and Council as it would not allow its own tleet of transports and he devclopment of all brands Parama service accuding provision to be made for meetTo Page o the ful capacity of itens ve been announced by Matthew ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO On aru, 15uwa.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES The aucun cement comes after nonths oi panning an (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
ex pected to fulfill ail require LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS mont of what promises to be EUROPEOS AMERICANOS the banner touri. season of the coinpany history. Kvery branch of operation will be affected as Salidas semanales de LIMON pora NUEVA YORK the new program cauis aura Tans con escola en CRISTOBAL HABANA ter or change in scheduled of practically every ship In the VAPORES SALIDAS Great White Fleet.
Effective Nov. 27 with the ar VERAGUA Diciembre riva of the Cur qui Balboa the transfer of the three QUIRIGUA Diciembre 12 two year old liners will start. PETEN Diciembre 19 the Talamanca and the PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Antigua to follow at wekly Inc. yals until all will be OD: Para otros informes dirijase o las oficinas de la rating on the Caribbean United Fruit Company en los bajos del Vapor VENEZUELA Dicbre. 11 These ship: wiil be added to Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
the service now maintained by Vapor COTA RICA Dicbre. 25 the equally new luxury liners TELEFONO 3156 Peten, Varagua and Quirigua Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 with the difference that all six of the flee: cruiser type vesseis Agentes ED. JA NIN CO will aleinate in turn on the New FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Agentes paro Limón y Puntorencs York Habaus Cristóbal. Colom bian ports run, ther by greatly Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. 47 Este documento de propiedad de la biondoteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema econal de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
UNITED FRUIT Co. MAKES SWEEPING quintal, so it was amended to transportation rates from AirMARITIME CHANGES UNITED FRUIT Co.


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